T-Tapp is having their annual 60 Day Challenge and YOU can win a spot at the annual Safety Harbor Retreat!

Here is the page with the rules, FAQs, entry forms, etc.

If you’re not familiar with the 60 Day Challenge, it is a two month challenge to use only T-Tapp workouts (walking, treadmill and elliptical are also allowed) to see what just T-Tapp can do for you!  There are prizes, even if you don’t win a grand prize in your category!  Category winners get to attend the annual Retreat at Safety Harbor, FL!  It is a fabulous and fun time, learning about new products and form tweaks, as well as working out with other T-Tappers and with Teresa herself!  It’s just an all-around fun and FANTASTIC time!

Click on the link above and read over the rules and FAQs, to see if this might be something you’d like to participate in.  It starts April 10 and runs through June 10.

I created some great packages and options if you need a little help and accountability!  They’re all at 60 Day Challenge Packages!

This is available even if you want to unofficially do the Challenge to give yourself a push in the right direction on your T-Tapp journey!  Summer’s coming and this might be just the ticket to consistency!

I don’t have a magic number in mind, but I may have to set a limit depending on response–I want to be sure to give the individualized help and care you need to meet your goals, so whether you enter the Challenge or not–YOU can be a winner!

Because YOU are WORTH IT!


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