Be Mighty–with B12!

  Dark circles under the eyes, pale skin, tiredness, light-headedness, easy bruising, tummy issues….what do these all have in common? Vitamin B12 deficiency–between sitting in front of computer screens, fluorescent lighting, poor eating and stress, we...

Baby Steps! Stressing Will Not Help You Heal!–part 2

Supplementation is another area that can overwhelm the faint-hearted!  Due to a strange tummy virus I got a few years ago, I can’t down as many capsules at a time. I had to pare back my supplements drastically.  I have done some research, prayed a lot, and...

Baby Steps! Stressing Will Not Help You Heal!

One thing adrenal fatigued and/or health-challenged people face is the struggle to do the things they know will help them.  Whether it’s eating in a more balanced way, reducing stressors, getting workouts in or taking supplements, it can seem daunting to tackle...

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