I’m sooo excited about my new online program, Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration!

But why is the core so important?

As I stated in an earlier post, between my experience as a T-Tapper for 6 1/2 years and a T-Tapp trainer for 1 1/2 years, I’ve learned that the core is really crucial for results in T-Tapp.  Not just inch loss (great as that is!), but also for better health.

Every component of the T-Tapp stance is as important–no, more important–than the rest of the workout.  If you don’t set up properly, then you won’t get max activation from the moves in the workout!  I have learned for myself and for my clients to focus on that core.  In clinics and classes I have been known to take 45 minutes for curling the core and Primary Back Stretch alone! 😉

I watched my own body reshape in amazing ways (after 10 term deliveries, last one being a c-section!) by focusing on the core when I was a trainer-in-training.  I’ve had clients who focused on their core and lost inches or reshaped in all the right places.  So I know this is a key to success with T-Tapp!

In Beautiful YOU! we are going to focus on core through several moves in the chosen workouts for the month and really slow things down to get to the core in each and every one.   I’m convinced that if we don’t “get” that, we might still get results, but we won’t get optimal results.

Activating the core not only helps reshape the rib to hip section, but it also helps boost the metabolism, improve posture, and by getting into proper alignment, helps the body function better overall.  Even our mood can be affected by how we activate our core–no kidding! 🙂

Perhaps you’re not sure you want to commit to a month of doing just 2 workouts for a month.  I have 6 schedule options, including a few for those who have adrenal or health issues, so you have variety!  Or you just can’t swing it financially right now.  That’s fine!  Beautiful YOU! is a monthly program–we will focus on the core through different workouts each month.  You can always join later!

But what about for now?  Well, how about something for FREE?!

I post trainer Michelle Barbuto’s fabulous Curl Your Core tips all over the T-Tapp forums–and I will be using them in my Beautiful YOU! program as well!  Of course I’m going to be taking them apart and doing some intensive focus with those doing the program, but you can read them on the forums and practice them yourself at home–for free!

Click here to go to the link at the forums:  Curl Your Core Tips

Print those out and practice them often!  I advise every day for a few weeks, then before your workouts.  Then you can back off a bit, but revisit them.   Often!

If you’re interested in the Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration program, you can click HERE to learn more about it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here or on Facebook, and I’ll be happy to answer questions!

I have a private forum just for participants–where we can share freely and learn together and have a blast!

Since I got the program in the store later than I had planned, I will be leaving registration up through August 7.  Then I will close it, but I will be putting September’s into the store in just a few weeks, so you’ll have another opportunity to join us!

If you’d like to join us, but you don’t have MORE 2 or Broom 2–no worries!  Once you register you can order through me for a discount, and even though you will get them after the program starts, trust me–there will be enough to focus on while you’re waiting on them to come! 😉

And if you think “just” curling your core isn’t enough–well, Rita, one of my clients in the Foundations for Fitness online class didn’t think it would be, either.  But since last fall, by mainly focusing on curling her core (in the midst of adrenal fatigue and lots of stress), she has lost several inches off her waist!  She has lost about 3 sizes “just” curling her core!

Then Chi, a former soldier-now-turned-Mommy, focused on her core for several months.  When she returned to regular workouts, she lost inches in all the right places, reshaping, continuing to focus on her core and now is in better shape than she was when in the Army!

Whether adrenal-fatigued mama or former Army soldier (and anyone in between)–EVERYONE can benefit from some core focus!

Hope you can join me for some core concentration and fun!


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