Online Classes
Defeating Diastasis
Close the tummy gap and strengthen your core in this video program!
As a Master T-Tapp Trainer, I created this course after using T-Tapp workout moves and techniques to close my own diastasis recti gap, and has since helped other women close the gap using the same techniques. Now you can benefit from the same tips I share with my clients!
I’ll be opening registration around the first of the year, January 2021! You can read more and sign up for the interest list at Defeating Diastasis, or you can sign up HERE for the first 3 lessons for FREE! Signing up for the free Sneak Peek will place you on the interest list as well. I’ll be sharing with that list FIRST when registration will be opening!
NEW Recorded Class Packages!
I just finished a Back-to-Basic series for Basic Workout–both standing AND seated! There is an instructional for each move (and each variation of some of the moves), classes with 3-4 moves at a time, 2 half workout classes and one class of the entire workout. You can build up to the entire workout with these classes! My class pace is faster than the instructionals but not as fast as Teresa goes in the original Basic Workout dvd or Basic Super Set digital workouts. If you own those, this would be a great way to work your way into the originals and not lose form!
You can check out Back-to-Basics with Basic Workout or Back-to-Basics SEATED Basic Workout— both packages have free previews! I even have bundles including these workouts–check them out on the course page HERE!
Chair Champions & Chair Cruisers!
Can you really get activation and lose inches in a chair?! Yes you CAN! One participant lost 1/2 inch off her abs after only FIVE days of doing these seated workout classes! Another lost 2 inches off her navel area! She also found the seated classes helped eliminate lingering pain and other issues from a recent car accident!
Chair Champions is a recorded class package of 15 classes, plus a short bonus video guiding you through Chair Hoedowns Whether you are unable to do standing workouts or want to focus more on activation, Chair Champions is a great choice! Hear what Em says about it:
Chair Champions is gentler than standing workouts but calls for more activation and fascia connection than any of the chair workouts I have done in the past. I am happy because I can tell this is the right routine for me right now, as I am looking forward to feeling that activation but do not have enough energy for the standing workouts or coordination for floor workouts. My whole body is pleasantly sore, not painful.
I’m grateful that Trisch provides a lot of guidance in the videos, as I need those even though I’ve been T-Tapping for more than a year. It serves me well to review the basics to get the most out of my short workout session.
Another great seated workout package is my Chair Cruisers!
61 classes including:
- 15 stretch classes
- 29 individual move instructionals
- 15 classes of 3 moves each
- 2 stepping classes–YES! Stepping in a CHAIR!
Best part of all? ALL classes are 10 minutes or less!
I’m hearing lots of feedback of how participants are feeling activation in moves they’ve never felt while standing! This is my most comprehensive package yet–and I LOVED creating it for you! (As a heads up–I’ll be offering special deals for Cyber Weekend! Shhhh!)
Webcam Sessions
No trainer nearby? If you’re interested in a 1-on-1 webcam session, contact me!
Upcoming Clinics and Retreats
I LOVE live events!
While I don’t have any definite plans for 2020 yet, check back later–I might be coming to a city near YOU!
If you are interested in a clinic near you, contact me–you never know what might work out! 🙂

Private and Semi-Private Training Sessions:
You Are WORTH It! One-on-one private training session, 1 1/2- 2 hours: $75
Bring a Friend and Share the Fun! Semi-Private session, 2 people, 2 hours: $60 each
Bring a Few More and Let’s Really Share the Torture Fun! Semi-Private session, 3-4 people, 1 1/2-2 hours: $50 each
All prices are at my location. If you would like me to come to your location over 20 miles from my home, there will be an additional charge of .55 per mile.
You can set up a private session via the contact form. You can pay via PayPal through my store (see product), or in person.

What is a clinic?
What is a clinic, and how is it different than a private session or class?
A clinic or workshop usually lasts a few hours with a slower pace through a T-Tapp workout. There are more explanations and tips to help maximize results and it’s a great opportunity to meet other T-Tappers! If you’d like to schedule a clinic in your area, contact me. Cost of facility and distance to your location will determine the minimum number of participants needed to hold a clinic. I offer a huge discount for teen and stay-at-home daughters who accompany their mothers! Weekly classes offer some personal instruction, depending on size of the class, but we are working through a workout together at a normal pace. A private or semi-private session offers focused on your needs plus any new tips and tweaks to get the best results! Plus you can invite a few friends to share the fun! It is kept smaller to give you individualized attention.