Tomorrow we start the October Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration program!   September has found participants losing inches as well as connecting with those core muscles! One participant wasn’t able to do as much due to healing from a shoulder injury, but focusing on the core kept her from gaining anything when she couldn’t work out!

There’s still time to join–I will leave registration up until this weekend.   I have 5 schedules breaking down Total Workout Super Slow into 1 hour, 45 minute, 30 minute– and even 20 minutes or less per workout session!  I call Super Slow “THE” Ultimate Instructional due to the great form tips, slow pace and muscle connections!

And we’re learning how to treat ourselves kindly and talk nicely to ourselves, which helps true beauty to shine from within!

Won’t you join me?

October Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration featuring Total Workout Super Slow!

*note–if you need Super Slow, you can order it through me at a discount once you register!


Photo credit:  Roger Karlsson

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