Five Simple Immune Boosting Tips
How do I support and strengthen my immune system?
Natural ways to boost immunity include drinking water, exercise, getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods– especially fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C. Getting outside for fresh air helps clear the head and destress– both of which give the immune system a helping hand!
You may be surprised that the first step to strengthen your immune system is not taking more vitamin C. Nor is it cleaning with high-powered cleaners. It’s not even drinking plenty of water or eating more whole foods.
This post will cover the first step in the series– be sure to sign up below so you don’t miss the rest!
First step–do NOT fear!
That may sound impossible (especially if you are scrolling through social media or watching every update on the news), but it is possible and it is truly the first step.
Fear will lower your immunity, which means no matter how well you are eating, drinking plenty of water, taking your vitamins and exercising, if you are giving in to fear, you will sabotage your efforts to protect health.
My husband once read an article that shared about people who died of a snake bite–even though the amount of venom was not lethal. How could that be?! The article went on to say that the fear itself lowered their immune system to where the smaller amount of venom did become fatal for them!
But it is also a sober reminder that we do need to first take every thought captive, so-to-speak. You’ve heard the expression “You can’t stop the birds from flying over your head– but you can stop them from making a nest in it”? This is a perfect example. We DO need to be informed and take precautions. We do NOT need to read about every illness out there or all the negativity (and there’s a LOT!). Yes, we need to be wise and take things seriously, but the fear of getting sick or fear of a situation could be worse than the situation itself!
My faith has been a rock for me during many frightening times in my life (husband in a serious accident when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with our oldest son, for one). I would like to share a few Scriptures that have been helpful for me to focus and get my thoughts aligned with peace and hope instead of fear.
Don’t worry or surrender to your fear. For you’ve believed in God, now trust and believe in Me also. ~John 14:1 TPT
Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] ~John 14:27 AMP
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. ~2 Timothy 1:7 AMP
Do not be afraid and anxious, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. ~Luke 12:32 AMP
Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm. ~Colossians 3:2 TPT
These are a few of the Scriptures that have helped me refocus my mind vs letting it go crazy following everything out there!
And if I could make this “subpoint A”–take some time away from social media and the news. Work on some of those unfinished projects you wished you had time for, or read that book you’ve been meaning to get to. Play a board game with those you love. You can’t change anything by worrying, so why not use the time instead to connect with those in your household or make time for yourself, rather than get consumed in all.the.things?
Incorporating “breath prayers” is another way to combine calming “do not fear” Scriptures with focused breathing– calming the mind, body and soul!
How do you do that? Try this:
- Inhale slowly through the nose, for a count of 4 if you can, while thinking “Be still and know”
- Hold for 2 counts, 4 if you can, and think “that”
- Exhale slowly through the mouth for 8 counts as you slowly say “I am God” (from Psalm 46:10)
Practice the focused breathing first, and if you can’t inhale a full 4 counts, go for 3. Hold for 1-2 counts, then exhale twice as many counts as you were able to inhale. Your stamina will improve!
Other Scriptures I use for “breath prayers”:
- “Because I am in Christ, I am a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
- “The Lord is my Shepherd, I always have more than enough” (Psalm 23:1)
- “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life” (Psalm 23:6)
- “I will teach you in the way you should go” (Psalm 32:8)
- “I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me” (Romans 8:37)
Take your favorite Scirpture or Scripture based declaration, combine it with focused breathing to help calm your mind and body for a free immune boost!
More simple tips coming! Want to make sure you don’t miss any? Sign up below for blog updates as well as other tips, and I’ll send you a Scripture card sheet you can print out to tape to a mirror, window, or to set on your desk or dresser to help you with this most important immune boosting tool!
Get This Scripture Card Set!

You can unsubscribe at any time– but I will be sharing extra goodies throughout this series on boosting immunity!
Results of T-Tapp That You Can’t Measure!
(This post was originally shared on the T-Tapp forums)
Sometimes, on our journey, we find ourselves in a spot where the scales don’t show much, and the tape measure slows down or stops, too. It’s soooo easy to be discouraged, and you hear, “Focus on health benefits” or “Focus on improved stamina/flexibility/etc.” We hear that, but down deep, we want that tape measure to pull in tighter!
If we’re not careful, we’ll let numbers steal our joy! I found that true with the scales! I have “only” lost 20 pounds in just over a year of tapping–but 70 inches! I finally decided to not weigh regularly anymore. This is the second week I didn’t weigh, and it wasn’t even tempting! Too many times, the tape measure showed 1.5-2.5 inches of loss, but the scales showed nothing. Then I let that depress me. Steal my sweetness of success. I decided “Forget it! NO more!”
Well, the tape measure has been slowing lately, too, even though I’m not LTL nor close to goal! January and February found me fighting with the same .75 inch over and over and over! Finally I lost a few inches, then nothing. Then 2.5 inches, then nothing. Then nothing again! I have a choice–get down over it, or look at benefits–things you can’t “measure”!
So, here are some things I thought of:
I’ve posted before about my “lump” under one arm. It appeared 21 years ago when my oldest dd was born–a “misplaced milk gland” the doctor said. It fluctuated over the years, but after gaining all this weight, it was bigger. I noticed last summer it seemed a bit smaller, so I tried to “measure” it. I couldn’t measure it with a tape measure easily, so I used my fingers. It was 3 fingers across (not encompassing it) and stuck out almost 3 fingers. It is now 3 fingers across all encompassed (meaning I can enclose it with those fingers) and sticks out just a little over 1 finger! The “gland” or lymph node inside used to be much bigger–maybe the size of the end of my thumb. It is now about pea sized! THAT is a biggie for me, as I have been keeping a close eye on it!
(see update at the end!!!!! )
Okay, that was a long one! Here are some more:
- Better stamina (especially during the workouts–and I can’t use PG spray right now due to breastfeeding)
- Stronger quads (I used to not be able to last on a bike–last summer I biked around a campground with both my boys in a trailer with hardly a thought about it!)
- Better posture
- More energy (I don’t HAVE to have a nap now! )
- Less problems with my feet (I’ve had plantar fasciitis before, and I also cracked a bone in my foot a few years ago, and T-Tapp has helped the pain of both)
- Knee fat diminishing
- Pecs a bit perkier (amazing feat since I’m nursing my 9th!)
- Stronger back
- See the chiropractor less (which has PAID for the workouts I own many times over!)
- Less cellulite
- Buns lifting
- Skin tightening (especially in my belly area which has been my worst–I looked 7 months pregnant when I started and I was 3 months post-partum!)
- I look younger (So I’ve been told!)
- More firming
- Don’t need the supplement I used to take to help keep me “regular”
- Hormones more balanced (PMS not as bad!)
- Better immunity
- Less brain fo
- Better eating habits
- More awareness of my muscles–especially the lats and transverse abs
- I’ve lost sizes–FIVE now–and listen–
You just read how I’ve lost only 4.5 inches since the first of the year. Most of that it was nothing or the gains canceled the losses. In late January I couldn’t fit comfortably into 14s, so I would say I’m a “comfortable” 16. I’ve been a 16 for almost 6 months.
So imagine my surprise today to not only fit comfortably into 14s, but I could put on 12s, button and zip them!!! AND could still breathe! (Although they wouldn’t be comfortable long-term just yet!)
And yet I haven’t lost much inch-wise–but it is getting “jigglier”! And I still lost size-wise! Sometimes, even when the scales and tape measure don’t show a loss, the obvious drop in a size says something is happening!
Please be encouraged–you might be stalling, you might be slowing down– but your body may be rebuilding from the inside out or regrouping! Hang in there, and in the meantime—
Look for the results that you can’t measure except in how good you feel!!!
Update #1
Bumping this up….had to share about that lump under my arm! It reduced by at least another third during the retreat!
Then Margie gave me a massage….and….
T-Tapp is MORE than just inch loss, ladies!
Update #2
I’ve lost another 46 inches since that original post—and gained 4 pounds!!!
I rehabbed my shoulder–did something funky to it last May, and went to the chiro a few times, got too busy, was going to go back…..and realized I didn’t need to! Let’s see…..$35 a visit times at least 2 times a month….T-Tapp just saved me $140!
Keep our eyes on the things that really matter–less pain, better health, better energy, better outlook on life!
Update #3
I can’t believe I hadn’t updated this…but in February…
Cyber WEEK Specials on All Class Packages!

The holidays are upon us– are you struggling to keep unwanted inches and pounds at bay?
I’ve created over 100 classes and packages based on the T-Tapp workout, mostly short classes so you can get the most results in a short amount of time! You don’t have to wait until the first of the year to “start fresh”!
Are you ready for some great specials on class packages?!
I’m sure you’ve been flooded already, but if you’ve been waiting for a great sale on my class packages and bundles– and even my e-book!– it’s HERE! From now through Friday, December 3 you can get 35% off ALL class packages AND bundles by using the code LB921 at checkout! Once you go to checkout there is a place directly beneath the class graphic that says “Apply Coupon”. Click on that, type in the coupon and hit apply and it should immediately show the sale price. You can use the coupon as much as you like between now and midnight PST on Friday!
NEW Class Packages!
Remember all my Sanity Saver videos? These are short videos featuring one T-Tapp move or a short mini workout that is 10 minutes or less. I originally created these for my Facebook group. They’re still free on my YouTube channel and in my Facebook group, but I decided to create packages of complementary moves and workouts focusing on different areas. There are 5:
- Core Cardio
- Amazing Arms
- Torso Trimmers
- Lower Body Blast
- Fabulous Floor
If you purchase one of the Sanity Saver packages, you can also grab Sanity Savers Stretches at checkout at less than half price! Check out the Sanity Saver Series to learn more!
Want ALL of the Sanity Saver Series packages?! Check out the Sanity Saver BUNDLE!
I also created a NEW Core Concentration package using my Core Focus videos from my Defeating Diastasis program, originally focused on closing the diastasis recti gap. But I first starting focusing on “curling the core” with a client when I first became a trainer! The videos are all around 5 minutes, still instructional, and great for more than closing a tummy gap– you’ll notice more ab awareness and core strength, too! The NEW Core Concentration is the same material but are the professionally recorded videos with updated checklists to download.

I also created a NEW Core Concentration package using my Core Focus videos from my Defeating Diastasis program, originally focused on closing the diastasis recti gap. But I first starting focusing on “curling the core” with a client when I first became a trainer! The videos are all around 5 minutes, still instructional, and great for more than closing a tummy gap– you’ll notice more ab awareness and core strength, too! The NEW Core Concentration is the same material but are the professionally recorded videos with updated checklists to download.
Here are a few categories to make your shopping easier!
Seated Workouts– my specialty! 🙂
Short Workouts– because sometimes it’s hard to fit it in!
Need help getting started? Check out the Getting Started Workouts! If you need more help narrowing it down, hit reply and I’ll be glad to help!
Prefer more In-Depth Classes to help you work more on alignment and activation and get the more results from your workouts?
With the 35% off sale, want to check out ALL the Bundles?!
Annnnnd–my e-book, Fatigued to Fabulous is also on sale for $5!
Fatigued to Fabulous is my story of losing 8 sizes interwoven with tips to help you get started on your inch loss journey! There are 10 schedules to help you plan using T-Tapp workouts. Check it out on the sidebar for more info! (No code needed for discount.)
Remember, the code is LB921 for 35% off all class packages and bundles, and the sale is on through midnight PST on December 3! If you have any questions about any of the packages or need help choosing the right package for you, please comment below or contact me through the Talk to Trisch tab at the top of this page. I’ll do my best to get back to you within 24 hours. (Usually sooner!)
With the variety of class packages available, all focused on the T-Tapp method, you can take advantage of this sale and snag a great deal on a packages to help you keep off unwanted inches and pounds through the holidays and as well as help you get a jumpstart on your 2022 fitness goals!
Ready to Transform Your Life?

One of the surest ways to sabotage your healthy fitness goals is to try to change it ALL at once!
I recently listened to coaching that encouraged picking only THREE areas to set goals in. Only THREE?!?
After getting over the “I-don’t-see-how-that-can-work” shock, I realized it really is sound advice. Trying to keep several plates spinning at once is the way to disaster–and a lot of broken china!!!
I understand overwhelm–especially when it comes to setting realistic fitness goals that still stretch you a bit. What workout should I do? If I only do 3 moves, which 3? Which healthy eating plan is best? How quickly can I get results? How often should I work out? Won’t I lose momentum if I don’t work out every day?
Before you know it, you’ve talked yourself out of doing anything! Or you get started, trying to do “all the things”–and… all the “plates” crash.
In my 28-Day Transformation Challenge, we’re only going to focus on a few things. You’ll create your own custom “challenge within a Challenge”!
- Movement– Keeping it short and sweet! Each week there will be 1 stretch, 1 seated mini workout, 1 standing mini-workout, 1 sneaky fit. You get to choose from those which one(s) and how often.
4 Healthy Habits to choose from–choose just 1 or 2 to focus on throughout the Challenge
Mindset– We’ll focus on small steps to shifting our mindsets so our beliefs and feelings don’t sabotage our goals!*
Healthy Eating– Tried-and-true recipes my family loves–even my teenage boys! 😉
I will be your coach, helping you to pare down the steps to reach your short-term goal for this Challenge, and how it fits into your longer term goal for your overall fitness.
I’ll also be your cheerleader! YES! We are going to CELEBRATE every small step and success!
We start next Monday, February 15 with a Kick-Off The Party Zoom Call at 8 pm EST! If you can’t join just yet–no worries! You’ll be able to sign up through next week and still get to view the Kick-Off Call in the course area. 🙂
I’ll be participating and working towards my own fitness goals–we’ll be a team holding each other accountable AND celebrating with each other along the way!
You can register through Monday, February 22. Next week I will be focusing on setting goals, which will also be in the course area so you won’t miss a thing! There is also a 2-payment option to help you jump right in!
After having “one of those weeks” that set me behind, I’m going to focus on setting goals this first week. So you actually get a FIVE week Challenge! 🙂
Simplicity, authenticity and accountability–3 keys for our transformational success! I’d love to have you join me! Check out the details at 28-Day Transformation Challenge page.
Any questions? Let me know in the comments below or use the Talk to Trisch tab and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
*Mindset material will be faith-based.
Birthday Bash Sale–and a NEW Seated Class!
Tomorrow is my birthday!
My new Healthy Hormones in a Chair seated class package is ready! This is the entire Healthy Hormones workout, modified for a chair. There are 11 Instructional videos of alignment and each move and 12 classes of 3 moves each, more to tempo. A few of the classes are longer than 10 minutes (none over 15)– sometimes there was just too much goodness to share and fit in! 😉
I loved creating this class package–and I hope you’ll love it too! (There are previews of a few classes–scroll down on the description page once you click the link.)
I have also created Birthday Bash Bundles of my favorite workout class packages, standing and floor! And a few of them include the new Healthy Hormones in a Chair package, too!
The Bundles–each bundle is a savings of over 20%!
Birthday Bash Bundle 1– Healthy Hormones! This bundle includes Healthy Hormones in a Chair, Beautiful Basics Healthy Hormones package, and 3-in-10 Healthy Hormones package. GREAT package to take you from basic form with the chair version, then Master class level for standing, and end up with the 3-in-10 at tempo to practice what you’ve learned!
Birthday Bash Bundle 2–MORE! This bundle includes Beautiful Basics MORE package and 3-in-10 MORE package–again, start off slow and focused with the Master class level teaching in Beautiful Basics and then progress to 3-in-10 classes, which are more to tempo.
Birthday Bash Bundle 3– Trisch’s Favorite Standing! These three workouts are my favorites for standing workouts! MORE made up nearly half of my workouts as I lost 8 sizes. Healthy Hormones really helped me when I was working on healing my adrenals, and my body really loves Fascia Fitness! I respond very well to the extra fascia activation in this one. (I split it up–of course!) The bundle includes the Beautiful Basics packages for all 3 of these workouts PLUS the 3-in-10 packages for both MORE and Healthy Hormones.
Birthday Bash Bundle 4–Trisch’s Favorite Floor! Bundle #4 includes classes for my two absolute FAVORITE floor workouts, Teresa’s Favorite Fascia Stretch and Brain-Body Fitness Floor. Teresa’s Favorite Fascia Stretch really helps me stay limber and keeps my fascia happy. 🙂 I rotate this one in from time to time, but I also do the beginning stretches nightly. They feel sooooo good! The Master class instructional style will help you get more out of the same stretches that are in Brain-Body Fitness Floor. When Teresa first introduced these moves at the 2015 Retreat, I did Brain-Body Fitness Floor 3 times per week for a month and lost a pants size! If you’re looking for more core, tummy and torso work, this is your bundle!
Want it ALL?!
Birthday Bash ULTIMATE Bundle!
- Beautiful Basics MORE package
- Beautiful Basics Healthy Hormones package
- Beautiful Basics Fascia Fitness package
- Beautiful Basics Brain-Body Floor package
- Beautiful Basics Teresa’s Favorite Fascia Stretch package
- MORE 3-in-10 package
- Healthy Hormones 3-in-10 package
- Healthy Hormones in a Chair
Or if you really like having it all AND any new classes added automatically, you can go with my Fitness Fusion with Trainer Trisch membership! For $27/month you get ALL my classes, including any NEW classes that I create! The only exception is my Defeating Diastasis program. With the new Healthy Hormones in a Chair package, there are now 20 class packages, most with several classes each. I plan to add at least one new package per month, and sometimes it will be more. My next project is a stretch class package, teaching you the stretches I do every night to keep inflammation down in my body as well as keeping my fascia limber and happy! After that I will be working on a Back to Basics series, covering the starter workouts (Basic Workout, MORE, Healthy Hormones and Senior Fit) as well as seated versions of each–just like Healthy Hormones in a Chair!
One MORE special– my e-book, Fatigued to Fabulous, is still on sale for $9!
The e-book sale and bundles are good through June 30.
I hope you have fun checking out the bundles and the other free previews of the new Healthy Hormones in a Chair package! Do you have a June birthday? Or a summer birthday? I’d love to celebrate with YOU, too! ♥

3 Simple Tips to Activate Your Inner Core
Ever hear of your “inner core muscles”? As I continue to learn better activation techniques and applying them to T-Tapp, I get excited and just have to share with YOU! How about tips to improve core activation and pelvic floor function?!
Your inner girdle (or inner “Spanx” as Teresa used to call it) is made up of various muscles—transverse abdominis, external and internal obliques and rectus abdominis that form the abdominal core muscles that most of us are familiar with. When we want to lose inches off the abs or strengthen our core, these are the muscles we target with traditional sit-ups, crunches and planks. Yet often these exercises don’t result in the core and spinal stability needed to protect from injury or result in the much-coveted inch loss.
Even with T-Tapp moves such as Organs in Place and Half Frogs, you can miss the key component to maximize results such as core strength and inch loss. So what’s a girl to do?!
Getting to the CORE of the Core!

Even deeper are the lumbar multifidus (deepest layer of back muscles), pelvic floor and diaphragm, which along with the transverse abdominis muscle form the “inner core” of the core—often referred to as the core stability muscles. Physical therapist Julie Wiebe calls it “the anticipatory core” because these inner core muscles have the ability to turn on to stabilize the body before you even take a step (or move your arms). It’s important to engage and activate the “inner core” or the “outer core” (obliques and rectus abdominis) can’t function to its fullest, which decreases performance (aka inch loss and strength) and increases potential for injury, due to the lack of stability.
So how DO you engage that inner core?
The simplest and easiest way is breathing. Yes, breathing! When you inhale deeply, expanding the ribs, not only are you stretching the fascia between the ribs and expanding the diaphragm, but you are also relaxing and lengthening the pelvic floor and transverse abdominis. When you exhale, there’s an automatic tightening or “recoil” that creates activation that exercises the pelvic floor muscles gently and naturally. It also exercises the diaphragm fully, where “chest breathing” keeps it shallow with not much activation happening. As you fully exhale, “pulling ribs together” as Teresa says, you get the dead air out, and it really works the fascia around your rib cage as well as your core—inner and outer!
Second–ZIP It UP!
Zipping up the abs can also be super helpful to get that deep inner core activation. Doing this slowly while lying on the floor (knees bent, feet on floor), zipping from pubic bone to rib cage will help you activate more deeply. You can take your finger and thumb, as if you were holding a zipper pull, and slowly zip up—all the way to the ribs. Slowly unzip, too—it’s not easy, but VERY effective!
Third–CURL That CORE!
Curling core on floor is another way to reach that deep inner core. Similar to zipping up the abs, you are activating the abs to slowly lift toward belly button (creating an inner core pelvic lift), curl the tailbone under—using mainly core to do so. This will flatten your lower back against the floor. You can then refocus lifting pelvic floor to stabilize for elevating ribs—but don’t let that lower back arch!
Curling the core standing, not fully tucking but keeping a more neutral spine, also really works the inner core.
It’s a GROUP effort!
The lat muscles in the back and obliques and rectus abdominis in front form the “outer core”. I like to cue thinking of being between 2 panes of glass, or between the door and storm door as my kids used to do, shutting each other in! That way you are not tilting ribcage to get ribs up, not arching the back—because you’ll hit the door if you do! Outer core and inner core all work together for posture, pelvic floor function, ease of movement– and yes—inch-loss results!
Want to follow along with a demonstration of how you can work that inner core—in a chair?! Check it out on my YouTube channel HERE!
Want even MORE? Sign up below and get access to a standing technique and move to help you work that inner core for optimal stability and results! (You’ll also receive e-mails 3-5 times per month where I share blog updates, subscriber-only form tips and first notice AND previews on new classes! Unsubscribe at any time—but I hope you’ll stick around!)
My two popular chair workout packages are back! Chair Champions and Chair Cruisers—and a bundle option of BOTH! These are short, doable classes to help you get max activation in a chair!
3-in-10 Classes are also available—3 moves in 10 minutes or less from 3 popular standing workouts! Choose from Basic, MORE and Healthy Hormones— or get all THREE in a discounted BUNDLE!
You can even try a few classes before you buy! Look for “preview” next to a class to check it out!
Your In-Home Personal Trainer
Alignment and form are key to results in any exercise. They optimize lymphatic pumping and drainage as well as muscle activation. They also protect joints and prevent injury. Alignment especially helps re-calibrate your posture and carries into daily life and activities, too.
But what if you don’t live near a trainer? Or maybe you do, or can access one online, but you can’t afford to hire her to come every day!
Use the built-in, in-house trainer you already have!
Introducing–The Wall!
(Or, in this case, the door!)

If you don’t have a wall clear of pictures (or chair rail), you can use a closed door. The goal is being able to lean against it to focus on muscle activation and alignment.
By using the wall to help support your body, you free up your brain a bit as well as your hands. Leaning against the wall takes off some of the pressure of holding yourself up against gravity, allowing you to focus more on what your muscles are (or should be) feeling and less on standing upright in the T-Tapp stance.
But just because you’re using the wall doesn’t mean you’re not focusing on points of perfection when it comes to form!
How It Works
The key points to using a wall or door to help with alignment and form:
- Heels of feet out 4-6 inches from the wall (enough room to tuck under)

- Toes forward
- Knees softly bent
- Start with natural airspace between lower back and wall
- Upper back can be touching the wall but doesn’t need to to start

I’m showing how there is the natural space there.
Once you find your wall or door, get set up as in the above tips. You are leaning against the wall, but don’t get slouchy—you still are focusing on proper form, after all!
Curing the Core Against the Wall
First– Place your hands low on the belly, below any fluff 🙂 and just above the pubic bone. Wiggle in gently and after a big inhale, on the exhale push everything up as you think/say “belly button up”. You will tuck under ever-so-slightly, but you are NOT focusing on the glutes yet. You are using the core muscles–the hands touching and pushing up a bit are helping the brain-body connection.

“Belly button UP”
Second– You will again inhale, and on the exhale, use your core muscles to flatten the lower back against the wall as best you can. You will bend the knees more as well as tuck under and use the gluteal muscles, but the core muscles are doing the larger portion of the work. Flatten your hands against your tummy when doing this part and think/say “belly button back”. (Yes, I want you to say it—it helps with the brain-body connection, too!)

flatten back against the wall
“Belly button BACK”
Next– Work one hand a bit higher, at the belly button or slightly above, inhale, and on the exhale press both hands against the tummy. Think of an elevator, with your core being the ground floor and then elevate your spine to lift ribs. You may notice the shoulders going back a bit, but they don’t need to touch the wall. The back of your head should be touching the wall but you should not have neck tension. You can slowly shake your head “no” to release any tension, or you can lightly press the back of the head against the wall. Refocus the top hand pressing against the upper tummy, refocus the lower tummy to press the lower back against the wall.

that hand would be pressing at or just above the belly button.
There’s only a slight difference–picture on the right I focused on RIBS UP!
Finally– Shift weight in feet off of big toe. Then inhale big—exhale bigger! It will be difficult, depending upon how tight the fascia around your rib cage is. Do your best without losing form or alignment!

You can tell a slight difference in the distance
between my knees and thighs.
You will feel slightly restricted trying to inhale deeply—think of East/West breathing, expanding the rib cage laterally. Then exhale all the way, as if pulling the ribs together. This is good for stretching the fascia around and between the ribs!
After a few deep breaths, step away from the wall and shake/kick out.
How About a Few Moves Against the Wall?
Oh yes you CAN!
Here are moves you can do against the wall:
- Plies (from Basic Workout, Health Hormones workout, Senior Fit, MORE)
- Reach Scoops
- T-Tapp Twist
- Hoedowns
There are more moves from other workouts that can be done against the wall, but these are great for starters!
I’ll go more in depth on how to use the wall with these moves in future posts, but if you want to go ahead and try one or all of them, remember to keep the feet out 4-6 inches, and press the lower back while executing the move.
I’d love to hear how you felt curling the core against the wall! And if you decide to try one of the moves listed above, let me know!
Stay tuned for more “Built-In Personal Wall Trainer Tips”! 😉
Thanks to my son Noah for being my photographer! ♥

Goal Setting for REAL Life!
A new year. A fitness challenge. A special occasion.
All motivators to set goals to look and feel our best!
You have a nice workout planner, a new set of workout clothes and
matching shoes, you’ve cleared the perfect spot to do your workouts.
After filling out that workout plan, you’re excited to get started!
Then—life happens!
The baby kept you up in the night and you can hardly drag yourself out of
bed, let alone change, push play and work out!
Or one of your kids (or YOU) got sick and you just aren’t up to it.
Or the washer broke and now the repair man is on his way, so no workout
Maybe it isn’t life’s interruptions, but overwhelm. You’re having a hard
time getting 5-6 workouts in each week, feeling more tired, not sure
if you’re doing the right workout….
When too many of life’s curve balls come your way, it’s easy to feel
guilty about your plans—or push them aside altogether.
Are we doomed to just stay at this size, this level of health and stamina? Is there no hope?
The Real Problem
When anything is fresh and new—whether a new year or a new motivation—it’s easy to plan big! We’re excited, motivated, and we are going to conquer our goals this time! But that could be the very thing that is sabotaging our success.
Unrealistic goals.
Working out every day at 6 a.m. seems like a good idea. Get it done first thing! Unless you’re not a morning person. Or have adrenal or thyroid issues. Or you have young children.
Upping the cardio to burn fat faster seems like the most streamlined and quickest way to drop those few sizes to fit into that special outfit. Unless it wears you out so much you can’t get anything else done! Or your focus just isn’t there and you can’t keep good form or activation.
What sounds great in the moment of motivation when you set the goal becomes the source of your discouragement when you can’t keep up.
Do we just throw in the towel, defeated yet again by situations beyond our control or over-ambitious goal setting?
A NEW Way to Set
Realistic Goals
Instead of giving into defeat, let’s look at a different way to set goals that are doable, even when the craziness of life hits!
1. Make your outcome truly achievable

We’ve all heard of SMART goals. But distilling that acronym down into truly achievable goals in fitness and wellness isn’t so cut and dried.
Most of us set a size loss goal for ourselves We want to be 2 sizes smaller by our anniversary. Or on January 1 we set a goal to lose 4 sizes by December 31. (I know some set goals to lose pounds, but if you’ve been around me for very long, you know I don’t put stock in losing weight as a measure of success! That’s a topic for another post!)
While you can certainly have a goal to lose X number of sizes, it should not be your only motivational goal. Why?
Because you can’t dictate to your body where to lose so you’ll fit into smaller clothes!
There are so many variables on this journey, not the least of which are health issues. Adrenal or thyroid issues, blood sugar issues or other metabolic issues will affect your ability to lose inches in all the right places.
“Okay, Trisch, so what am I to do? Don’t set a size loss goal at all?”
Absolutely set your goal! I personally want to lose 2 sizes for my daughter’s wedding in 4 months. It’s technically doable. But I also know there are variables I have no control over. So while that is my “size loss goal”, my greater goals are to be in the best health I can be at that time on my journey and feel comfortable in my skin.
I’m not setting a “I should look 10 years younger and be 2 sizes smaller in 4 months” goal. I’m setting a goal of “I want to continue my health journey and be vibrant and able to enjoy the day, and hopefully be a few sizes smaller. But if not, I will know I am still on my journey and I CHOOSE to feel comfortable in my own skin!”
Go ahead and set a goal to fit into a specific outfit or lose a certain amount by a reasonable date (losing 4 sizes in 4 months is NOT reasonable, just saying!). But also have a GREATER goal that you can control!
2. Log non-scale and non-inch loss measurements
Closely related to the last point, we need to have measurements of success that don’t involve numbers! In my example above, one of my greater goals is to be in the best health I can be at that time. Again, there are variables, but I can choose to focus on victories that aren’t tied to numbers. If I need less naps, have more energy, more brain clarity (especially as we get to the last few weeks before the wedding!), less stiffness—those are all validations that I am improving my overall health!
Maybe you would like to see your blood sugar or blood pressure improve. While that involves numbers, you can still focus on overall lowering of those numbers vs “be below ____ by this date”. Otherwise your blood pressure will go UP because you’re not getting where you want to be!
Set a specific goal, but not so specific that if you don’t reach it, you’ll be devastated. Finding that balance will help you celebrate small wins along the way to the greater goal!
3. You have powerful choices

I have control over how I choose to feel about myself. For example, I want to be focused on my daughter and soon-to-be son-in-law on their special day. Not worrying about how I look in pictures. What if I smile and radiate my joy at this happy occasion vs worrying I “look fat” in pictures?
Let me say this again: I get to choose how I see myself that day. And if I am radiating joy, I can assure you no one is going to be focused on my size!
If I am choosing to enjoy a special day, confident that I am at the best I can be at that point in my life, AND if I am focusing on others, I am free to enjoy a special day instead of beating myself up that I didn’t “try harder” at my workout/eating/health plan.
Choose to be your own best friend. How would you encourage your best friend in her goals? You’d gently challenge her when you know she’s procrastinating, encourage her to give herself grace when life hits her with unexpected challenges, cheer her on every time she got back on track—and you would–
4. CELEBRATE every small win along the way!

So why not be your OWN best friend?! Celebrate those small wins! Success breeds success! If you have other goals than inch/size loss, you will be looking for those improvements that would go unnoticed if you were only focusing on how many inches you are losing. There are so many things that you can’t measure, but that are more important than getting into a specific size!
Your formula for REALISTIC goal setting!
- Set a truly achievable goal
- Be sure to log the things that you can’t measure
- CHOOSE to be encouraged and cheer yourself on
- CELEBRATE wins along the way!
I’d love to hear what your goals are for 2020!
Would you like a little more help? Sign up below and receive my Goal Setting for REAL Life guide!
Photos by Alexa Williams, Preslie Hirsch and Jamie Street on Unsplash
Celebrate Success with a Flash Sale!
Who knew, nearly 13 years ago, when an overweight homeschooling mama from the cornfields of northern Indiana started working out with T-Tapp, that she would:
- Lose 8 sizes
- Gain energy (and 3/4″ in height!)
- Learn to like exercise
- Become a Master Trainer!
- LOVE helping other women feel better inside and out
- AND—be featured in a national magazine!!!!
YES! First for Women has featured my story of overcoming fatigue (well, the cliff notes version!) in the November 18, 2019 issue that is out NOW!
I was floored, excited and a little apprehensive….
Apprehensive? Why?
Can I be really real with you here?
Menopause plus transitions at home (hubby’s open heart surgery 3 years ago, older girls moving out and spreading their wings) have caused hormonal ups and downs, especially with my body. I’m not where I would like to be. Not just “oh look I lost X sizes and kept them off” for my own ego, but to represent T-Tapp well. Now let me say right away Teresa NEVER made me feel badly–in fact she reassured me that it’s okay to be a real woman in a real body–with real hormones!
Most of the time I am okay with where I am–I encourage you to be comfortable in your own skin, where you are right NOW, and I want to walk that path with you. But, of course, like anyone else, I wanted to look my level BEST when an opportunity like this came along.
The first and biggest hurdle was to be okay with that. And I mostly am! 😉
Then I thought of each of you.
Oh I know I don’t “know” you all, but I want to make you feel like we’re sitting at my table or on my porch swing enjoying tea or lemonade (depending on the weather!), chatting together. I want to encourage you to be your best self RIGHT NOW, not “when I lose this much” or “when I’m feeling better”, or anything else that is putting a condition on you being able to shine out your best YOU right NOW.
I remember the mindset shift when I thought about a lady just like I was 13 years ago–overweight, nothing is helping, exercise is actually making her more tired and she’s not losing a thing…
And I decided I would do this for HER.
Or the woman who is struggling to keep her head above water, brain fog and fatigue making it a chore to just take a shower.
Yeah, I would do this for HER, too.
For the one who is smaller than she used to be, but hormonal changes and stress have caused her to gain a bit, and while she’s not as big as she started, she’s a bit discouraged to be hanging out a few sizes larger than she would like.
I definitely would do this for HER as well.
And..I would do it for ME. To affirm to myself and my body that it is an amazing wonder and marvel, and this is about a lifetime journey, not a spring for a short term goal. This is LIFE!
This became less and less about me and more about US. Because we’re all in the trenches of life together. I don’t know anyone who gets a personal chef, live-in personal trainer, personal health provider and has a stress-free life.
We’re all in the boat of life together.
While initially I was a bit apprehensive, thinking this isn’t the time—I realized that what better time?!
Sooooo…in celebration of REAL women who need a REAL hope and a REAL workout, we’re having a FLASH SALE!
Since MORE workout was my go-to during those fatigue-challenged years, T-Tapp is taking 25% off the MORE package! All THREE workouts (MORE 1, 2 & 3), regularly $49.95, now $37.63! THAT is an AMAZING deal! Check it out HERE!
AND T-Tapp is also offering 25% off the MORE 3 Chair “streaming” workout–regularly $19.95–AND it will be downloadable! YES!
AND–there’s MORE! I have created a seated workout package called Chair Cruisers and it is on sale ALSO for 25% off!
I have thoroughly enjoyed putting this together–
- 15 stretch classes
- 29 individual move instructionals
- 15 classes of 3 moves each
- 2 stepping classes–YES! in a CHAIR!
61 classes in ALL! And NONE are over 10 minutes! (Most are 5-8 minutes long!) LIFETIME ACCESS–Regularly $87–$65.25 for the FLASH SALE! Click HERE for the sale price!
FLASH SALE is on from now through midnight Sunday, October 27, 2019.
If you’ve struggled with consistency due to fatigue, joint issues, needing more instruction, needing to stretch, can’t do standing workouts, not much time–NOW is YOUR time! You can purchase the MORE set (each level has a chair workout as well as 2 other shorter “10 minutes or less” workouts!), MORE Chair 3 Streaming or Chair Cruisers–or ALL THREE with this amazing sale!
Let’s celebrate TOGETHER! Yes we CAN!
Back on the Healthy Eating Wagon {part two}

(Missed Part 1? Check it out HERE)
Ready for the nitty-gritty details of how I “jumped back on the wagon”?
For the week of our county fair, every day I brought:
- Rainbow Salad with cubed roasted chicken
- 2 quart jars of water with sliced strawberries, lemons and limes
- Apples, clementines and watermelon
I ate a good breakfast, ate the salad for lunch and used the fruit for snacks (between the elephant ears and ice cream! 😉 ) I filled my water bottle with “fruit water” from home and my goal was to drink it (22 oz) plus both quarts of water by the time I came home. And most days I did!
The goal here is to make a plan. And prepare to execute the plan! I would refill the jars of water (I could reuse the fruit once so only had to chop fruit every other night), wash the fruit I was taking and put the salad and chicken in a plastic container to take. I would put a few plastic forks and napkins in a plastic plastic baggie to keep clean in my cooler. I made the salad and chicken the weekend before the fair. Preparation makes all the difference!
Then–enjoy your time! Don’t stress over the treats–focus on the GOOD choices you prepared and brought with you!
Now, I’ll be real here–there have been times, even though I told myself I’ll get back on track after a detour, I didn’t. I’ve had some emotional healing this spring that has really helped me in many areas, including eating. But by giving myself grace to enjoy the journey, making plans to offset the junk a bit, and also making plans to get back on track after the detour–it was truly not a struggle to “get back on the healthy eating wagon”!
NO judgment here! If you just don’t feel you can do that yet, it’s okay. But please don’t beat yourself up. I have dealt with emotional eating for as long as I can remember. It doesn’t just go away overnight! But we also can’t just make ourselves eat healthy if we don’t deal with the whole person. It all truly is interconnected!
A resource that has helped me tremendously, as well as made me EXCITED about cooking, is Cassy Joy Garcia’s Cook Once Eat All Week. You can also check out some of her recipes for FREE at her website, Fed and Fit!
I have to double (and sometimes triple!) the recipes, but they are sooo flavorful! Gluten free and leaning towards paleo (but not 100%), she gives you the shopping list, prep day instructions and then 3 main dishes with a starchy vegetable and usually a green vegetable to put together or reheat on the day you need them. She also gives 2 other menu ideas with different meats so if you don’t want to have chicken every night, for example, you have options. And having a meal plan takes the “I’m-too-tired-to-think-about-what-to-have-with-this” brain fog AWAY!
I started this for me, then decided my whole family would eat this food,too! And they LOVE it when it’s “my” night to cook! 😉 (I have a few children who have nights to cook, so we all give each other a break!)
(Do yourself a favor and get the spiral bound version!)
I also love that there are so many varieties of veggie ideas! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE roasted veggies!
This was tonight’s asparagus and cherry tomatoes before going into the oven–they were yummilicious!
Have you ever roasted veggies? It’s SUPER easy!
- Choose veggies (I’ve used parsnips, asparagus, brussels sprouts, cherry tomatoes, summer squash, zucchini, peppers) and slice or dice into cubes
- Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper and seasonings of choice
- Spread on large parchment lined cookie sheets
- Bake at 375° – 400° for 30-50 minutes (longer for denser veggies)
- Enjoy!
There are SO many possibilities with roasted veggies! And roasting brings out the flavors for a tasty way to get those veggies in!
Here’s the AMAZINGLY yummy Rainbow Salad before mixing:
Would you like a quick checklist of my tips PLUS recipes for Rainbow Salad and my favorite roasted veggie combos? (Including my “secret” ingredient! 😉 ) Drop your name and email below!
Getting back on the healthy eating wagon doesn’t have to be something we dread. Following these three easy tips can make it easy–and FUN!
- Add ONE good choice
- Prepare ahead of time when you can
- Have GRACE for yourself!
Oh! ONE more tip:
- ENJOY the process!
I’d love to hear any steps YOU have taken to get back to healthy eating! Have you added roasted veggies to your menu? What are your favorite combos? Please share below!