t-tapp before018
From size 22W to a size 6–took 5 years but it was worth it!
First picture taken 1/27/07–second taken 2/08/12

This past weekend marked an anniversary–my 6th anniversary since doing my very first T-Tapp workout!

It was quite a feat, really!  I had the book from the library, propped it open and attempted to do the 15 minute workout.  It only took 1 1/2 hours at first! :p

But after 3 months of not losing anything and making myself more tired with what I had been doing before T-Tapp, the inches started to move off and I felt better!

I could never have imagined, 6 years ago, that I would now be a trainer, lose 9 sizes, and regain my health.  And feeling better at 50 than I did at 44!

I’ve gained a few sizes back since a year ago, when I reached the smallest I had been in 23+ years–but I am feeling even better with all my adrenal challenges.  I know the extra sizes will start to melt off over the next 60 Days!

Teresa introduced Senior Fit at the T-Tapp Retreat in 2010.  I remember Teresa talking about it even in 2009, and I told my mom about it.  She was sooo excited for it to come out!   She passed away in May of 2010, and I decided then and there that when Senior Fit came out, I would do a giveaway in her honor.

You see, my mom believed in me. Whether it was making good grades, learning a foreign language or something on the flute, she believed in me.  She encouraged me.  My dad was into fitness the last 20 years of his life before a neurodegenerative disease silently stole his ability to move.  I think he would have really liked Senior Fit, too!

I have to express my gratitude first of all, to my parents, for making me who I am!

Secondly, to Teresa Tapp for creating the T-Tapp workout, continuing to tweak it and add new moves, new variations, new workouts!  Most of all, for her generous heart that provides so much information at the T-Tapp forums–as well as providing those forums free and without any annoying ads in your face!

Thirdly, to the trainers and veteran T-Tappers who have shared their wealth of knowledge.  I really credit the forums and those who shared there as being a HUGE key to my success!

If you don’t know my “story”, you can click on the Trisch’s Transformation tab at the top of the page.   It’s been an amazing journey and I still feel like it’s only the beginning!

So I want YOU to help me celebrate!  In honor of my mom, Dorothy McGriff Smith, I’m having a giveaway of the newly released and highly acclaimed Senior Fit dvd!

Retails for $69.95 but you can win it FREE!

Here are the ways you can enter!

1. If you haven’t liked my Facebook page, Be Youthful ‘n Fit, please do!  And please post a comment–maybe about your favorite post, or if you just liked the page, what you’d like to have me write about in the future.

2. Tell others about the giveaway!  Tweet, blog, e-mail, Facebook, and whatever other social media you use!  Leave me a comment here or on my Be Youthful ‘n Fit Facebook page that you did (and tag me if you do it on Facebook!  Just use my name, Trisch Richardson)

3. Tell me why you want to win Senior Fit!

4. What is your biggest challenge in T-Tapp?  Share that in the comments or on my Facebook page.

5. If you are doing the 60 Day Challenge, whether officially or unofficially, let me know that and what category if you entered.

6. If you have a “less is more” story, please share that in the comments!

7. What did your mother invest in your life? What one thing she did or said can you especially point to which made you who you are today?

The giveaway will run from today through midnight Sunday night (EST).  I will choose a winner and announce who it is next Monday, February 3.

International readers may enter, but I may ask for you to split shipping with me.  My 21 year old daughter works at the post office, so she can help me figure the best deal! 😀

So–who wants to CELEBRATE with me?!



Photo Credit:  Jewels Globe

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