Are You Your Own Best Friend?
What do you see when you look into a mirror? Even more importantly, what are you thinking?
One of the gifts T-Tapp has given me is confidence in who I am. I have become at peace with who I am inside, and I have learned to appreciate my body and my strengths vs. continuing to focus on my weaknesses and seeming negatives. Often our biggest struggles happen between our ears!
As we stay focused on the negative, we will be more and more self-conscious and feel everyone is staring at or noticing them right away. Often that becomes a self-fulfilling fear as we either apologize for the supposed problem or inadvertently draw attention to it. The other problem is we’re so introspective worrying about what others are thinking that we can’t reach out to them to be a comfort or encouragement. We are literally bound by our fears!
I find it sad that many women, when prompted to share one good feature or even one good quality about themselves, can’t. They are either vague or just don’t want to go there. We often say things to ourselves that we would NEVER say to a good friend! Can you imagine, over a lunch date with your best friend, this conversation taking place?!
Sally: “I hate my tummy! I never lose there—it’s so huge I look pregnant!”
You: “You got that right! I think you’ve gotten much bigger than the last time I saw you! Kinda looking about 7 months pregnant, eh?!”
I would certainly hope you would never think such a thing—let alone say it!
And yet…
We will often look in the mirror (or just at the “challenging” area) and say those very words to ourselves!
You need to become your own good friend! If you wouldn’t say it to your best friend—then you don’t say it to yourself!
Your body sets up a defense against this negativity.
This excerpt from Your Relationship Matters is quite true:
Your adrenal glands ensure an immediate response to an ‘assault’ (in the widest sense) or indeed perceived attack on your well-being and sense of safety and security. You will have available all the resources needed to fight or flee (or ‘tend and befriend’ – more often women).
Ever fall into that “tend and befriend” category? Going to great lengths to keep people happy? Trying to anticipate their needs and feel “needed” to make you feel good inside? But that doesn’t last and often people are ungrateful—or don’t even notice. Or they suck you dry! And yes, even if you are the one making the comments to yourself—your adrenals will still set up that response to the “assault” you are giving yourself. While you can try to avoid a negative person in your job or community circles, you can’t get away from the one inside your own head!
We honestly can’t give out of an empty cup.
We tend to pull our affirmation from others, our jobs, our hobbies, our activities or charities, our busyness–but in the end we can feel just as insecure or even burned out.
What’s the answer?
Put yourself first! Take care of yourself!
Did that statement rankle you? Do you feel that is “selfish” and “prideful”?
Have you ever flown? I’m sure most of us have. As the flight attendants go through the safety procedures, one of the things they demonstrate and tell you is in case of emergency, put on your oxygen mask first, then help a child or other passengers put theirs on.
Too often we as women are taking care of everyone and everything until we crash. When that happens, and you need 3 naps a day just to function (not work, not attend your meetings, not tend to your hobbies and charities, just barely functioning for yourself), who will take care of those things then?
By putting your physical and emotional health first, you will be a better person, wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, co-worker–and you will be better able to help others, as well!
You might be surprised to see that confidence showing up on the outside in interesting ways!
My friend Jennifer started working on speaking kindly to herself, especially about her “challenging” area. She was dealing with inflammation in her body and hadn’t seen inch loss for awhile. Addressing food sensitivities and letting her body heal from the inside out, she realized she needed to be kind to herself and not berate herself for her lack of outward “progress”. Soon she was getting compliments for weight loss—only she hadn’t lost anything! She was more confident in who she was, more joyful and secure in who she was, and it showed on the outside in how she carried herself as well!
Beauty within starts with some “housecleaning”–getting rid of toxic thoughts and attitudes, and replacing them with fresh, positive attitudes and statements about yourself. Becoming your own best friend! For then you will be confident in who you are, you won’t need to feel insecure or jealous, and you will truly be able to help and encourage others on their journey to better health and true beauty—inside and out!
This post is an excerpt from my e-book, Fatigued to FABULOUS: One Woman’s Journey from Overwhelm to Overcoming. I want to encourage you in this month of “love” to take time to love yourself, speak kindly to yourself–because you will then be better able to love others from that place of wholeness!
As my gift to YOU to help you be your own best friend 🙂 , use the coupon code iloveme to get a $3 discount off the sale price of my e-book through February 14!
If you would like to read a similar post on this subject, please check out Mirror, Mirror On the Wall–I’m Sure I’m the Ugliest of Them All!
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Trisch’s Tappiversary Sale!
On this day 11 years ago I started my very first T-Tapp workout, using the Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes book. Only it took me 1 1/2 hours trying to figure it all out at first! 🙂 I eventually got it down to less than half an hour, then a friend loaned me her dvds while I waited on mine to come!
In honor of my “T-Tappiversary”, my e-book, Fatigued to FABULOUS is HALF OFF the original price for TODAY only! (Regularly $27, today it is $13.50)
Fatigued to FABULOUS is my T-Tapp journey, interspersed with tips and there are 10 schedules included in the e-book–which are worth more than the price of the book at regular cost! So you get encouragement, tips, and 10 schedules to help you get started, restarted or rebooted if you need a shift in mindset!
Don’t forget these Tappiversary specials–which are also available through today!
- Amazing Activation Tips— 1 month access to 3 video classes going over T-Tapp stance, newer tips, tweaks to get toned arms and more!
- Beautiful Basics— 2 month access to 9 instructional-style video classes, with 5 workouts to choose from!
- BOGO deal on FRESH Living digital magazine–full of recipes, encouragement, healthy eating tips and MORE!
- Fabulous Form Tips— written tips and an mp3 recording covering most if not all of the moves of a workout–TEN workouts to choose from!
Thanks for celebrating with me! ♥
Celebrate My T-Tappiversary!
January is my anniversary month for T-Tapp!
On January 26, 2007 I started my very first workout–from the book! Then 5 years later, on January 15, 2012 I certified in Total Workout to become a T-Tapp trainer (and certified for MORE the next day). So let’s CELEBRATE!
I have 4 specials for THIS WEEK ONLY–through Friday the 26th.
Ready to celebrate?!
Amazing Activation Tips! Three short video classes explaining techniques and moves from the 2017 T-Tapp Retreat! It includes classes on:
- T-Tapp Stance, Ankle Activate, Activate HIps
- Fascia Stretches
- Jazz Arms/Amy’s Arms
The longest class is 14 minutes, the other 2 are under 10 so you can polish your form and learn to activate those muscles even better– for AMAZING results!
Beautiful Basics Online Video Class Packages! Video classes from my Beautiful YOU online program, covering 4 Core Focuses, 4 Bonus Focuses and an hour long video class covering most of the workout! You get 2 months access for $47 instead of the regular price of $67! AND you can get the Combo with Fabulous Form Tips–details below. Available workouts for these packages are:
- Healthy Hormones
- Brain-Body Fitness
- MORE 2
- First Step 1 & 2
- Fascia Fitness
Fabulous Form Tips! These are the written tips from Beautiful YOU. You can get just the tips OR you can combine them with one of the workouts from Beautiful Basics for a special Combo price! There are 10 workouts available to choose your tips, and the written tips are lifetime access and are downloadable! You even get an mp3 recording of the class call! Tips are normally $67, for this week only you get them for $47! And again, the combo is just $67 instead of the regular $87!
(Please note: Not all of the Fabulous Form Tips packages have a corresponding video class package at this time.)
Have you checked out FRESH Start for Health? My friend/coach Bess Blanco has created a BEAUTIFUL digital magazine called FRESH Living! I was featured in the Summer issue and shared walking tips in the fall issue, too! Bess has agreed to let you have a GREAT BOGO deal just this week for my Tappiversary–BOTH issues for the price of one! And it’s reasonably priced–just $4.97! You don’t just get a nice interview and a few tips, but recipes, information to improve your healthy choices, and MORE! Check it out –> FRESH Living Magazine (Celebrating Trisch’s T-Tappiversary).
And check back on Friday– I will be having a special sale on my e-book, Fatigued to FABULOUS! You can download the first chapter of Fatigued to FABULOUS if you haven’t checked it out yet. (But don’t purchase until Friday! 😉 )
Remember–these specials are for THIS WEEK ONLY! You will have through Friday, January 26 to purchase. You can activate your video classes anytime by May 1.
Happy T-Tappiversary to US!
Thanks for celebrating with me! 🙂
T-Tapp Cyber Weekend SALE!
Cyber Weekend is HERE! The BEST time to get great deals on all things T-Tapp!
Starter workouts– variety workouts, nutritionals (including non-T-Tapp supplements like Amino Sculpt and Melatonin!), skin care and even digital–time to get your wishlist out and make those wishes come true!
Check it out at the T-Tapp Webstore! —> Cyber Weekend Specials
Or if you know which section you want:
Starter Systems
Variety Workouts
Skin Care
For Cyber Weekend I have 4 specials!
If you get a lot out of written tips and like having them to go over again and again, my Fabulous Form Tips are again available–and in a NEW format! It’s so easy this time of year to “lose” the e-mails of all the wonderful things you purchased, so I placed the tips into a course format. No more lost or missing e-mails! You sign up at a membership site and I will then add you to the set of tips you purchased and they’ll be there for you to access whenever you want!
I’ve set the tips to unlock in sequence, but if you prefer to work them at your pace, you can let me know you prefer that option! But if you tend to get overwhelm and “analysis paralysis” by looking at everything all at once, now you can just focus on the next thing. Bye-bye, overwhelm!
Fabulous Form Tips come from my Beautiful YOU online program and include tips for 4 Core Focuses, 4 Bonus Focuses (in-depth tips for 4 different moves) and an mp3 recording of the class call I did plus a transcript of the call!
They are available for 10 different workouts–$37 each and you get lifetime access!
Workouts available: MORE, MORE 2, Healthy Hormones, Brain-Body Fitness Floor (no transcript), Posture Power Walk, First Step 1 & 2, Fascia Fitness, LadyBug, Turn Back Time and Senior Fit
Rather have video recordings of the tips?!
Beautiful Basics are video class recordings from my Beautiful YOU online program. Each video class package includes 4 Bonus Focus classes and 4 Core Focus classes (these run 20-30 minutes) AND a video of the class call! (Usually an hour plus time for Q&A afterward). Imagine how much more activation you can get out of a workout with in-depth tips from a Master Trainer–and you can pause and go back as much as you want! (You can’t do that live! 😉 ) There are 5 workouts available for the video class packages.
And if you purchase more than one package, you have until September 1, 2018 to start your last package! This is an amazing opportunity at $37 each!
Want BOTH the written tips AND video class package?! Yes you CAN! $67 will get you both the Fabulous Form Tips AND the Beautiful Basics Video Class package for the workout of your choice! That’s like getting the Fabulous Form Tips for FREE!
Prefer one-on-one?!
I’m also offering a webcam session sale–2 for 1 through Cyber Weekend! From now until 11:59 p.m. Monday, November 27, for every Mighty Mini or one hour session you purchase, you get another one FREE! You can check that out here—> Cyber Weekend Webcam Session Sale!
And that’s not ALL!
My e-book, Fatigued to FABULOUS will be on sale at HALF PRICE through Monday!
And if you would like a little inspiration, my Yes You CAN! MudLove bands, regularly $12, are be also on sale for $10 through Monday!
Great deals, courses with tips to get the best results and inspiration through my e-book and Yes You CAN! bands–now you have all you need to get started NOW for an even better 2018!
Core Cardio–in a Chair?!
Ever have an issue arise that sidelines your standing workouts? Whether adrenal fatigue, knee or hip issues, ankle or foot injuries–most of us have had something come up that messed up our well-planned workouts.
Chair workouts to the rescue! But can a seated workout really be that effective?
My own experience as well as that of many T-Tappers has been that chair workouts can be just as effective–even for the lower body!
That’s right! You can maintain and even lose inches off the lower body doing mostly seated workouts! But keeping the T-Tapp principles of alignment and muscle activation are key to getting results all over.
Let’s start with the stance–er–sittance? Alignment! 😉 You want a supportive chair, sit towards the edge, and if your feet can’t be flat on the floor, try a different chair or grab a book or box or low footstool so your feet can be flat. Sometimes just putting on my Skechers makes the difference of being able to keep my feet flat or not!
Lower body alignment is as follows:
- Knees straight out from hips
- Ankles directly under knees
- Feet flat on floor (or book, box or footstool)
- Feet straight forward (no ducks, not even when sitting!)
Once you have the lower body aligned, it’s time to work on upper body:
- Curl the core–pull that tummy UP and in (more on that in bit!)
- Ribs UP! Think of a string pulling your head nice and tall to the ceiling
- Shift back–don’t lean forward. Shift weight back onto sit-bones
- No turtles! It’s so common to jut our chin forward without realizing it. Center the ears over the shoulders. Weight shifted back should help this!
Curling the core–it’s not just tightening the glutes (buns) for all you’re worth! And while pushing the feet in can help, neither do you want to do all the work with your feet–or you will have sore knees!
Place one hand on your tummy, one on lower back. You won’t “tuck” much because, well, you are sitting in a chair and there’s not much room to tuck! Think to bring belly button up, then back to your spine. Keep hands there as you lift ribs so you don’t lean back or lose your tummy. This may be difficult because the fascia in the lower back and lower belly may be tight and need to s-t-r-e-t-c-h. Do your best and reset often!
Once you have your core activated and ribs up, shift weight of upper body back a bit onto the sit bones. You will feel your body “fall into alignment” and it will be a bit easier to keep that core activated along with the lats to help keep your ribs up! Get those ears centered over shoulders (if the shift back didn’t already do that) and now–BREATHE! BIG inhale–exhale BIGGER!
One last tip–while it is fine to push in with the toes, shift to push in with the foot weight more in the heels. Try both ways–feel the difference? Shifting to the heels helps activate more of thighs as well as across the knee in a way to help not make the knees sore and eliminate knee knocker pudge, especially when you also shift weight off of big toe. But push lightly–remember, your core is supposed to do the work, not your feet!
Go ahead and do a set of Butterflies, Tricep Curls–you can even do Jumping Jacks (or V’s and W’s) from Plies in a chair! To “kick out”, wiggle toes and shake out knees and hands and relax the intensity of your tuck a bit. Whew! I get warm just setting up!
Here’s a great series of moves to do in a chair– Get Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes!
Just remember your alignment tips above!
(And pssst! Heads up! I will be offering my Fabulous Form Tips in a few weeks as a Cyber Weekend special! I’m repackaging them into an e-course format to help reduce overwhelm so you can get fit and FABULOUS with tips like these! I’ll share more about that soon!)
Favorite Deep Discount Tuesday
Deep Discount Tuesday is here–and it’s everybody’s favorite!
20% off your ENTIRE order! Now’s the time to get that wish list out and start filling it! 😉 Discounted prices are already in place–no code necessary.
(Discount does not apply to trainer events, digital products, Nerium or Magnesium Oil.)
You can shop until 11:59 p.m. Eastern tonight (October 17). Are you going to try a new workout? Try Digest Plus? Stock up on Alfalfa? I’d love to hear what’s on your list!
Check out the sale HERE!
Happy shopping!
Last Day for Defeating Diastasis!
Today is the last day to register for the fall course of Defeating Diastasis!
If you’ve been struggling with losing inches off the tummy area, with activating your core muscles, with closing a diastasis recti gap or with pelvic floor issues, I’d love to have you join me!
I’ll offer the course again in early March, but wouldn’t it be great to get a stronger core in preparation for the holidays? And before the next 60 Day Challenge?
Be sure to forward your confirmation e-mail to me tonight so I can get you added to the sequence right away!
You can register here —> Defeating Diastasis Program
Let the gap-closing, core-strengthening adventure begin! 😉
To Tuck or Not to Tuck?
To tuck or not to tuck–that is the question!
As I did research for Defeating Diastasis, my online course to help close the tummy gap (diastasis recti) and improve and pelvic floor strength, the controversy over tucking vs neutral spine came up repeatedly. And it’s totally understandable! After all, we don’t want to do something to exacerbate the very problem we’re trying to heal.
Before I share my own conclusions, I want to take a moment to go back in time.
20 years ago, “core” was not a buzzword. Many of us when we start exercising don’t know much about one muscle group over another. I knew a little, but I sure wasn’t up on all the ab muscle groups, lats, quads, etc. Teresa wanted her workout to be for everyone and chose terminology the average person could connect with. Fast forward 20 years–terminology has changed and Teresa has also continued to learn and grow and develop the moves to be even more effective. Now, instead of “tuck butt” she says “curl the core” or “curl/tuck”.
In all honesty, what she is focusing on now was what she always wanted us to do.
Since the gluteal muscles (buns/derriere) are stronger they often will take over when “tucking the tailbone under”. But it is the abs that are to initiate and drive this, not the backside! I often tell my clients, “If the buns and abs are going together for a gift, the buns only give 30-35% while the abs give 65-70%!”
Now that we’ve had a little history lesson (and a little anatomy! 😉 ) we’ll go on to my conclusions and advice about tucking.
When you “tuck” your pelvis, you can end up pushing down more on the pelvic floor and actually end up widening a diastasis recti or tummy gap. NOT what we want, right?! So does T-Tapp make a prolapse or pelvic floor dysfunction worse? Does it widen the tummy gap?
It could. But it shouldn’t.
If you are using mainly the gluteal muscles or backside to drive the tuck, you will be bearing down on your pelvic floor. We want to lift that area and do all we can to facilitate core strength which helps the pelvic floor as well. How to do that? Learn to curl the core and tuck properly.
Whenever I have a new webcam client, new in-person session or teach a new class or clinic, the first thing we will do is go over curling the core against a wall and sometimes on the floor. It is imperative to get this right for many reasons. First of all, it is the “core” of T-Tapp! Secondly, it will actually help lift the pelvic floor and will engage more abdominal muscles and help heal a diastasis recti vs make it worse.
First you want to think “belly button UP”.
More than your belly button will go up, but it is a visual and familiar area that we can connect with. Adding touching that area with your hands will help even more in strengthening the brain-to-body connections. Pressing down just below the bladder area and wiggling in, then literally pressing up toward the rib cage, will help engage those lower ab muscles (transverse abs) and give a little lift to the pelvic floor area.
Next think “belly button BACK”.
Often I’m asked “like sucking in your gut?” Well, not quite. You want that “up” motion before you go back as this will engage more muscles. You engaged the transverse abdominal muscle (or TVA) and now we want to move up to engage more core muscles. Pressing your hands against your abdomen (lightly!) engage the muscles up to and around your belly button to help flatten your back against a wall or the floor, losing the airspace between your back and the flat surface. Yes, your pelvis just tucked a bit. However, you don’t want the “tucking” to be the main focus but the abs pressing the back flat.
Side note–in the newer First Step series workouts Teresa is joined by her sidekick, 90 year old Berei. Between the ages or 85-87 Berei gained 18% bone density in her lower lumbar alone! She improved from osteoporosis to osteopenia–which is an amazing feat for anyone, but especially someone in her 80s! All the “press/tuck/curl” that Teresa cues in First Step is what she gives credit for the improvement. But it’s not about tucking the tailbone hard as you can–it’s about engaging those ab muscles, some of which are attached to your lower back fascia. So as you curl that core to tuck the pelvis under, and especially as you think belly button UP before belly button back, you are engaging muscles to lift the pelvic floor, help strengthen the back as well as strengthen the core and, yes–close a tummy gap!
Is there ever a time to have a neutral spine in T-Tapp workouts?
Yes, but not until you have the foundation of the “tuck/curl”. Once you have that core activation, you can lift the ribs and in recent workouts, such as First Step 1&2, First Step 3&4 and First Step Fascia Fitness, Teresa often cues a neutral spine after the foundation is laid. But you don’t let your core go to achieve neutral spine!
Is this effective? Is it safe?
YES! This fall starts the third course of Defeating Diastasis. I have amazing testimonials from women who have not only closed or made significant progress on closing their tummy gaps, but also increased their ab awareness and core strength as well as improved their pelvic floor function. One of the most amazing testimonials is from Emiko H. who had several issues with pelvic floor dysfunction due to 3rd degree tearing during the birth of one of her children. After going through the course last spring, all her issues are GONE! And she didn’t get all the way through the course–in fact, she mainly focused on ONE technique!
You don’t have to enroll in Defeating Diastasis–just follow the tips in this post to help. But if you want a more structured program with video demonstrations of many of the techniques and slow instructionals of many of the T-Tapp moves that are good for improving core strength, you can sign up to be notified when registration opens for the spring course (tentatively late January/early February) Check out details at Defeating Diastasis .
If you have any questions, please comment below or contact me–I’d love to help YOU improve your core activation!
Deep Discount Tuesday–Sculpt and Tone While Balancing Hormones!
The 2017 T-Tapp Retreat was AWESOME as usual! I typically don’t lose much during the week of the Retreat and certifications-and sometimes not a lot when I come home, either. But I measured today to find 6 inches gone–one off my waist! I think everyone lost an inch at least off their waist and many lost more! All that fascia stretching from rib to hip paid off!
Today’s Deep Discount Tuesday is a part of the Vibrant for Life packages that Public Broadcasting filmed at one of the retreats. It has only been available through PBS but today YOU can get Posture Power Sculpt and the Vibrant for Life documentary for less than half price!
I consider Posture Power Sculpt is a fusion of Senior Fit and Healthy Hormones, adding Balance, Posture Power sequence (great for arms!) and a newer move that works upper and lower body AND balance! Not having as many water breaks as Senior Fit makes it a bit more aerobic. The dvd has Broom 2 Live on the dvd, too! Lots of options to lose inches and sculpt your body!
The Vibrant for Life Documentary is chock full of information from Teresa, Mary Shomon and Dr. Sara Gottfried, plus interviews with many T-Tappers–information that will help you get those hormones in balance!
Regularly $65 you can get this set for $35 for Deep Discount Tuesday!
You can have your very own “mini Retreat” with this set! Grab some magnesium oil and soak your feet while watching parts of the documentary for a real treat!
Self Care in Chaos (Part 3)
I want to talk about movement during a chaotic and stressful time. Notice I did not say workouts!
Some of you may find working out during stressful times helpful, but when total chaos hits, you may find it impossible to keep consistent with any kind of routine.
That’s certainly what I found during the days leading up to my husband’s surgery as well as afterward. The first thing I noticed was my lower back and legs aching from standing next to and over hospital beds. As much as I’d like to say I was able to keep my core and lats engaged, that was the farthest thing from my mind!
I did realize, though, that I needed to find some relief, and doing a workout wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. So what did I do?
Sneaky Fit to the Rescue!
I often will curl my core against a wall when my lower back is sore, especially from a long day of standing or walking. Of course, it’s not always easy to find a suitable wall in a hospital room! I would lean against the bathroom door after closing it and more than once I leaned against the elevator wall as I went down a few floors. I used to do it only when I was alone—after awhile I just didn’t care! 🙂
If you have never curled your core against a wall, here is the short version (I share a longer version in my online programs):
- Stand against a wall, feet out about 4-5 inches
- Bring belly button up towards the rib cage (it won’t really go up that high, it’s the activation you are after)
- Now use the tummy muscles to flatten the lower back against the wall, tucking to accommodate as needed
- Keeping the core activated to flatten back against the wall, lift the ribs without arching away from the wall
- Shift knees out, weight off big toe
- Big inhale, exhale BIGGER! (Note: It WILL be tough to inhale big, do your best!)
- Step away and kick out
{The following paragraphs contain affiliate links. If you choose to purchase through these links, I will receive a small compensation which helps me keep this website running smoothly so I can continue to bring you helpful tips and encouragement! There are also links to specific moves mentioned–which are not affiliate links. }
Curling the Core alone went a long way to keep my sanity! Of course you could do Hoedowns in the bathroom, but to be honest? I just didn’t have the mental energy or motivation. I didn’t mind doing Butterflies (don’t imitate the gal behind Teresa! 😉 ), or even Flick Kicks (the more activated kickouts Teresa does in the newer workouts). Find a few moves that are “no-brainers” for you—you don’t need a lot of mental energy, just enough to focus on that move without taxing you. Scarecrow Ski is a fun move that is easy to memorize (found in Senior Fit and First Step as well as Turn Back Time). It might be a seated move. I did some of the push, press and pull Teresa does in this video clip How to Get Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes. Now with the T-Tapp Tuesday moves from Great Day Tampa Bay (WTSP Studio 10 Live), you could pick a few moves that click for you to do in odd moments when there is no one around (or maybe do it with the nurses coming in and out and advertise for T-Tapp!).
Even sitting and doing Butterflies or other moves can be helpful. Even just curling down in a chair, hanging onto your knees, then pulling to come upright can help! A few workouts that have these and other great seated stretches are MORE Chair, TappCore 2 and MORE 3 Chair streaming workout.
Here’s another great move from Studio 10 Live that I love—T-Tapp Tuesday Sit-Down Arm Exercise.
Even shifting your weight into your heels and doing several shoulder rolls can do wonders!
Pick one or two of these that stand out to you and learn them well so you don’t have to have the videos or dvds—and you’ll be well-prepared with moves for any crazy times that you can’t workout. No need to let chaos and stress create muscle tension and tightness! Sneaky Fit to the Rescue!
This is part 3 in a series on Self Care in Chaos. If you’ve missed the first two you can find them here: