This month’s Deep Discount Tuesday is a great deal on the Step Away Super Set!

First is Step Away the Inches–a 25 minute indoor walking workout, core cardio that is the equivalent of a brisk 2 mile walk!

Then there is Step It to the Death Max, kicking it up to the next level!  It’s similar to Step Away the Inches, but contains more upper body movements and step/lift sequencing (64 step lifts, to be exact!) for increased core cardio concentration.  Equivalent to a 5 mile walk!

Separately they are $45, the set is normally $30.  But tomorrow it is $20!  Click HERE to take advantage of this great deal on two fantastic walking workouts that should be in every T-Tapper’s “repertoire”!


(Thanks to my friend Bev for the “nickname” for Step It to the Max! 😉 )



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