I had so much fun in Florida!  Learned a lot, ate a lot of good food, enjoyed lots of good company and loved dipping my feet (and body!) in the Gulf!  Definitely some great R&R!

This week I’m not featuring a T-Tapp product, but I did find out about it at the annual T-Tapp Retreat.  I have heard Julie Brannon speak at the Retreats I’ve attended, and I always enjoy her talks as she is so informative!   She owns Baileys Naturals Herbal Apothecary and can mix up many combinations for different needs.

Charlotte Siems and I both have adrenal challenges.  So when Charlotte told me how she had gotten a wonderful combination called Balanced Body from Julie, and that she felt like a new woman, I just had to try it, too! 🙂

I got mine a week ago Wednesday, and since I thought I was going to do my Senior Fit certification that day, I decided to wait to try it. One thing and another came up (my cert got pushed to Thursday, I kept forgetting to take the capsules first thing in the morning, then we were traveling home), so I didn’t start them until yesterday.

Now, we spent Monday and Tuesday in the van, driving the 20 or so hours home (actually it takes longer with the potty stops!).   Monday night I did not sleep well at the hotel, so to say I was really tired Tuesday would be an understatement!  And you know how that groggy overtired feeling carries over into the next day….

I took the Balanced Body yesterday, as I said, and what amazed me is that I got through the day without a nap–amazing in itself after the overtiredness of Tuesday!  But even more amazing is that I had mental clarity and focus all through the evening!

Last night I didn’t sleep well at first, so I was a bit tired today.  Again I took the Balanced Body, and I have also been working at the computer most of the day. Usually I would be so fried by this time!

But again–I have clarity, focus, a clear mind–wow! And no nap today, either! 😉

I am SO happy to have found this product and I thank Julie for sharing it with Charlotte, and Charlotte for sharing it with me!

If you are interested in Balanced Body, you can contact Julie at julie@baileysnaturals.com and/or visit her website Baileys Naturals.  Tell her I sent you over! 🙂

Balanced Body contains:

American, Chinese & Korean Ginseng
Astragalus Root
Schizandra Berry
Gotu Kola Leaf
Pau d’Arco bark
Licorice Root

Just my personal note–sometimes different ginsengs can make you feel jittery.  Whether it’s Julie’s formulation or just where I am in my healing, it did not make me feel that way at all.  If you have concerns about taking ginseng, rhodiola is also a gentle adaptogen that I have used.  Plus you can always talk to Julie–she is a wealth of knowledge and happy to help!



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