

I passed my LadyBug certification–and I want to celebrate with a giveaway!

LadyBug is a great workout, with both a standing and floor portion.  It was developed to target hormones, but it’s also great for combination body types–well, anyone, really! But we combos especially benefit from it!

LadyBug has tweaks on moves from Total Workout, Hit the Floor and Hit the Floor Harder–and it really works the lats and core.

This is the third month of my (Back to Basics for) Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration online program, and the feedback I’ve been getting has been fantastic!  One participant wasn’t able to do the arms portion of the moves for 6 weeks but still maintained her size by applying the “core” principles while working with her lower body during the workouts!

November’s workout will be—LadyBug! (You will need to be logged into the T-Tapp store to be able to see the dvd in the store!)

To celebrate, I’d like to give YOU a spot in November’s class!  I will actually be giving away TWO spots–and ONE of those will include a Skype session–an $85 value!

Ready to join me in the celebration?!  Here’s how to enter:

1. Tell three friends about this giveaway–Facebook, on your blog, Tweet it on Twitter, Pin it on Pinterest, share on a forum, e-mail, call them on the phone 😉 or face to face, share it!  If you can, please leave a link!

2. Please share the link to the T-Tapp store about November’s class.  You can do that along with #1 or separately.  Here is the link: Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration for November

3. If you haven’t “liked” my Be Youthful ‘n Fit” page on Facebook, please like my page! Leave me a comment on the Facebook page that you are “liking” it for the LadyBug giveaway.

4. If you haven’t opted in to my mailing list, please do!  The opt-in box is on the right. If you already have, then tell me which of the “7 Tips” in the download you liked the best.

5. What would you hope to learn from the Core Concentration class, should you win?

This giveaway will go until midnight, October 27. I will announce the winners on Monday, October 28.


Thanks to Karen Wulf for creating the lovely meme for me!

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