Muscle Activation to the MAX–in Mansfield, Ohio!
I’m coming back to Mansfield, Ohio!
Details are on the forums here: To the MAX in Mansfield, OH
I have lots of fun things to share as well as a goodie package that will be available at a great price!
It’s not up in the store yet, but I’ll post as soon as it is for registration. Hope to see some T-Tappers there!
I’ll Do That…..Tomorrow!
Procrastination–we’ve all done it!
But for some of us it has almost become….the norm!
Did you know that procrastination can be a symptom of adrenal issues? That overwhelmed feeling of having to make a decision about what to do, when to do it, how to do it–problems with decision-making in general–can be a part of the adrenal fatigue factor.
When you are adrenal challenged, your body is not sending the right signals. What used to be major stressors–fighting off an enemy, outrunning a wild animal–are now replaced by rush-hour traffic, mentally stressful jobs, and worries about the economy, just to name a few. The body doesn’t even get a recovery period before more stresses hit. Often they are simply things that can’t be helped. But many times we tend to “take on more than we can chew”!
I know I have been a procrastinator in many ways for a long time. I can look back and see many signs of thyroid and adrenal stress clear back into my teens! It’s no wonder that there were times that I just couldn’t make a decision, so I waited…and waited….well, you get the picture! Sometimes my indecision made the decision! :p
Adrenal fatigue challenges our ability to think clearly (many people call it “feeling like being in a fog”). Simple decisions become difficult. What to wear. What to eat. Add to that there are only about 5 gazillion ways of eating promoted out there and all of them are “the best” or “the healthiest”! So you take an adrenal-challenged person, who wants to take charge of their health and feel better, and then put all these ways of eating in front of them and many are good in some respect or another…..they will just get glazed-over eyes and do…nothing. (Please pass me the chocolate!)
AF affects our emotional health, which in turn affects so much of life. When we don’t feel secure or sure of ourselves, are too tired to focus and process information, and it seems our “willpower” just lost power, we are not going to be able to handle what has now become an additional stress–making simple decisions!
Many times we berate ourselves as lazy and think we just need more willpower, but as I shared awhile back, it’s not all about willpower! (and part 2…and part 3!)
The same goes for supplements….exercise…what to do when? Oh, I can’t figure it out…I’ll just…not do it.
That is why it’s often helpful to have a health care provider help you outline a plan for you. The hard part? Making sure they are really wanting to help you and not just sell you everything under the sun! Now, don’t get me wrong–often someone is passionate about a product because it helped them. I totally get that! 🙂 And these people are worth paying for their time to help you. But be sure they are there to help you, with an individualized plan, not a one-size fits all ideal. I shared in Baby Steps and Baby Steps part 2 how I had to stop stressing over doing it all “the right way”. That is another thing that trips us up–we want to get well FAST so we want to do it RIGHT and if we can’t do it right…well….we won’t do it AT ALL! :p
Next week I will talk more about this–especially the notorious brain fog that seems to accompany adrenal issues!
Photo credit: Rennett Stowe
Deep Discount Tuesday–A Dynamic Duo!
Today’s DDT is a GREAT deal! A skin tightening duo of alfalfa and immune boost! Both are great for helping the skin–I can attest to that!
In addition, Immune Boost has been a staple around here when we are fighting things off, and I often use it as a preventative–so it’s very good to have on hand!
Click below to take advantage of this great deal–today only!
Derailed Plans 🙂
Tomorrow is a special day–we officially graduate our fourth daughter!
So instead of posting about another wonderful T-Tapp workout, I’m unearthing my computer desk and straightening things up for friends and family that will come help us celebrate this joyous occasion.
Hopefully Monday I can get that review up–if I’m not too tired from celebrating! 😉
Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!
A Tip to Help You Keep Those Ribs Up!

Beautiful Posture! 🙂
Keeping our ribs up out of our tummy is always a challenge! We’re usually pronated forward (also known as “slouched” or “hunched”!) at computers, steering wheels, grocery carts, caring for children….just about anything we do has us walking, sitting, or standing with shoulders slumped forward.
Not only is this not good for the lymphatic drainage in the chest area (click here to read my notes on the T-Tapp forum about Teresa’s fabulous woman’s health talk in Chicago last year), it will lead to a poochy tummy, tight pecs and eventually, a dowager’s hump and back fat.
One day shortly after hearing Teresa’s talk, I had been at the computer more than usual, working on a project, and I needed a break! I wanted to take a walk, but I needed to stay with the project. I went outside for a bit for some fresh air, and as I was walking to one of our outbuildings to get some herbs stored there, it felt really good to stand up nice and tall! I was imagining a string pulling through my spine all the way up to the top of my head–kind of like a marionette puppet. I realized, as I had this visual, how my head and neck were pulling up out of my shoulders, shoulders out of my ribcage, ribs out of my tummy, and tummy out of my hip area.
It was nearly automatic that I tightened my tummy and pulled it up and back to my spine a bit. It felt really good, too! 😉
Teresa says that ribs up helps inch loss in the arms, tummy and thighs! Wow! What a powerful little form tip!
I think many times, when we think of “shoulders back” we try to do it “military style”. I explain it to my classes that it is more a gentle movement, and the string analogy really helped me to feel it without getting overinvasive. We don’t want to overdo it and encourage inflammation! That’s what we’re trying to get rid of!
The other problem I see is tilting the ribs to get them “up”. We want the whole ribcage–front and back–to lift!
Thinking of your spine elongating vertically helps keep the spine in alignment as you “lift ribs”. Not only does this help lymphatic drainage and spinal alignment, it also helps bring the hips back in alignment, too, which in turn tracks the femur (thigh bone) out a bit to equalize the weight on your knees!
From Teresa’s talk: “Tilting your hips during your workouts is hard on your knees. It is so important to get that core curled and ribs UP!”
If you’re having a hard time with the ribs up picture, perhaps just thinking of a string pulling your head and neck up so you are sitting or standing really tall will help. Did you ever pretend to be a model and put a book on your head when you were younger?! It’s the same principle–only be careful to not hunch up the shoulders to “help out”! Keep the shoulders down by tightening the lats vs. pushing them down with your traps.
Good posture starts with getting those ribs up!
This will give a more graceful and youthful appearance–and make you feel better about yourself!
Ribs UP–for better health, a better body, and a better outlook!
For more help, here is a really wonderful video by trainer Kayla Howard that helps get that mind-to-muscle connetion!
Picture credit: Perry McKenna
Falling Down on the Job–to Fall into Fitness in Ft. Wayne!
Getting ready for the MORE clinic in the morning! If you’re in the Ft. Wayne area, please join us!
And at 2:00 is a free Hit the Floor session!
Sorry to “fall down on the job”! I’ve been crazy/busy this week and finally realized I just needed to give up posting anything T-Tapp! But I’ve got some good tips for next week and another good video review coming up next week!
If you want more details for tomorrow’s clinic:
Feature Friday–CRT Brushing DVD
Body brushing is a great way to exfoliate your skin, help bring blood to the surface of the skin for better circulation and nourishment, and it helps move lymph to detoxify, too.
Teresa has a brochure with directions, but I found the body brushing sequence DVD to be more helpful. I watch it from time to time because, invariably, I get “sloppy” and need a few reminders!
Not only do you get a demonstration of Teresa’s brushing technique, but you also get a bonus of four moves! Hoedowns, Awesome Legs, Diva Derriere and Jog Rocks–all great for pumping the lymph!
Hoedowns–the signature move that has been proven to lower blood sugar. It also helps “clear your mind” and helps reduce carb cravings!
Awesome Legs is a great move to help trim and tone those legs–specifically the thighs. Be sure to move legs as if through thick mud for maximum activation and results. And keep your core curled against the floor–belly button to spine!
Diva Derriere–your buns will never be the same! LOL! Many ladies have trimmed some off the hips/buns using this move–and it’s been known to help lift the buns as well! Alignment is important so pay close attention to Teresa’s tips. You can do the extended leg position for a short break–I do that between each set, actually! But keep that alignment–don’t let the ! Also, if you just can’t handle the number of reps, you can cut reps–just be sure to do the same on both sides! Don’t want anyone to be “lopsided”! 🙂
Jog Rocks is the only move where you are doing a little bit of “bouncing” in T-Tapp. If you have knee issues, I’d save this one for when your knees are rehabbed. It is very cardio–I’ve done them once! (Yikes!) But for those of you with no health or adrenal issues, wanting a bit more cardio or something for an off day to keep things moving, this is the equivalent to jogging for 20 minutes–roughly 1-2 miles! But I confess–I’d rather do 5 minutes of Jog Rocks–much more fun and easier on the feet and knees!
This DVD is really worth having! There are five main ways to purchase it:
DVD only: CRT Skin Brushing Sequence DVD
DVD plus brush: Skin Brushing DVD and Brush
DVD, brush, Alfalfa, Fibertox and a cd: CRT Skin Tightening System DVD
(Note: Fibertox is not recommended during pregnancy or nursing)
The above plus Basic Workout Plus (and other bonus dvds!): BWO+ and Skin Tightening System Set
Or with the Total Workout: Total System
Any one would be a good way to purchase, but if you already have the workouts, then I would suggest at least getting it with the brush. Seems I’m always waiting too long to replace mine!
I also recommend getting some dead sea mineral salts as well–for those wonderful skin masks and baths!
Do you already have the Skin Brushing DVD? Please share your thoughts and favorite moves from it!
And a reminder–I’ll be in Ft. Wayne September 8! We’re doing MORE in the morning, and at 2 pm will be a FREE session of Hit the Floor. There is also an extra “package” deal where you can get a brush, 5 oz. of dead sea mineral salts and a 2 oz. bottle of magnesium gel for $20 more! You can read more details and register here:
Fall Into Fitness in Ft. Wayne
Hope to see you there!
Building a Good Foundation!
Any building needs a strong foundation, but the taller the building, the deeper the foundation needs to be!
Some of my Summer Shape-Up Strategy participants asked if we could continue the program. Of course I needed to rename it! 🙂 I thought of how focusing on perfecting our form helps to create a good foundation for fitness. And like many others, I have found that by slowing things down and focusing on LESS, not more, was just the ticket.
So I’m announcing an ongoing program:
There are three levels of participation–one is support only–there is something for everyone!
If you’re looking for some support and help in achieving your goals, check it out and see if this might be what you’re looking for!
Feedback is quite welcome! 😉
Lovin’ Those Lats! (And a New Workout Review!)
My Monday got away from me! But that’s okay–I’m combining my review with information about lats–the latissimus dorsi muscles, because the new workout I want to review really ramps up lat activation!
Your lats are muscles in your back, coming to a V in the lower back and fanning up and out to your sides. You can click here for more info and diagrams. Typically we become more trap dominant (trapezius muscle), causing us to hunch our shoulders more, pronate (roll or shift shoulders forward) and inactivate the middle portion of our back. This often causes the “dowagers hump” you see in some elderly people (and some not-so-elderly!).
I know in years past, before I was in school, there used to be emphasis on posture: sitting, standing and walking uprightly. But somehow we got the idea that was just a bunch of silliness and we started slouching and hunching, instead. Not only is it ungraceful, it actually leads to joint and health issues!
During the T-Tapp workouts, you will often hear Teresa say, “shoulders back”. As we get more neurokinetically connected and aware, we realize it’s not just shoving the shoulders back, but actually “lifting ribs”.
Throughout the day and during workouts, I like to tell my clients to think of a string pulling their heads up to the ceiling. This elongates your spine vertically and helps prevent just pulling shoulders back or tilting the ribs to get them “up”. The lats typically get weaker as the traps take the lead, and it takes time for it to feel natural and easy to engage lats to hold you in a more graceful, upright position.
Now, aside from better posture and looking more graceful 🙂 what benefits are there to “ribs up, lats engaged”?
- Inch loss in the tummy, thighs, and arms–no kidding!
- Better digestion because the organs aren’t squished together
- Less stress on the adrenals–how well do you work when you’re squished?!
- Better spinal alignment
- Less back pain as your muscles get stronger
- Metabolism boosted–even as much as 15%
Each of those are pretty powerful! Yet there’s one more–better hormonal balance. Yes, you read that right! It is closely associated with the metabolism boost. In the LadyBug workout, Teresa often reiterates that it’s all about those lats, and engaging, activating and really r-e-a-c-h-i-n-g away with arms to activate them to their max, which in turn helps with better hormonal balance.
Do you have a hard time finding your lats or feeling like they are truly engaged? Try this tip:
Stand with your back against a wall. Bring your feet out just enough to curl your core and get your lower back flat against the wall. Now lift ribs and get the upper back/shoulders connected as much as possible. Now put your arms in front of you–elbows stay bent and palms are facing each other (but not touching). Keeping your hands in that position, start to open them out as if you are getting ready for a big hug. Do this slowly and engaged–as if you are pushing through thick mud, trying to push someone’s hands away with backs of yours. Keep your tummy tucked and ribs up. The backs of your hands are aiming for the wall you are against. Usually when your forearms are about 45° from the wall you will feel the lats kick in. That is what you should feel when you open out your arms for Hoedowns, Butterflies, at the start of the first set of Plies, and when you have the arm out to the side for Balance and Step Lifts!
Now that you have found them 😉 it’s time to engage them–ALL the time! Throughout your day, during workouts, ribs up, lats set!
Want a workout that will work those lats, really ramping up that activation?! Mindful Movement for Healthy Hormones, Thyroid and Menopause Management is for you! Teresa tweaked and developed moves to go with Mary Shomon’s book, The Menopause Thyroid Solution. Most of us like to have a dvd to work with vs. just doing it from a book, so Teresa now has a workout dvd to go along with Mary’s wonderful and informative book!
I haven’t had an opportunity to actually do all of the workout, but what I have done (and I have watched all of it!) is WONDERFUL!
Teresa starts you out using a hand towel for more lat activation to get those ribs UP. That alone is worth the dvd! 🙂 After your spine is warmed up, you go into a tweak on Plies, with an added “Plie Pull”–again, really targeting those lats. She finishes the Plies with a combination that will really get you sweating and saying, “OHhhhhh! So those are my lats!” 😉
Teresa has sprinkled Spinal Curls throughout the workout to relax and give the lats a break after all the hardcore work! She also adds “not-free kickouts” and clap-pulls that really help get rid of lactic acid and therefore–less soreness!
Just when you think you know Oil Wells…..Teresa ramps it up! A great activation tweak starts it off before you actually do the move. Oil Wells will never be the same again!
She also has sprinkled in Organs in Place a few times–so your tummy will benefit along with those lats! 😉
Now we move on to T-Tapp Twist–oh my! Again, the form tweaks along are worth getting this dvd! This is similar to the MORE T-Tapp Twist–but the tips will take things up a notch! Draining the thoracic duct is so important for adrenal and hormonal health–and this is the move to do it!
And there’s even MORE!
Teresa revisits T-Tapp Twist and Oil Wells–with a towel! Using a towel helps with lat activation but it also helps with alignment. Sometimes as we are focusing on one end, the other goes out, as I like to say! Using the towel as she shows in Mindful Movement helps keep the lats set and spinal alignment, helping you to maximize every part of the move.
Finally, a subtle tweak on Hoedowns creates even more activation for optimal results!
Several water breaks are built in–don’t skip them!
This is a great workout to add to your T-Tapp repertoire. It’s great for anyone with hormones! It’s a power-packed workout, with a 30 minute straight through workout, a great Instructional that is just over 41 minutes, both Instructional and the workout are chaptered to individual movements, and there are form tips as well (16 minutes’ worth)!
You can click HERE for more info.
I personally can’t wait to work this into my schedule! Healthy Hormones–the T-Tapp way!
Frantic Friday! 🙂
I’m getting around to leave in a little bit for Holland, Michigan! I’ll be reviewing a new workout on Monday, though, so do check back!
And if you’re going to be at the Holland Clinic tomorrow, I can’t wait to meet you and give you a hug!
It’s not too late to register! There’s also no at-the-door fees, so come on over! 🙂
Hey Holland! Health Hormones and MORE!
And if you’re not in Michigan but near Ft. Wayne, Indiana, I’ll be there for a morning session of MORE and a FREE session of Hit the Floor in the afternoon (for willing guinea pigs!). The afternoon session will start at 2, and there’s no registration. If you could let me know you’re coming, though, that would be great!
Fall Into Fitness in Ft. Wayne!
Hope to see you at one of the clinics!
And be sure to check back Monday for a review of a FANTASTIC new T-Tapp workout!