Did you hear about all the fantastic testimonials of inch loss from the 2 week Stepping Challenge Teresa held last month at the beginning of the 60 Day Challenge?! I was impressed!  Many reported a great kickstart to their 60 Day Challenge with doing only stepping workouts the first few weeks!

Often stepping seems more fun and there’s just something about getting that blood pumping that feels so good!

Today, for Deep Discount Tuesday you can get the Step Away Super Set of Step Away the Inches AND Step It to the Max for just $30–PLUS a bottle of B12 spray! PLUS FREE SHIPPING on US orders!

Both workouts incorporate T-Tapp technique and form to supercharge your walking and get even more out of it. During Step Away the Inches Teresa says it’s almost like double the steps–due to the muscle activation! You can even incorporate these techniques to lose inches, sculpt and tone while walking outdoors, too!

Step It to the Max–or Step It to the Death, as a good friend of mine has called it 😉  is a full workout that includes a warm-up, cool-down and has KILLER Step-Lift Sequences in the second half!  (I’m grateful for the water break before this part! I actually split it at the water break and do the warm-up and pick it up there the second day!)  You will DEFINITELY see inch loss, toning and sculpting with this workout!

I LOVE the B12 spray! I use a few sprays before starting with client sessions mid-morning, then if mid-afternoon finds my energy really waning, I do a few more sprays. I have literally felt I needed a nap, used the B12 spray and I find my mind clears and I am able to function better, without the nap!

And who doesn’t love FREE shipping?!

Hurry to grab this deal–it’s only available at until 11:59 EDT tonight!

Step Away Super Set is CORE cardio–the T-Tapp way!

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