Have you ever wanted to share with someone about T-Tapp, but didn’t have quite the right words to say?

Have you ever wished you had lots of testimonies together to show the different benefits T-Tapp can give?

And wouldn’t it be nice if maybe it had a few moves to show what it’s like, too?

Well, your wishes have been granted!

The Healthy Hormones Brain-Body Fitness dvd is the PBS full documentary–with about 20 minutes of exercises at the end!

There are clips from both Teresa’s and Mary Shomon’s talks on hormone health.  Mary Shomon is a thyroid patient advocate and she is very knowledgeable–a wealth of info!  You’ll also hear testimonies from several T-Tappers about how T-Tapp has helped them–and yes, several will talk specifically about how it helped them hormonally!  Young, old, male, female–hormones affect all of us!

This is a great dvd for anyone, but I plan to have a few of these on hand to give out as an “intro to T-Tapp” along with the Yes You Can dvds!

Click HERE to read more and be prepared the next time someone asks, “So, just what IS T-Tapp all about?” 🙂


In addition to Mary’s about.com website information, check out Mary’s books and educate yourself even more!  The Menopause Thyroid Solution and The Thyroid Diet Revolution

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