Deep Discount Tuesday!
I started Digest Plus a little over a year ago, and I am amazed at how much it has helped me! If I ever had any doubts….I’ve run out a few times and that has shown me just how much good it’s doing for me!
It is already a great price for the value you get, systemic enzymes as well as digestive enzymes. But for Deep Discount Tuesday, Digest Plus is HALF price, making it an even better deal!
I take 2 capsules with most meals and snacks, sometimes 3, especially if I am having gluten. I am not gluten free but I try to be very moderate with it. Two years ago I started having horrible episodes of vomiting that seemed to be tied to my monthly cycles. After starting Digest Plus in January 2013, they were less severe. Then I inadvertently found that gluten was contributing and by going about 80% gluten free, the episodes have stopped. If I run out of my Digest Plus or am squeezing to get by until my next order, I can tell! I’m not advocating “cheating” by eating what you want and take more Digest Plus 😉 but I can say that I can eat out without fear now because Digest Plus really does help!
(Note, I am not celiac and not severely gluten intolerant–while I truly believe Digest Plus can help, please don’t try to eat things you know you are allergic or intolerant to. I have a sensitivity that can be managed, not a full blown intolerance. Be wise!)
Click HERE to take advantage of this great Deep Discount Tuesday special!
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I’m slowly doing some updating on my website–do you like the great job my daughter Jessica did with my header?! I’ll be continuing to work on different pages, but I’m also going to be getting back to regular blogging–not just on Deep Discount Tuesdays! 😀 Hoping to have a special post later this week! Stay tuned!
Decisions, Decisions!
Are you excited about the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge that starts tomorrow?!
More details HERE if you haven’t already seen the Challenge Homepage.
Then there are decisions to make! Are you confused about which category to enter? Here are a few questions to help you narrow it down:
1. Under 50 or over 50? One category eliminated! 🙂
2. Any health improvements you’d like to see? If so, that narrows it down a bit more.
3. Do you want to focus on just a few workouts throughout the Challenge or have the option of using a variety of workouts? If you want to focus on one set of workouts, you have the choices of:
Senior Fit
LadyBug and/or Healthy Hormones Menopause Management
Basic Workout Plus and Walking Workouts
Note, with ALL workout categories you can use Step Away the Inches, Step It to the Max, walk outdoors or use a treadmill or elliptical.
4. How many sizes do you need to lose?
Now this does NOT mean you plan to lose them all during the Challenge! But what would you realistically consider yourself?
1. Less-to-Lose: 1 size or less (or just toning up)
2. Average-to-Lose: 2-3 sizes to lose
3. More-to-Lose: 4 or more sizes to lose
Hopefully those 4 questions will help you narrow it down and make the decision easier! 🙂
Next–prepare to grab a tape measure and paper tomorrow and someone to take your pictures!
And if you aren’t able to get everything uploaded tomorrow–relax! You have until Monday, January 27. If you continue to have problems, check out the FAQ section, and if that doesn’t help, then send an e-mail to the address listed. But PLEASE read the FAQ section first! Last year there were close to 800 entries! Patience is a virtue during this process!
As long as you took your pictures and measurements on January 25, 2014, you are good to go!
Oh! And don’t forget to download and sign the waiver and get that back in by Wednesday, February 12, 2014.
If you would like any assistance in reaching your Challenge goals, I have several options–more decision making! 🙂 There are options to suit just about every need and budget, from schedules only to Skype, from online classes to personalized coaching programs. Check them out at the Training with Trisch page!
Thanks to Ronda Bowman for inspiration for this post! 🙂
Deep Discount Tuesday– A BOGO Deal PLUS!
Don’t you just LOVE “Buy One Get One FREE” deals?!
Know what’s even better?!
A 50% coupon off any single T-Tapp workout along with your BOGO deal!!! That’s what you get with this month’s Deep Discount Tuesday deal!
Click HERE to start shopping!
(NOTE: The second bottle will not show on your invoice, but you will receive 2 bottles in your shipment.)
And–are you ready for the 60 Day Challenge?! It starts Saturday, January 25. Details in the link!
Head over to my Training with Trisch page and find several options to help support you in your fitness goals! Whether you’re officially entering the Challenge or not, you can take advantage of online classes, a Skype sale, a teleconference summit (along with 5 other trainers and Teresa Tapp herself!), ready-made schedules for purchase and coaching programs!
TWO Great Deals for Deep Discount Tuesday!
Last week was not so fun–everyone but me got a tummy bug! :p But thankfully it was short-lived, and not everyone went down at once! Glad to be on the other side!
This month’s Deep Discount Tuesday has TWO great deals to choose from–or take advantage of BOTH!
FIRST: T-Tapp sweatshirts 50% off!!!! Normally $40 they are $20 today! These are nice sweatshirts and I’ve been eyeing the pink one! Three styles to choose from!
The SECOND great deal is a BOGO–Buy One Get One FREE for Fulvic Minerals!
Teresa shares how Fulvic Minerals helped her skin tighten and helped her body fight the fungus she had on her hands (you can read more when you click on the link). Click HERE to take advantage of the BOGO offer for Fulvic Minerals!
I plan to take advantage of these great deals myself! DDT deals only good December 17 until midnight EST!
Happy Shopping!
And We Have A Winner!
Over 30 of you had 193 entries total for the giveaway! I think this one might be the most popular one I’ve had! 😀
I used Random.org and handed the paper with all the entries to my daughter to read the name to me so I wouldn’t “cheat” in any way! LOL!
First, let me say THANK YOU for each and every one of you and your entries! I mean, if I didn’t have blog readers, this wouldn’t be much fun! 😉
After Random.org picked a number, I read it to my daughter, who then read the name to me:
And it’s—
Kim Melton!
Congratulations! I’ll be contacting you, Kim, to make arrangements to send your dvd and shirt!
Thank you ALL again for your entries and wonderful comments–I enjoyed reading each and every one of them!
Cyber Monday Sale!
T-Tapp’s Cyber Monday Sale is ON!
LOTS of incredible deals–especially the sets! (As of a few minutes ago the set links weren’t working, but hopefully those will be fixed later this morning! 😉 )
Happy Shopping!
Weekend Giveaway! (And Sweet Black Friday Deals!)
As promised, I’m kicking off a weekend giveaway!
The new Debulk Sequences is another gem! What’s on it? 17 minute Barre workout, Target POPs (Points of Perfection) for Extended Stretching with Linear Alignment (ESLA), LadyBug move and Crab Claws. There are also 2 other versions of ESLA. All are excellent! I felt like my legs are slimmer just doing that one once! 😉 Seriously, it is a GREAT debulking/slimming move. I also feel that move alone has helped rehab my knee even more.
The 17 minute Barre workout has 3 water breaks. Debulk Sequences is considered an “add-on” workout–but I consider it a short workout all on its own! If you don’t have a barre, you can use your kitchen counter, even using your kitchen sink to hang onto for the stretches. My kitchen island is too close to the sink, so my wonderful hubby is going to put a handicap grab bar on one of his workbenches in his shop for me to use until I get a place ready in the house!
When I did this workout (improvising with a post of my 4 poster bed!) I could tell my lower body got quite the workout–as did my lats and arms!
Sooooo….would you like to win a copy of this wonderful new dvd?! And how about a lovely turquoise T-Tapp t-shirt (size large) to work out in, too?! Who wouldn’t feel more like working out with an “official” T-Tapp shirt?! 🙂
This giveaway will go from today until midnight on Monday, and I will announce a winner on Tuesday, December 3.
If you are outside the states, you may also enter, but I will ask you to please help with shipping costs that are over $5.
To enter:
1. Opt-in on the green box on the sidebar if you haven’t already. If you already have, please let me know in a comment below.
2. Share it! Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, your blog, e-mail, call a friend—comment below to let me know where you shared it. Each place you share it counts as an entry! You can share it each day for another set of entries! If you share on Facebook, please tag me or let me know on my business Facebook page (Be Youthful ‘n Fit)
3. If you haven’t liked my Facebook page, please do! And let me know you did by commenting there so I can count your entry!
4. Tell me why you would like this dvd.
5. Tell me one thing you are thankful for.
6. And tell me one physical feature you like about yourself! (Yes, a smile counts!)
If you prefer to let me know about your entries at my business Facebook page, that’s also acceptable!
Ready for Black Friday deals?!
T-Tapp is having a FIT and FABULOUS sale! 25% off all workout dvds, and 50% off three starter workouts! Plus some great deals off supplements, too! Go to T-Tapp’s Black Friday Sale and SAVE!
And if you’ve been waiting for a Skype sale, I have one that is running until midnight Monday! Plus TODAY ONLY I am having two sweet package deals where you can really save!
Choose from Thanksgiving Weekend Festive Fitness Skype Sale or Black Friday Only Festive Fitness Skype PACKAGE
Giveaway, Black Friday T-Tapp shopping and Skype sales—a T-Tapper’s dream weekend! 🙂
Flying, Filming, Feasting, Fun and Fitness!
I’ve been MIA–and then I’ve been playing “catch up”!
November 14 found me on a plane for the 7th time in my life–and for probably the first time I was excited to fly–vs. being terrified or nervous! In fact, last night I was thinking I’d like to fly again! (My mom would have cracked up to read that!)
The T-Tapp Wellness Weekend was absolutely wonderful! Smaller group and a more relaxed pace. I love the annual Retreats, but the more intimate group made it extra nice. What made it even more special is I wasn’t expecting to come!
I had the privilege of being a part of the MORE 3 filming that took place after the Wellness Weekend was over (and after eating a delicious brunch Sunday morning!). Teresa filmed MORE 3 ten years ago, but she wanted to add some new tweaks to it. She brought back Diane Stone and Heather Petrie, the original gals in the dvd. They both have lost over 100 lbs. and have kept it off for ten years! In fact, they look even better today than they did then! Teresa added T-Tapp trainer and mom of 12 Charlotte Siems to the filming, because she also has lost over 100 lbs. and has kept it off for five years–such inspirations!
With all of Teresa’s new “brain/body” tweaks, MORE 3 is going to be THE hot item when it is released! (Hopefully April 2014)
Since MORE has made up half of my workouts over the past almost-7 years, I was also invited to be a part of the filming–along with fellow T-Tapper Sonya Bernhardt, who also has an amazing T-Tapp story of not only size loss, but health improvements, too. Sonya and I were the “shorties”–those three lovely ladies in the picture above are all 5’11”!
We had SO much fun, bonding over the REAL workout–the pictures! If it weren’t for our favorite T-Tapp photographer Dave, it would be worse than torture! He and Lisa keep you smiling and laughing, even when you’re about to fall over or get a major cramp from twisting just a bit more, tilting head a bit more, turn it this way, hand down a bit lower–too low! Now twist just a bit more towards me–ribs UP! Let me tell you, models EARN their paycheck! 😉
Lots of hurry-up-and-waiting, sharing meals together, getting over how we perceived that we looked vs. how we really looked (yes, it was a bit emotional for all of us, I think!)….that will bond you for life!
Teresa is SO real and down-to-earth! When we got done on Monday it was so late that local restaurants were closed, so we all piled into her car to to go Applebee’s at 10:30 pm! We laughed, ate and talked until after midnight–such fun!
Probably the best part for me was getting to room with Charlotte. We have so much in common, and of course we’ve talked at the different events before, but for the first time we really got to connect and found we had similar visions for ourselves and for T-Tapp. A true kindred spirit! (And if you’ve never met Charlotte, she also is VERY down-to-earth and real! LOVE you, Charlotte!)

Just before our 10:30 pm run to Applebee’s! Yes, we’re tired but happy Tappers in our “bling” t-shirts!
You’d think after all that yummy food between the October Retreat and the Wellness Weekend, I would have gained a size! I actually lost a size from the Retreat to the Wellness Weekend! The new Core Floor that is coming out soon (not sure of the final title) is AMAZING stuff!
So now it’s back in the saddle–catching up e-mails and schedules and–blog posts!
I’m offering three programs to help keep you from derailing over the holidays:
1. FREE! Festive Fitness at the T-Tapp forums. This is an accountability thread, new one posted each week. There are several categories you can track, or you can just focus on one or two. And there’s room for everybody–Susie-so-Perfect and Agatha-Adrenal-Challenged as well! Head on over to Festive Fitness to grab your spreadsheet and join the fun!
2. Foundations for Festive Fitness. Yes, I know it sounds the same, but this is a paid online class where you choose your level for an individualized schedule (support only, 3 moves per day, short workouts every other day) and you are also a part of a private Facebook group, where I share a form focus each week as well as sundry tips throughout the 6 weeks. Great place for support, accountability and getting questions answered! We officially started Monday, but registration will be up until this weekend. Want to check it out? Click here: Foundations for Festive Fitness
3. December Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration. Starting December 1 we are focusing on Step Away the Inches and TappCore for the month of December–and you can participate if you only have TappCore! Four schedules to choose from, daily tips, core focus each week and a private forum as a place for questions and encouragement. This is my 5th month and many ladies are continuing each month because they love the core focus through different workouts each month! This month’s schedules are geared to keep something going even with the busiest of holiday preparations and celebrations! You can check it out here: Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration for December
(registration will be up until December 6)
If you’ve been thinking of doing Skype training, I will be having a Black Friday weekend sale–AND a few sweet package deals that will be available on Black Friday only! If you haven’t opted in on the sidebar to receive my e-mails, please do! I am able to send out information out as soon as the links go live. There are also some GREAT Black Friday deals that will be happening at the T-Tapp website and I can share those more quickly via the e-mail list so you don’t miss out!
Also on Black Friday I will kick off a giveaway that will only last through midnight Monday, December 2!
Who could have dreamed almost seven years ago, when I checked Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes out of the library, where it would have taken me?! I am so very grateful that I found T-Tapp! And I am especially grateful for the most important part– the heart of Teresa and kindred spirit T-Tappers that I now am blessed to call my friends!
May you and your family, whether that’s a blood-related family or friends or those you are reaching out to, have a wonderful and most blessed Thanksgiving! And if you are not in America, may you have a blessed day–and really, every day should be a day of giving thanks!
Deep Discount Tuesday–Improve Your Digestion!
This month’s Deep Discount Tuesday is Digest Plus. I started using Digest Plus almost a year ago and it has improved my digestion in amazing ways! I discovered that I would get peeling lips when I ate too much gluten, and Digest Plus reduced the reaction quite a bit. I won’t be without this product!
Today is it BOGO–buy one bottle, get one FREE!
I take 2 per meal, sometimes 3. I also try to take 1-2 with snacks, especially if it contains grains or dairy.
Digest Plus contains both digestive and systemic enzymes for a comprehensive product. If you have gut issues, or if you just need a little help from time to time (especially with rich holiday meals ahead!) Digest Plus is a wonderful product that really works!
Click HERE to order–but only until midnight EST, November 19!
How Much Is Too Much?
“Let’s see…..I want to work on my arms along with doing my T-Tapp workout, so I think I’ll add in some Butterflies a few times a day. Annnndddddd I’d really like to work on my thighs, so a set of Awesome Legs before bed should be just the thing! OH! And Diva Derriere! Can’t forget that! Hmmm…..Pretzel Twist is supposed to be good to “whittle the middle”, maybe I should add that….Hoedowns after every meal and snack–really need to burn off those carbs!”
Ever have thoughts like these?
And is there anything wrong with it? After all, we’re just adding a few target moves in, right?
Welllll…..the problem comes when we start adding in so many target moves that we are basically doing another workout!
What’s wrong with adding in several target moves daily? Think of it like a freeway at rush hour. Everyone is trying to get to their destination, traffic is bumper to bumper, and then someone tries to zip in front of you where there really isn’t enough space. You either need to do some crazy maneuvering to avoid a collision or you end up crashing. Not a great feeling, is it! And if you do end up with a collision, NO one gets to work on time.
Or there is that “bottle neck” spot where if everyone would be courteous, we could all keep moving and get to our destination. But there are always those who zip ahead and wait until the last minute to get over, causing everyone to have to stop.
The same happens to your body when you keep trying to add in extra moves, thinking you are working different areas of your body. What really happens is you end up overtraining and you usually end up sabotaging the results you want. Why? Because you are focused in so many different directions that you can’t keep good form in any of them.
T-Tapp is very comprehensive. I get asked what moves or dvds are best for the arms. My answer?
Every move is an arms move!
I also get asked what is best for working on the tummy. My answer?
Every move is a tummy move!
And yes, I get asked questions about great moves to help reshape the legs. My answer?
You’re catching on, aren’t you! 😉
Of course there are dvds that address specific areas of the body due to the moves included and the tweaks specifically for those areas. But if “all” you have is Basic Workout Plus or MORE, you can still focus on arms/tummy/legs/whatever by focusing on full fiber muscle activation (no wimpy muscles) and proper body alignment.
That said, sometimes a little extra focus is nice. So, how to add target moves in without overdoing?
First of all, repeat after me:
Once that is ingrained, it makes it easier!
I personally like to see target moves limited to just one or two. You can do those for a week or 10 days or even a month, then switch it up with other moves. Floor moves aren’t quite as taxing on the body, of course, but even then you can add so many in that your core is really tired and not able to keep good form for your regular workouts.
I tell my clients that Primary Back Stretch and Organs in Place/Half Frogs are “freebies”. Mitten Chop Box can also be a freebie, but it really works the arms as well as tummy, so don’t go crazy doing too many during a day! Especially if you are doing other target moves.
Moves that help with pain or stretching, body alignment, etc. are fine. It’s when you start adding Awesome Legs, Pretzel Twist, LadyBug move, Butterflies AND Hoedowns to a day that you will get yourself in trouble! 😉
How about a good rule of thumb?
TWO target moves, in addition to “freebie” moves.
But don’t overdo the “freebies”, either! If you are doing Primary Back Stretch twice a day, Mitten Chop Box and Organs in Place/Half Frogs, cut that “target move” down to one.
If you have adrenal fatigue or other health issues, please listen to your body, and I would suggest only 1- 2 moves total, “freebie” or not.
And that–listen to your body–is the BEST advice of all! If you are starting to feel achy beyond what is normal post-workout, if you have flu-like symptoms, are getting sick more easily, have brain fog (that is worse or just starts up out of nowhere) or start feeling “off” or anxious, it’s time to scale back.
Perhaps a season of just focusing on 2-3 target moves a day would suit you better than a workout PLUS all those target moves. Or adding just one target move a day and then focusing on that area more in your regular workouts.
I’ll be reviewing the new Debulk Sequence as soon as I get it, and when I do, I’ll share ways to add it into your schedule to get max results without taxing your body into a crash–keeping everyone on the “freeway” of your body happy! 🙂
(Pssst! There is still time to join me in November’s Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration class featuring LadyBug! We start tomorrow but registration will stay up for a few more days!
And there are also a few spots left in my Tennessee T-Tapp Wholeness Weekend for next weekend, November 8-10!)
Photo credit: Michael Gil