by Trisch
(This is part 2 on consistency. Part 1 is here.) So, just how would YOU describe consistency, Trisch? I’m SO glad you asked! 😉 Let’s start with what consistency is NOT: It is NOT full workouts every day It is NOT doing a lot of cardio every day It is NOT...
by Trisch
Consistency. We know we should focus on it. We know it’s important. But it’s so hard! Consistency gathers momentum that continues to build until it’s so natural that not doing your workout feels strange! I want to share some observations to...
by Trisch
Stories can be fun! They can continue a family tradition, entertain little ones (and older ones!), and get a point or principle across in a fun way. They can be scary (who can tell the scariest story at a late night bonfire?!), funny, sad, inspiring or a mix of...
by Trisch
I shared some thoughts last week in A Weighty Matter about how losing or gaining weight doesn’t always tell what’s really going on inside, and why we shouldn’t let a number drive us. I’m going to share some more philosophical and personal...
by Trisch
If you have been around T-Tapp much at all, I’m sure you have heard how we focus more on inch loss than weight loss. Why is that? The number on a scale is not able to tell you exactly what you lost–was it water? Muscle? Fat? There are “body...