This is another workout dvd that I want to say, “Don’t let the name fool ya!”  🙂

The Menopause Thyroid Solution is a great book written by thyroid patient advocate Mary Shomon.  Teresa created a series of moves for the book, and last summer she came out with a new workout dvd based on those moves.  They are variations of moves from Basic Workout Plus, but oh!  What a powerful hormonal punch they pack!

Thyroid issues? This is your workout!

Adrenal issue?  This is your workout!

Menopausal, perimenopausal? This is your workout!

PMS? PCOS? Any other hormonal issue?  Yep! This is your workout! 

Everyone has hormones (including males!) and this workout will help you find your lats and bring muscle activation to a whole new level.  Did you know that when you activate your lats you can boost your metabolism by 15%?!

I know of a 17 year old girl with PCOS that loves this workout, as well as a young lady in her early 20s that has had great improvement in what used to be debilitating cycles that put her in bed for a day or two.  Amazing!

As hypothyroid and adrenal challenged myself, I find this is a great workout that I feel good after and not tired.  I do split it up over two days (which is easy with the chaptered moves).

Healthy Hormones Menopause Management has a great instructional as well as the straight through workout. Both are chaptered by moves, which is wonderful!  There are the built-in “not free kickouts”, clap-outs and water breaks.  So if you have a hard time using the pause button on your remote, this dvd is for you! 😉

I am again hosting a giveaway of the SET of the book by Mary Shomon, The Menopause Thyroid Solution, the Healthy Hormones Menopause Management dvd and the PBS Behind the Scenes Documentary, which is full of interviews done for the PBS special, with about 19 minutes of Brain/Body Fitness moves at the end.  It is a GREAT intro to T-Tapp you can loan out (and the tweaks on the moves included are great, too!)  Oh, and you will see my famous cameo appearance on there!  😀

Ready to enter?!

1. Again–if you haven’t already liked my Facebook page, Be Youthful ‘n Fit, please do!  If you have already liked it, please post a comment letting me know your favorite move and why you like it!

2. Share!  Blog, share on Facebook, Tweet, e-mail and all other social media, and leave me a comment here or on my Facebook page that you did!  (And each time you do, it counts! 😉 )  You can tag me either through my Be Youthful ‘n Fit Facebook page or by my name, Trisch Richardson.  If you’re not on Facebook, just leave me a comment here at the blog that you told someone, somehow about the giveaway!

3. Tell me why you’d like to win this package, and what you’ll do with it (use it all for yourself, share part of it, use some of it as a “loaner”, etc.)

4. Have you found T-Tapp has already helped your hormones in some way?  Please share!

5. What is your biggest hormonal challenge?  (Menopause, perimenopause, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroid, etc.)

6. If you haven’t signed up with the opt-in form on the sidebar, please do! You will get a free 7 page guide with tips to keep you youthful and fit!  If you are already signed up, just let me know that and it will still count.  I e-mail blog updates and plan to also e-mail other interesting and helpful tips, links or just reminders to take care of YOU!  I can’t e-mail those who subscribed via the Feedburner, so there is an advantage to the opt-in! 🙂

You can unsubscribe at any time.

7. Post on my Be Youthful ‘n Fit Facebook page what workout or moves you did each day.  Even if “all” you did was Primary Back Stretch, that counts!  I will count one entry for each day you post!

The giveaway runs from now until midnight, EST, on Sunday, February 10.  The winner will be announced on Monday, February 11.  International readers may enter, but I ask you to split shipping with me–and remember, my daughter who works for the post office will help us figure the least expensive way to go!

Ready to tame those hormones and find balance, the T-Tapp way?!

(Note:  The PBS dvd in the picture at the top of the post is another seminar, but trust me, the one in the giveaway is equally good! 🙂 )

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