by Trisch
A month ago I posted in Starting at the Finish Line that I would talk about how working backwards would look with T-Tapp. Remember we were using the popular Couch to 5K program as a guide of sorts? Here is great advice for beginning: You should ease into your...
by Trisch
Deep Discount Tuesday this week is Finger and Foot Fitness for LESS than HALF price! Not really a workout but a sequence of movements designed to give optimal flexibility, lymphatic drainage and relief to tired and sore feet and fingers, Finger and Foot Fitness helped...
by Trisch
Goal setting. Something we all like to do. Reaching goals. Something we all want to achieve. Yet the reality of getting from where we are to our goals often crashes in, especially when, yet again, our goal seems to elude us despite our best laid plans. Nowhere is...
by Trisch
We just finished up our 4-H fair where our family of 11 partook of a total of 137 thick milkshakes from a local Lions’ Club Dairy Bar! It’s time to get back into the T-Tapp groove! And what a better way than today’s Deep Discount Tuesday! Step Away...
by Trisch
Today’s Deep Discount Tuesday special is a BOGO deal on Premium Blended Alfalfa! Woo-HOO! T-Tapp’s Premium Blended Alfalfa is non-GMO and organic. It is high quality alfalfa leaves only–no stems or seeds. I’ve used it for 7 years now and...
by Trisch
No, I’m not asking if you are planning a family camping trip this weekend! 🙂 I’m talking about whether you should be camping out where you are in your workout journey. You’re tooling along, doing great with your workouts; consistency is going well....