Since I have three clinics coming up (and a possible fourth one in June), I thought it might be a good time to talk about what to expect.  If you’ve never been to a T-Tapp clinic or workshop before, you may be excited and nervous all at the same time! 😉

First of all, you don’t need a cape or superhero suit to come!   I remember before my first clinic wondering if I’d be able to keep up, or if I’d be embarrassed I didn’t have “real” workout wear.

You want to wear what you are comfortable in–but if you work out in your jammies, you might want to get something else for the clinic!

Your clothing should allow for movement without getting in the way to keep you from doing the moves correctly.  A trainer needs to be able to see enough of your form to spot you, but your outfit doesn’t have to be skin tight.  I sometimes have troubles with capri length pants.  If you happen to be at a certain angle I can’t always tell your knees are bent. But we can work around it!  I’ve had people just change their angle a bit and then I can see fine.

Being able to see that you are curling your core, pressing that lower back to get rid of the “kidney” bean, as well as ribs up are also important. So keep those things in mind as you select your outfit for a clinic.

As for keeping up–the pace is much slower than the dvd, and a trainer may stop the class to help a particular individual.  She may also have you kick out more–if you come to my clinics, you can be sure you will get lots of them!  And no one will think badly of you if you just need to sit out some reps or even a few moves.  It’s a good time to take notes!

Be sure to bring plenty of water!  It’s so important to stay hydrated, especially with the more intense focus.  Sometimes there is extra water available, depending on where the clinic is held.  But be prepared and bring lots!

A few high energy snacks might be a good idea to bring along, too.  I like almonds, and/or walnuts with craisins.  Even a piece of fruit, cheese, or whatever food that provides you with some nourishment.  Again, you need to keep your body fueled for the time of extra focus!

Of course bring a pen and some paper for taking notes.  I like the little notebooks because they’re easier to grab and jot a few things down.

You don’t need to worry about anyone thinking much about how you look doing T-Tapp because they are going to be focused on their own form!  LOL!

Seriously, you are there for YOU.  If you don’t understand something the trainer says, ask if you could ask a question–it might be a good idea if you can wait until that move (or segment) is done so as to not interrupt the flow.  You could say, “When you had us in flat back position, you said, ‘Press the breastbone to the floor’.  I’m not sure I understand what I’m supposed to be doing?”   The trainer can then demonstrate or perhaps explain it a different way to where it clicks for you.  And never feel badly asking questions!  Someone else may be thinking the same thing!

Clinics usually offer a mix of the trainer helping your form and you getting some “a-ha’s”.  Often it’s just that you’re ready to hear it, but sometimes seeing and hearing it in person helps it click better or cements it more.  I have never regretted one penny spent on the clinics I went to.  I always learned something!

Shoes–please be sure to have good shoes!  Cross-trainers or athletic shoes with good heel support (the shoe should cradle the heel and not be sloppy) and a wide toe box are good.   You should be able to “jazz” your toes inside your shoes (jazz toes–think of painting your toenails, and spreading the toes apart).  This assures you have supportive shoes that don’t restrict in areas you need a bit of flex.  Many T-Tappers like Skechers Energy.  These are the ones I like.  If you sign up for Shoebuy or Zappos e-mails, you’ll get special discounts or a heads up on sales. Sometimes Kohls carries Skechers.

If you only wear your cross-trainers for working out, they will last you 6 months to a year, depending on how much you do.  Now, if you work out daily, those shoes might last you closer to 3-6 months! 🙂

So let’s run through the checklist:


Outfit, comfortable but form fitting enough the trainer can spot me–check!

Plenty of water–check!


Notebook and pen–check!

Good “Yes I Can!” attitude–check!


Readiness to have fun–check!


Probably the best thing, besides learning new tips and getting your form tweaked, is making new friends!

Have you been to a clinic? Have any tips to add?  Please share!

Or if you have a question I didn’t cover, please feel free to ask!

And if you’re going to be near any of my upcoming clinics (see the Training with Trisch page!), I’d love to have you join me!

Let’s have some T-Tappin’ FUN! 🙂



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