
Today I celebrate a blessed 30 years of marriage to a wonderful guy!

In honor of our anniversary, I’m having a “Pamper Me” giveaway!

Body brushing, Dead Sea mineral salt baths and Teresa’s alfalfa have been key in tightening my skin, exfoliating and keeping my skin healthy as I lost my sizes. Β For this giveaway, you will receive:

T-Tapp Body Brush

Bass Face Brush

CRT Brushing Sequence dvd

1 lb. bag of Skin Saver Dead Sea Mineral Salt

1 bottle Better Body Basics Premium Blended Alfalfa

That is a value of $74.50! Β Everything you need to pamper yourself!

In addition I will include a jar of my homemade salt scrub, made from Redmond RealSalt, Teresa’s Dead Sea mineral salts, a blend of yummy skin-saving oils and Teresa’s Bulgarian Lavender essential oil. Β You will love how this makes your skin feel!

I will also share my tweaked version of a recipe for a salt mask for your skin for extra pampering!


Here’s how to enter:

1. Wish me a Happy Anniversary in the comment section as well as on my Facebook page, Be Youthful ‘n Fit!Β And if you haven’t “liked” my page yet, please do! Β (The comment here counts as one entry, and the comment on my FB page counts as another!) Β 

2. Tell your friends via Facebook, Twitter or other social media (even e-mails and a phone call can count!) and let me know you did.

3. What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?

4. What will you do to pamper yourself this week? Β It doesn’t have to be something big–can be going for a quiet walk, spritzing some lovely scent on your pillowcase before bed, light a candle while doing dishes, picking up some flowers to grace your table….

5. If you haven’t opted in (the green box under my picture on the sidebar) and received your 7 Tips to Get You on Your Way to Being Youthful and Fit…at ANY Age, please do! Β If you already have opted in, just note that in the comments and I will still count it!

6. Tell me about a special anniversary you have had. If you’re not married, perhaps a special birthday, or maybe you helped make your parents’ anniversary special one year!

7. Do you have a special anniversary coming up? Β What is a special “goal” you have to reach by that time?

I’m excited to get away with my Sweetie for a few days with no computer ;), Β so I might not respond right away–but I’ll be looking forward to reading all your comments when I get back!

(A year ago I was able to get into my wedding dress but not quite zip it up–due to my ribs having expanded from 10 term pregnancies! Β I was pretty tickled that I could almost fit into it, though! πŸ˜‰ Β Thank you, T-Tapp! )

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