Who doesn’t need a little pampering?!

Women are notorious for tending to everyone else’s needs and putting themselves on the back burner.  Problem is, there are always needs out there to meet and we never get around to taking care of ourselves—until we are falling apart!

The old adage of “first put on your oxygen mask” truly applies here!  If we don’t take time to recharge and refresh, whether it’s a quick walk on a brisk fall day or a full-blown pamper-me weekend, we will burn out emotionally and physically. Then who will take care of those we love so much?

I attended my first T-Tapp clinic 6 months after starting.  I was amazed at how much I learned in just a little over an hour!  I drove 2 1/2 hours one day to attend this clinic–I had saved my change and squeezed a little from grocery money to be able to do it.  I am SO glad I made the sacrifice!  I learned form tips that helped, but I also learned things that would help me stay the course when the inch loss slowed, when the I-don’t-wanna’s hit, when life threw me a curve-ball.   It was worth it–*I* was worth it!

That clinic plus the support of the T-Tapp forums are what kept me going–and here I am today!  Not only am I smaller, but I’m healthier, too!  And not only healthier–I am more confident in who I am, and I am more in touch with my body.  I can tell when I need to back off and when I need to push myself. I can tell when I’m self-sabotaging and it’s time to deal with emotional baggage.  I can recognize when I’m eating out of emotions or boredom and address it.  I don’t stress over everything I put in my mouth. Most of all, I am happy right where I’m at–and that doesn’t depend on a magical goal size!

Whether you are just starting T-Tapp, trying to figure it all out or you’re a seasoned veteran needing a boost, I’ve got some options–and I love options! 😉

Can’t get out to a clinic yet need some form help?  How about an online class?  Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration class focuses on–you guessed–the core!  Participants are excited to feel their core muscles more than ever before and I’m hearing great results–everything from inch loss to one participant maintaining her size even though she couldn’t do any of the arm moves to the workouts! She did this by focusing on her core and lower body moves along with alignment!

November’s Beautiful YOU! will feature LadyBug workout.  We will focus on core to maximize this fantastic workout.  You receive schedule rotations to choose from, discount on T-Tapp and Better Body Basics products, a private forum where we share and encourage one another, daily tips, a monthly teleconference call and more.  There is also a Skype option if you would like to have me check your form to take your workouts to the next level.  We start next Friday, November 1!

November Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration

Want another option?!  How about a weekend get-away complete with T-Tapp workout sessions, information to better your health and outlook PLUS some great pampering–all in a lovely location near the Appalachian Mountains and Cherokee National Forest?!

Tennessee T-Tapp Wholeness Weekend features 10 sessions–3 T-Tapp sessions and 7 sessions on everything from essential oil use to skin brushing to defeating self-sabotage!  We are going to learn how to become softer, trimmer and more whole–body and soul!

Such a lovely location, great food, fun fellowship and loads of information to help you be the best you can be!

Weekend spots are filling up but there are still 6 left!  There are also spots for Saturday day if you are within driving distance.  We’re going to have food, fellowship, fitness and FUN!

Tennessee T-Tapp Wholeness Weekend

And if these options don’t work for you right now, I have a Skype sale coming up along with a new coaching program–stay tuned! 🙂


P.S. If you missed it, I’m giving away two spots in November’s Beautiful YOU! class! More details HERE! But hurry–giveaway ends Sunday night!

Photo credit:  jenny downing


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