Ten of us had a great time Saturday at my very first T-Tapp Clinic!

I woke up feeling a bit “off” with my adrenals. 🙁  Bad timing for sure!

I prayed and reminded myself that many others were praying for me and sending good thoughts my way, then made sure I had my morning broth with butter and celtic sea salt!

Usually when I feel that way, it takes most of the day before I feel “normal”.   Our morning session was BWO+ with some of Senior Fit/Brain Body Fitness factored in (no, Senior Fit is not available on dvd–yet!).

I just have to say, as usual, Teresa is a genius!  By half-way through the morning, I was feeling great! 

Often we feel if we pause the dvd or kick out extra, we won’t get the max benefit.  The added kick outs actually help your stamina.

But what about results?

True confessions–since my certification I’ve only done mainly one class per week.  First it was due watching my adrenals, that I didn’t overdo it.  Then it was just…..life!

Secondly, I’ve found these horribly addicting mint M&Ms….. !

So my “muffin” was back a bit, partly due to some healing, partly M&Ms and not enough working out!   Imagine my delight today to notice the muffin is nearly gone!

Yep!  Nearly GONE!

Another attendee said she thought she noticed some slimming in her back and waist area!  Many reported that they were hardly sore–another great benefit to Senior Fit tweaks and kicking out more!  Even though I was a bit sore, I expected to be more so.

We had a lot of fun, enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by my daughters (including a gluten-free, honey-sweetened blueberry cheesecake! YUM!) and from the feedback I’ve received so far, many found new muscle awareness.   One said she thinks her lats are permanently activated!  LOL!

By the end of the day I felt absolutely wonderful!  I’m watching to not overdo for now, but it reaffirmed to me the power of T-Tapp!

It was such a joy for me to share the day with special people–T-Tappers!

Thanks to all who came (including 4 from out of state!) and helped make the day GREAT!

Next is Mansfield, OH, 4/21/12!


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