After literally 10 hours of trying to fix our old hard drive, it came down to needing a new one installed.  And that took my brother several hours this past weekend!  It’s all done…but I am still getting information back on my main computer as my dear techie brother wasn’t able to transfer the data. I’m just glad I got everything backed up!  Whew!

I’m still have some quirks like you usually do when you get a new computer or, in this case, a new hard drive, so I am being sucked into the vortex of technology, like it or not!

I apologize for not posting much these last few weeks.  I am hoping to get things in order and back to the “new” normal as soon as possible!

Did I mention that both our desktop computers needed new hard drives? And that the laptop is acting up, too?!   T’is the season! :p

Thanks for your patience and I hope to have more product reviews coming up as well as some tips on getting through the Holidays without totally losing ground!

Oh, and I’m finding the positive in all this!

*Everything is backed up that I kept intending to get to!
*All the pictures are doubly backed up–another one of those intended to get to items!
*I went through my massive amount of e-mails and hit the delete button–a lot!
*I got to see my brother and his family all Sunday afternoon!

We can always find the positives if we look for them, right?!  🙂

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