by Trisch
If you have any kind of hormonal issue: thyroid, adrenal, female hormones, peri-menopause, menopause–Healthy Hormones (also called Mindful Movement) is your workout! Even teenage and 20 somethings benefit from this workout. I have dealt with...
by Trisch
Are you ready to get started with T-Tapp, but not sure which starter workout is best for you? Or have you already been T-Tapping for awhile and would like to try out one of the other starter workouts, but aren’t sure which one to get next?...
by Trisch
Looking for a great workout to help your body balance hormones and reduce inflammation?! Check out Healthy Hormones Menopause Management, which was inspired by Mary Shomon’s book, The Menopause Thyroid Solution! Don’t let the name fool you though–if...