Wow!  This giveaway ended up being very popular!!!

And picking a winner was hard! I used, but then was so torn as I really wish I could have given it away 5 times over!

So just kind of for fun and out of curiosity, I asked my oldest to pick an number between 1 and 70 (yes, there were seventy entries!).

Would you believe she picked the EXACT same number picked?!  How cool is that?!

So, our winner is—-


Elizabeth Ours!

Congratulations Elizabeth!  I know you will make very good use of this set and I’m sure share with those around you!  Now, the only catch is–you need to report back after starting it to let us know what you think!  🙂

If you’re sad that you didn’t win–don’t despair!  I will have another giveaway starting next Monday, the 18th!

Thank you ALL who have entered and shared and signed up to receive blog updates!

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