Hello from beautiful Colorado Springs!
I have really enjoyed my time here and with the ladies at the Be Beautiful Retreat. It’s so amazing to me to be in the mountains and able to see Pike’s Peak in the distance! A real treat for this flatlander gal!
June’s Beautiful YOU class features Tempo Torso–yes, we’re going to tame the Eye of the Tiger! I have 4 schedules with full workouts every other day, short workouts daily, short workouts every other day and even one with 10 minutes a day–yes we can!
You can read more details and register HERE! I will be leaving registration up another week since I got it into the store so late. If you do register this weekend, please e-mail me to let me know as I won’t be able to find out who signed up until later Monday.
I’m looking forward to focusing on this workout! Hope you can join me!