Getting Started with T-Tapp

  Are you ready to get started with T-Tapp, but not sure which starter workout is best for you? Or have you already been T-Tapping for awhile and would like to try out one of the other starter workouts, but aren’t sure which one to get next?...

Fatigued to FABULOUS!

How does an overweight, overwhelmed and tired, adrenal-fatigued mama become slimmer, more energized, more confident and overcoming? That’s my story in Fatigued to FABULOUS!  I’ve shared from my journey of losing 8 sizes and mixed in tips for everything...

Some “Basic” Tips

  I want to share some “basic” tips with you that I share with new T-Tappers when they purchase the Basic Workout Plus. First of all–spend time watching the Instructional.  Yes, I know, you want to DO it!  But trust me, it is time well spent!...

Senior Fit–Don’t Let the Name Fool Ya!

  I was at the 2010 Retreat when Teresa first introduced Senior Fit. I have watched  morph and change into something much bigger and better than she originally planned. I told Teresa at that retreat, “If MORE is a ‘clinic in a box’, then Senior...

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