New Debulking Sequence!
New dvd! Teresa taught us some of these sequences almost 2 years ago when I first certified. I took notes but not good enough to recreate it at home. I’m SO excited this dvd is out! It’s being introduced at a special price of $19.96 through November 15!
There is a Barre Sequence that is just fabulous. No barre? No problem! You can use a kitchen counter or back of a bar stool!
Then there is the Critter Crunch Sequence to thin out the upper, inner and outer thighs–oh yeah! Nice, lean muscles–no bulk!
And finally there is the Extended Linear Stretch to help lean out bulky muscles and budge the residual pudge on the legs.
You can read more HERE and purchase this dvd–I’m ordering mine first thing tomorrow!
I’ll be back later this week to talk about using target moves wisely–timely, eh? 😉
And the Winners Are….
First a BIG THANK YOU to all who entered my LadyBug Love Giveaway!
Secondly–well, I must be like Teresa Tapp–I can’t just pick TWO winners! 😉
So I picked five! 😀
With help from Random.org here are the winners:
TWO winners for November’s Beautiful YOU! class with a half hour Skype session:
Sierra DeHaan
Kristi Horner!
And the THREE winners for November’s Beautiful YOU! class:
Chi Trumbo
Nurit Nitzan
Marcy Sullivan!
Congratulations, Ladies!
I’ll be contacting you later today and tomorrow to get information to you about the class!
Thank you again for entering the giveaway and celebrating with me! 🙂
Fun, Friends (Food)–and FITNESS!
Who doesn’t need a little pampering?!
Women are notorious for tending to everyone else’s needs and putting themselves on the back burner. Problem is, there are always needs out there to meet and we never get around to taking care of ourselves—until we are falling apart!
The old adage of “first put on your oxygen mask” truly applies here! If we don’t take time to recharge and refresh, whether it’s a quick walk on a brisk fall day or a full-blown pamper-me weekend, we will burn out emotionally and physically. Then who will take care of those we love so much?
I attended my first T-Tapp clinic 6 months after starting. I was amazed at how much I learned in just a little over an hour! I drove 2 1/2 hours one day to attend this clinic–I had saved my change and squeezed a little from grocery money to be able to do it. I am SO glad I made the sacrifice! I learned form tips that helped, but I also learned things that would help me stay the course when the inch loss slowed, when the I-don’t-wanna’s hit, when life threw me a curve-ball. It was worth it–*I* was worth it!
That clinic plus the support of the T-Tapp forums are what kept me going–and here I am today! Not only am I smaller, but I’m healthier, too! And not only healthier–I am more confident in who I am, and I am more in touch with my body. I can tell when I need to back off and when I need to push myself. I can tell when I’m self-sabotaging and it’s time to deal with emotional baggage. I can recognize when I’m eating out of emotions or boredom and address it. I don’t stress over everything I put in my mouth. Most of all, I am happy right where I’m at–and that doesn’t depend on a magical goal size!
Whether you are just starting T-Tapp, trying to figure it all out or you’re a seasoned veteran needing a boost, I’ve got some options–and I love options! 😉
Can’t get out to a clinic yet need some form help? How about an online class? Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration class focuses on–you guessed–the core! Participants are excited to feel their core muscles more than ever before and I’m hearing great results–everything from inch loss to one participant maintaining her size even though she couldn’t do any of the arm moves to the workouts! She did this by focusing on her core and lower body moves along with alignment!
November’s Beautiful YOU! will feature LadyBug workout. We will focus on core to maximize this fantastic workout. You receive schedule rotations to choose from, discount on T-Tapp and Better Body Basics products, a private forum where we share and encourage one another, daily tips, a monthly teleconference call and more. There is also a Skype option if you would like to have me check your form to take your workouts to the next level. We start next Friday, November 1!
November Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration
Want another option?! How about a weekend get-away complete with T-Tapp workout sessions, information to better your health and outlook PLUS some great pampering–all in a lovely location near the Appalachian Mountains and Cherokee National Forest?!
Tennessee T-Tapp Wholeness Weekend features 10 sessions–3 T-Tapp sessions and 7 sessions on everything from essential oil use to skin brushing to defeating self-sabotage! We are going to learn how to become softer, trimmer and more whole–body and soul!
Such a lovely location, great food, fun fellowship and loads of information to help you be the best you can be!
Weekend spots are filling up but there are still 6 left! There are also spots for Saturday day if you are within driving distance. We’re going to have food, fellowship, fitness and FUN!
Tennessee T-Tapp Wholeness Weekend
And if these options don’t work for you right now, I have a Skype sale coming up along with a new coaching program–stay tuned! 🙂
P.S. If you missed it, I’m giving away two spots in November’s Beautiful YOU! class! More details HERE! But hurry–giveaway ends Sunday night!
Photo credit: jenny downing

LadyBug Love Celebration Giveaway!
I passed my LadyBug certification–and I want to celebrate with a giveaway!
LadyBug is a great workout, with both a standing and floor portion. It was developed to target hormones, but it’s also great for combination body types–well, anyone, really! But we combos especially benefit from it!
LadyBug has tweaks on moves from Total Workout, Hit the Floor and Hit the Floor Harder–and it really works the lats and core.
This is the third month of my (Back to Basics for) Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration online program, and the feedback I’ve been getting has been fantastic! One participant wasn’t able to do the arms portion of the moves for 6 weeks but still maintained her size by applying the “core” principles while working with her lower body during the workouts!
November’s workout will be—LadyBug! (You will need to be logged into the T-Tapp store to be able to see the dvd in the store!)
To celebrate, I’d like to give YOU a spot in November’s class! I will actually be giving away TWO spots–and ONE of those will include a Skype session–an $85 value!
Ready to join me in the celebration?! Here’s how to enter:
1. Tell three friends about this giveaway–Facebook, on your blog, Tweet it on Twitter, Pin it on Pinterest, share on a forum, e-mail, call them on the phone 😉 or face to face, share it! If you can, please leave a link!
2. Please share the link to the T-Tapp store about November’s class. You can do that along with #1 or separately. Here is the link: Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration for November
3. If you haven’t “liked” my Be Youthful ‘n Fit” page on Facebook, please like my page! Leave me a comment on the Facebook page that you are “liking” it for the LadyBug giveaway.
4. If you haven’t opted in to my mailing list, please do! The opt-in box is on the right. If you already have, then tell me which of the “7 Tips” in the download you liked the best.
5. What would you hope to learn from the Core Concentration class, should you win?
This giveaway will go until midnight, October 27. I will announce the winners on Monday, October 28.
Thanks to Karen Wulf for creating the lovely meme for me!
It’s a High Stepping Special!
Deep Discount Tuesday today is Step It to the Max for $10–that’s less than half price!!!
This is a 50 minute walking workout that includes upper body moves and some serious step-lifts at the end to help sculpt the lower body! It’s the equivalent to walking 5 miles, and the upper body moves really up the cardio!
Today only–click HERE to order!
And soon I’ll be sharing some wonderful things from the 2013 T-Tapp Retreat–it was FANTAPPINISTIC!
A T-Tapping Treat in Tennessee!
How about a nice get-away weekend? Even better, how about a T-Tapp weekend treat full of information about T-Tapp, skin care, taking charge of your health and more?!
I’ll be in Mountain City, TN November 8-10 for a T-Tapp Wholeness Weekend–at beautiful Cherokee Cove!
There are 10 sessions ranging from information about essential oils to why less is more with T-Tapp, including 3 exercise sessions focusing on the core throughout your workouts for better results!
Check-in starts at 4:00 p.m. Friday evening and the wholeness weekend goes through Sunday morning. There are 3 sessions Friday night, then Saturday is jam packed with 7 more sessions–plus some pampering over lunch! Good food, fun, pampering and lots of learning together–what more could you ask?! 🙂
There are limited spots–12 for the whole weekend and an additional 10 for Saturday only, if you are within driving distance. Cherokee Cove is in northeastern Tennessee tucked up against North Carolina. It is a beautiful retreat center–I’m looking forward to being there!
More information HERE— hope you can join us!
(I will be at the annual T-Tapp Retreat this coming weekend, and next week is my LadyBug certification. I will still be checking in when I can, though, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!)
Photo credit: almost bunnies
The ULTIMATE Instructional!
Tomorrow we start the October Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration program! September has found participants losing inches as well as connecting with those core muscles! One participant wasn’t able to do as much due to healing from a shoulder injury, but focusing on the core kept her from gaining anything when she couldn’t work out!
There’s still time to join–I will leave registration up until this weekend. I have 5 schedules breaking down Total Workout Super Slow into 1 hour, 45 minute, 30 minute– and even 20 minutes or less per workout session! I call Super Slow “THE” Ultimate Instructional due to the great form tips, slow pace and muscle connections!
And we’re learning how to treat ourselves kindly and talk nicely to ourselves, which helps true beauty to shine from within!
Won’t you join me?
October Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration featuring Total Workout Super Slow!
*note–if you need Super Slow, you can order it through me at a discount once you register!
Photo credit: Roger Karlsson
Some “Basic” Tips
I want to share some “basic” tips with you that I share with new T-Tappers when they purchase the Basic Workout Plus.
First of all–spend time watching the Instructional. Yes, I know, you want to DO it! But trust me, it is time well spent! The Instructional is about 40 minutes long and you can break it up. By familiarizing yourself a bit before doing the workout you will lay a good foundation. You will also be able to focus a bit more on the form cues she gives throughout.
As you don your cross-trainers and push play for the first time, remember these 3 cardinal rules of T-Tapp:
1. Muscle activation is the key–not getting all the way through the workout. Kick out as often as you need to!
2. The pause button is your FRIEND!
3. Yes You CAN!
You can block off 40 minutes to do the Instructional workout, but tell yourself it is okay if you only get halfway through.
Ready for some “basic” tips?!
Kick out as often as you need to!
Do not feel you are sacrificing potential results if you stop to redo a move, kick out, or get another drink of water! I’ve written about this a lot–by kicking out you reduce lactic acid build-up, which translates into less soreness. Also, holding the T-Tapp stance is tough! It’s a workout in itself! 🙂 So give those muscles a break and kick–wherever and however often you need to!
Do Fewer Reps
Doing just 4 reps instead of the 8 on the dvd can help you keep that focus on form and muscle activation. Then you can use the remaining reps to get your kickout in! Or you could do 4 slower reps to Teresa’s 8. Or even do a few with her at her tempo to get familiar with the move, hit the pause button, and do a few more at your speed, then resume with the dvd. Remember, muscle activation with focus on form–not slogging through all reps no matter what–is the key to success in T-Tapp.
Hold the Plies Squat
Yes, I know you want to work the lower body along with upper. Yes, I know you feel you will sacrifice more cardio. But trust me–there’s a lot going on throughout Plies and it is too easy to lose body alignment with this move (4 sets of moves, actually). By holding the legs in the Plies squat, you can focus on upper body alignment, making sure shoulders are in alignment with hips and that you are not leaning back nor pitching forward. Really push those knees out, don’t go lower than your body type allows (as a combo/borderline short torso, I only go down about 3 inches), and you will see results. A few years ago, while training to become a trainer, I was holding the squat while teaching BWO+ to others. I was an average to lose at that point, and I ended up losing 2+ inches off of each upper thigh in about 4-5 months’ time! Even as a more-to-lose I never lost that much in that time! I still hold the squat 95% of the time!
Reach Scoops Are NOT A Resting Move!
When I first started BWO+, I was so happy to get to Reach Scoops after all those Plies! I thought it was a nice move to bring the heart rate down and relax a bit. I was right on the first point, but not the second!
Reach Scoops are not a resting move at all! You still need to keep the core activated, ribs up and don’t bring shoulders forward. I confess it is tough to keep form while doing them to the tempo on BWO+. I would suggest hitting the pause button and doing 4 Reach Scoops on each side vs. the 8 back and forth. Eventually you can get to where you can stay activated, but I’ll be honest–I still go slower than Teresa! 😉
NO Singles on Jazz Twist!
This is another move where it is hard to stay activated during the singles back and forth. I advise doing the 4 reps to each side, then the 2 reps, but kick out and reset your T-Tapp stance while Teresa and her team do the singles.
Do T-Tapp Twist In a Chair First
T-Tapp Twist is a move where you really want to isolate the upper body from the lower. Plant that lower body as if in cement! However, that is tough in the beginning–well, it’s tough even to a veteran! I got a huge “a-ha” connection when a trainer had us do T-Tapp Twist in a chair at a clinic I attended. It really helped me “get” what “isolate lower body” meant! Hit that pause button again, grab a chair with no arms, then do a few reps in a chair first.
It’s Okay to Just Do One Set of Hoedowns!
Sometimes you just need permission! 😉 Many times, after activating throughout the workout, I can’t do both sets. And that’s okay! Remember cardinal rule #1–better to finish on one set of Hoedowns done well vs. doing both sets with sloppy form because you’re too fatigued!
I hope these tips help as you start your T-Tapp journey or as you come back to Instructional 1 for form focus. And I highly recommend revisiting the Instructional if it’s been awhile since you’ve done it. 😉 Slowing things down to focus on form yields benefits–whether newbie or veteran!
Let’s get “back to basics” with Basic Workout Plus!
{Disclosure: The sentence below has an affiliate link and if you purchase through that link I get a commission, which helps offset business expenses so I can keep bringing you great info and encouragement! And sometimes it helps buy ice cream, which makes me happy and able to write more. 😉 }
You can check out Basic Workout at the T-Tapp Webstore to read more!
Photo Credit: tiffany terry
Queen of Super Slow
I jokingly call myself the “Queen of Super Slow”!
I love to break workouts down to just a few moves at a time. And then break the moves down. I even like to break down the Curl the Core tips! 🙂
I’ve posted a lot about cardio vs. going slow. Tempo vs. Super Slow. Tempo workouts are great and they have a lot to offer—BUT—if you don’t have the basics down, you won’t get as much out of them. Or any other cardio workout, for that matter.
I can raise my heart rate by activating my muscles–even though I am going slowly. In fact, just last week at a homeschool co-op, I demonstrated this to a dozen moms. I had half an hour for the class, so we did curling the core on the floor, the T-Tapp stance, and 2 moves. And most of us were sweating within 15 minutes! 🙂
By focusing on the core, you can turn up the heat–and I mean really turn it up! Tuesday night during the monthly call for the Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration program, I was pretty warm after doing just the Spinal Curl from Healthy Hormones Menopause Management!
I can’t say it enough! Get those Curl the Core tips printed out and practice at least one of them regularly. You may find one helps you “feel the core” better than another–go with that one! Do it before your workouts. Do it on “off days”. Get that brain-to-body connection established!
Next month’s Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration will be using Total Workout Super Slow (you might not be able to see it unless you are logged into the store). It is THE ULTIMATE instructional! It covers Primary Back Stretch through the Airplane Stretch and breaks those moves down, first 4 reps super slow and then 4 to tempo. To give you an idea of how slow–it takes 20 minutes for Primary Back Stretch alone!
When I first did this workout, I had to split it up into 20 minute increments–which means the first day PBS was all I did! The next day I warmed up with PBS from another dvd to get through it more quickly, then picked up with Plies. I did this over a week and a half– and lost 3 inches!
TWO Super Slow is a Retreat Series Master Class. You will need to have purchased Basic Workout Plus, MORE, Total Workout or the book to be able to create an account to log into the store. And the nice thing is–the moves are chaptered! Yay!
This workout really lays a GREAT foundation for muscle activation. And it’s a good one to go back to from time to time, just like the Instructionals.
Whether you decide to join me for October’s Beautiful YOU! program or not–you can benefit from adding TWO Super Slow to your T-Tapp arsenal! But if you want to join me, you will get schedule rotations using this 105 minute workout. Yes, I will be breaking it down for those who, like me when I first got Super Slow, can only spend 20 minutes! I also share daily tips on the private forum Monday through Friday about everything from how we talk to ourselves to great threads on the forums I’ve bookmarked over the years. I share recipes, too–both for skin care and for eating! 😉
During the monthly call I break down a few of the moves. You can do it with me during the call, or take notes and download the mp3 to practice later. One participant stated it was practically like being at a clinic! 🙂
Even if you can’t join me for October, please consider adding TWO Super Slow to your T-Tapp workout collection. You can split it up–always remember to warm up with Primary Back Stretch first–and yes, you can do that with a different dvd so you’re not always spending 20 minutes on that move! (Although I think you could learn a lot just by focusing on PBS for a week with TWO Super Slow!)
I’m excited to focus on this great workout that is chock full of form tips, tweaks, hows and whys in next month’s Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration program! (Click on the green link for registration information!)
If you have done Total Workout Super Slow, please share your experience! I’d love to hear from you!
Photo Credit: Rhinestone Jewelry Corporation
Another “Basic” Deal!
Did you miss out on Deep Discount Tuesday? Or maybe wish you had gotten another set of Basic Workout Plus?
Teresa just announced another deal that is good until midnight September 30!
The September special on Basic Workout Plus is $35.95, and it includes 3 other workout dvds–Basic Tempo, Barefoot Basic and Step It to the Max walking workout! And the added good deal is FREE SHIPPING! That saves $8 and you get four workout dvds and a seminar dvd, Yes You Can!
If you’re like me, it’s great to have extra copies around to loan out, too! 🙂 (In fact, my Basic is loaned out right now!)
Just click HERE to take advantage of this great deal–the free shipping will automatically apply!
Have fun and enjoy this weekend–get outside if you can and get some fresh air!