Are you ready to get started with T-Tapp, but not sure which starter workout is best for you?
Or have you already been T-Tapping for awhile and would like to try out one of the other starter workouts, but aren’t sure which one to get next?
I created this fun quiz to help you narrow down your choices between the main 4 starter workouts–Basic Workout Plus, MORE, Healthy Hormones (also called Mindful Movement) and Senior Fit.
You can also opt in on the sidebar of the quiz to find out ALL the answers (because you’re curious, right?! 😉 ) as well as receive tips to help you get started. There are links to video reviews of each workout (shared in a recent Facebook Live series) as well as highlights you can download to compare to help you make the best choice for YOU!
If you still aren’t sure after going through the reviews, please feel free to contact me–I can ask even more questions to help you find the best fit!
Ready to find out?! Click on the graphic above or here—> Which T-Tapper Are YOU?!
And I’d love to hear which answer YOU get! Comment below with your quiz results!
Hi Trisch! I’m Mandy More (but kinda figured that already!). This time, I’m going super baby steps as I have crashed the last several (okay, ALL) times I have begun my T-Tapp journey. So, just PBS and Plies every other day this week. In between is just the stretch from BBFF. I can’t talk myself out of it, and it doesn’t put me face down on the floor! I have no deadline and hopefully by the time someone notices I’ll be better able to deal with being noticed.
I’m adapting my diet to include less wheat and less dairy, more greens – the weekly CSA is helping with that. Hugs!
HUGS Ann! It’s tough to not overdo it–glad you are taking baby steps. It’s the only way to go in my book!
I’m a basic Bridget. I have the Basic Workout and am slowing trying to catch all those moves and figure out how to do them right.
Going slowly is the best way! Even if you do a few moves at a time, learn them, then add to it you will lay a great foundation. Have you checked out my post, Some Basic Tips?