Roses and Pearls


(Back to Basics for) Beautiful YOU–Core Concentration is an online class that I started last August.  It’s been a fun journey this past (almost) year!

I’ve been asked just what IS an online class and how does it work?

Glad you asked! 🙂

This isn’t a class where you have to show up at a certain time–I have had international T-Tappers be a part of the class, so no matter where you live in the world, you can “attend”!

Each month I pick a different workout to focus on, and I focus specifically on the core throughout that workout. The core IS the “core” of T-Tapp!  This lays a great foundation for any workout that you do.  So far we’ve done MORE 2, LadyBug, Healthy Hormones Menopause Management, Total Workout Super Slow, SATI and TappCore, Warm-Up Workout #1 along with Debulk Sequences, Senior Fit, the Critter Crunch Series, Broom and this month we are tackling Tempo Arms!

To participate, you need to own and be at least somewhat familiar with one of the following:  Basic Workout Plus, Total Workout, MORE, Healthy Hormones Menopause Management, or have attended a clinic within the last 6 months.

After registration I send out a Welcome Letter which also tells about the month’s schedules.  There are usually 4-6 schedules, everything from full workouts every other day to just 10 minutes a day.  You also get the schedules and a document with core tips.

I have a private forum where the party starts–and it is really private–no one gets in except whom I personally add! 🙂

Each week I share a core focus to help you get extra core activation, a bonus focus which is a bonus move with extra tips (especially core tips), daily tips (non-Tapp related but everything from skin care to health tips to inspirational quotes), and of course a check-in thread to see how you are doing.   You can ask questions, share a-ha’s and successes, too!

Once a month we have a teleconference call where I am actually doing and talking through some of the moves from the month’s workout–you can either take notes or do them along with me.  You are able to download the mp3 so you can go over it at your convenience.  The second half of the call I have talked about adrenal fatigue, skin care, sneaking fitness in, how we talk to ourselves–and more!

Along with the physical core focus, I also focus on core thoughts and what we believe as that also affects us–to the very core!

And discounts!  Yes, you can get a discount on T-Tapp products and dvds while participating in Beautiful YOU!

There is a Skype option but you do not have to Skype to receive benefits from the class!   We have a lot of fun–some months we’re more quiet and others there are lots of questions and sharing!  If you do choose the Skype option, you are getting an hour session at a 25% savings off the regular price!

June’s focus will be Hit the Floor Combo.  If you’ve wanted to tackle floorwork, this is the class for you!  And yes, there will be a schedule focusing on short segments daily! 🙂  (Having a fast forward button handy is nice!).

In July we will do one of my favorites–MORE!  MORE has made up about half of my workouts over the past 7 years!  I’ve even taught a weekly MORE class for almost 2 years since becoming a trainer.  MORE is great whether you need training wheels or a racing bike!  I’m excited to focus on the core with–MORE! 🙂

And August will find us returning to the basics–Basic Workout Plus!   BWO+ is a full body workout all by itself–in just 15 minutes!   We’ll break it down even more, though, so you will be able to really focus on that core!

Due to a small glitch on my part, June’s class won’t be in the T-Tapp store until Tuesday (let’s just say some simple technological things get by me sometimes! 🙂 )   If you want to take your core concentration up a notch, then Beautiful YOU is for–well–YOU!

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or contact me via the Talk to Trisch tab at the top of the page!  And if you have suggestions to which workouts you’d like to see me focus on in future classes, please share!

I hope to see you soon in a Beautiful YOU class!

Photo Credit:  The Rose Cottage

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