Deep Discount Tuesday–Great Deal on the Basics!
If you have been waiting for a good deal on the tried and true T-Tapp basics, or if you are forever loaning your dvds and FIt and Fabulous book out, this is a great deal! Whether you purchase it for yourself, or to split up to give to friends and family, or keep the dvds and book as loaners–you can’t go wrong!
As always–chock full of goodies!
Total Workout dvd
Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes book
Yes You Can seminar dvd (great introduction to T-Tapp!)
Step It To the Max dvd
Tempo Arms dvd
Audio cd interview featuring Teresa Tapp
Great value at $79.95! Click Deep Discount Tuesday to read more and purchase! But hurry–DDT is only on until midnight EST!
Senior Fit–Don’t Let the Name Fool Ya!
I was at the 2010 Retreat when Teresa first introduced Senior Fit. I have watched morph and change into something much bigger and better than she originally planned. I told Teresa at that retreat, “If MORE is a ‘clinic in a box’, then Senior Fit is ‘Safety Harbor Retreat in a box’!
There is a floor warm-up–ever have one of those mornings when even Primary Back Stretch was too much?! This 16 minute floor warm-up is just the ticket. I’ve been having a few issues with my hip. I was amazed at how good it felt after this floor warm-up! I LOVE IT! I don’t think you’d always have to do it before Senior Fit, but it sure stretched things out nicely for my hip.
Now, what follows is my opinion–not anything official from T-Tapp. But
if you were my client and wanted me to help you with a schedule and how to navigate
it, this is what I would tell you!
Instructional: I feel this is important for EVERYONE to go through, regardless of your fitness level and regardless of how long you’ve been doing T-Tapp. This contains some of the same things that Teresa taught the trainers who are certifying for Senior Fit. If trainers, including those who have been with Teresa a long time needed this instruction, please don’t skimp on it for yourself!
I can see why it isn’t called “Form Tips” and stuck at the end–because then most people would not do it. They would be hurting themselves, or not getting the results they wanted– and then be calling the office to complain!
It’s about 32 minutes long. I would watch it through once, take notes.
Then I would do it at least once with Berei and Teresa. Yes, I know it’s slow. Trust me, it’s nothing like the 1 1/2 hours Teresa spent tweaking me! 😉
I would also go back to that after you’ve been doing Senior Fit for awhile to refresh yourself and catch things that you didn’t the first time. It will make even more sense then!
Level 1: This is really the traditional “Instructional” as most T-Tappers would understand it. I really, really feel it is important to not skimp here, either. Senior Fit allows for NO path of least resistance. If you rush through it just so you can get “to the workout”, you will miss some of the little nuances that truly make the difference in this workout.
I saw Senior Fit introduced at the October 2010 Safety Harbor Retreat. I was part of the PBS filming in February 2011, and Teresa had changed it some by then. I saw her in Chicago in October 2011, and she had changed it even more. Then at trainer certifications a year ago, she had changed it yet again! And yes, by the time certifications last October rolled around–it changed AGAIN! Many elements were there from the beginning, but there was more muscle activation built in and some moves changed. There were aspects there from 2010 that I did not get until my 1 1/2 hour coaching session with her last October!
Okay, so how long to do Level 1? I would treat it as MORE Instructional and do it at least 4 times. Now, not many of us have a little over an hour per day to devote to this! So I will say the “equivalent” of 4 times. If you need to split it into thirds, for example, you will do each of those thirds 4 times. If you do one third each day, that is 12 days. I still advise at least one day off, no matter how slowly you’re taking it. This is intense stuff!
Take two days off. Watch the Tempo version (47 minutes) before doing it. Then you can jump in with Tempo, which is more the “straight through workout”. “Reading” your dvds, introduced by trainer Dan Wiley, is an excellent idea and something you can do on your days off or days you don’t feel up to working out. You can still “do T-Tapp” by studying the dvd! (Thanks to my dear friend, Mary Ellen, for that tip!)
Where you divide it up will depend on you. But please do the Level 1 PBS each
time–and that is 15 minutes. I know, I know! But seriously, it is enough different that it’s important to do it this way, in my opinion. Here are the minute breakdown of the moves (roughly):
Level 1 times on the left, Tempo on the right:
15″ PBS 11″
15″ Plies 8″
4″ Reach Scoops 4″
7″ Jazz Twist 5″
4″ The Box 4″
4″ Oil Wells 4″
9″ T-Tapp Twist 5″
5″ Scarecrow Ski 3 1/2″
2″ Hoedowns 3″ (I double checked this, yes, Hoedowns are a bit longer on Tempo!)
How many moves you do a day, when splitting it up, will depend upon your time frame.
For Level 1, if you did PBS through Reach Scoops, that takes 33″, and if you did PBS then picked it up at Jazz Twist to the end, that would be 50″.
If you did from PBS through Jazz Twist, that is 40″, then next day did PBS, pick it up at The Box through the end, that is 42″. A little more even, but I personally would rather Jazz Twist be the first move the next day (after PBS) vs. the last move for the day.
However–even if you are splitting it up half way through Plies, that is fine! I know it’s tempting to do another style PBS that you already know that is shorter, or even jump to the Tempo, but again–I really, really (did I mention, REALLY?) feel it’s important to do the one here on Level 1.
I also feel it’s equally important to do ALL the kickouts and water breaks. As Berei told us in 2010, ‘You’ll need ’em!” 🙂
Let’s face it–if you went through PBS and one move a day, even if you split Plies, that would be 10 days. If you did that 4 times (allowing some days off in there!) it might take you most of the 60 Day Challenge just to get through Senior Fit! I can guarantee you, though, you would be so neurokinetically aware of every inch of your body, you would sweat in ways you never thought you could, you would burn fat like there’s no tomorrow and you would feel AMAZING! I watched many ladies melt away doing this workout at the Retreat last October! Even yours truly, who usually doesn’t respond quickly to retreats and clinics, lost some off my belly and other areas!
I only did PBS through Reach Scoops last Friday afternoon—by the end of part 2 of PBS, my body was sweating in good ways! And my body went into “Oh! We’re at Safety Harbor Retreat” memory mode! YOWZA!
Even better–I could tell my body was responding to it quickly again!
I titled this “Don’t Let the Name Fool Ya”–I think many people will overlook this gem, thinking, “Oh, I’m not a senior citizen. I need something more challenging.” Don’t think “senior citizen”–think “Senior Muscle Activation”! 🙂
So, I hold to my original estimation from 2+ years ago—Senior Fit is the Safety Harbor Retreat in a Box!
{Disclosure: The sentence below has an affiliate link. If you purchase through this link I will get a commission which helps offset business expenses, helping me to help you with more great information and encouragement!}
Click HERE if you’d like to read more at the T-Tapp Store!
LOTS of Goodies!

~Thankfully my goodies don’t add any calories!~
I’ve been on a bit of an unplanned time off from blogging! Between getting my new computer set up (old one was “terminal”), learning a new phone, add in the holidays–whew!
But I’m excited and ready to get back in the groove!
First, if you haven’t already checked out the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge information, please do so HERE! The Challenge is a great time to stay focused with lots of support–and what better time than right after the start of a new year?!
I am offering two different programs to help you reach your goals for the 60 Day Challenge! The first one is open to anyone, whether you are officially doing the Challenge or not.
Foundations For Fitness Challenge is a continuation of my Foundations course. There are four levels this time! You will get a one month schedule (except level 1, support only), be part of a private Facebook group for encouragement (and we have had great groups of ladies!), a discount on T-Tapp products, and the option to add another month’s schedule if you want or need to change things up, for a reduced price.
Choices for Change is a personal coaching package for 60 Day Challenge participants. You will have 5 Skype consultation calls, where I become your personal coach and cheerleader. We’ll look at what’s working and what isn’t, and we’ll focus on more than just your workouts. Whatever areas of accountability you need, I will be “bugging” you (in a nice way!) to stay the course! I will help develop a schedule based on your needs, but we will have the freedom to tweak it based on the calls. There is also an option to purchase up to 2 one hour Skype form sessions at a reduced price. I forgot to add this in at the store, but you also get a discount on T-Tapp products with this package. Since this is a very individualized program, I am only taking 5 clients–and I have one signed up already!
For another option, don’t forget my New Year New You Skype special is on through January 31. You have until June 15 to redeem your Skype sessions. There are two packages that include a one month schedule that can be used at any time.
Not sure what you need?
What are you looking for? Do you like the dynamics of group camaraderie, need a schedule, but can be somewhat self-motivated? Then the Foundations course might be best for you!
Do you need someone “bugging” you to keep you on track? 🙂 Need more personal accountability to help you break down the big picture into bite-sized segments? The Choices for Change personal coaching package is your best option.
Are you more self-motivated but want help tweaking your form throughout the Challenge? You might benefit best from one of the packages in the New Year New You Skype special.
Funds tight but you still would like some help? I have a group on the T-Tapp forums called Small Steps to Success. It’s free! 🙂 It’s not specifically geared to the Challenge, and there are no schedules or Skype sessions, but if you need a place to come, state your goals, check in with how you’re doing, and receive encouragement to rejoice in the baby steps to victory, this thread would be a great option!
If you have any questions about the programs/specials/threads mentioned, feel free to contact me!
A few more “goodies”!
I received my copy of the Senior Fit workout dvd yesterday! I’m about to go through it, and will be reporting back here Monday to review it–plus announce a giveaway! If you are interested in Senior Fit, click HERE to learn more at the T-Tapp store!
Next week I also hope to have pictures uploaded so I can tell you about Nerium!
One more “goodie”–you may have noticed I added an opt-in form on the sidebar! If you are currently receiving updates through Feedburner, you might want to switch over–and get a free download, too! If you’re not signed up, this would be great way to keep up with my latest posts and it will be easier for me to make special announcements as well!
See? LOTS of goodies that won’t add a single inch! 😉
Photo credit: gamene
New Year, New You–One Step at a Time!
It’s that time of year when everyone is making New Year’s Resolutions! There’s just something about a clean slate that beckons us to take stock of where we are, where we want to go, and make resolutions to get there.
a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
The problem comes, as we all know, around mid-February–if we last that long! Then our firm resolve and determination seem to have flown the coop!
I have taught the Suzuki method for piano for many years, as well as have taken my older daughters to many, many Suzuki lessons and group classes over the years. Dr. Suzuki taught that the way to impress something upon the young child’s brain was repetition–he advocated doing something 10,000 times to accomplish this!
I remember one of Jessica’s harp teachers asking her to practice a particular part of her music 1000 times over the next month. Does that sound daunting?! She broke it down into how many times per day she would need to practice those few measures. It averaged out to 250 times per week, and then further down to 50 times per day (allowing for a few days off or where she might not be home as much to get that in). This was on top of her regular practice of two hours per day!
But by breaking it down into “manageable bites”, she corrected a bad habit and learned that part to where she could nearly play it in her sleep! 🙂
Often we relegate the “little things” as unimportant, or, at best, a mundane chore. Yet it is in the seconds and minutes and hours that important decisions are forged, habits are solidified, and the direction of a life is set.
I have lost 9 sizes– 200 inches! But you know what? I didn’t lost those inches 10 and 20 at a time. In fact, my greatest inch loss was my very first week–around 5 1/4 inches. The next week was my next largest loss in one week–around 4 3/4 inches. Over a third of my inch loss over those 4 1/2 years was under 1 inch per week. That’s right! The next third of my inch loss was under 2 inches per week. What if I had given up because I “only” lost 1/2 inch so much of the time?!
I’d still be a size 22W, tired all the time, and unhealthy!
Those “little bits” added up, sometimes 1/4 inch at a time.
That is the way good changes are made. Oh, it’s fine to have a goal, a resolution, but if you’re going to make those goals reality, you will need to make changes–one, small, good choice at a time.
That might mean going back to Instructionals–or staying on them as long as it takes until you “get it”. Or it might mean adding 1 more veggie than you’re eating right now vs. trying to suddenly add 7 veggies a day to your diet while cutting out wheat, sugar, dairy and eggs.
Sometimes health concerns demand a bigger, more sudden change. But often we try to overhaul too much at a time, get discouraged and then……quit.
Let’s make 2013 the year of little steps!
One more veggie than you eat now.
One more glass of water than you drink daily now.
One less sugary or starchy treat than you currently eat.
One more workout per week (or move per day) than you are doing now.
One day of God-made foods per week.
One positive statement about yourself each day–or at least one less negative statement.
One thing entered into a gratefulness journal each day, even if just a few words.
Don’t overhaul it all at once! Baby steps! Yes, it seems slow in the beginning, but just like 1/4 inch here, 1/2 inch here, they add up!
And you’ll find yourself at the top, with a breathtaking view, and you’ll say–
“It was worth every step!”
If you need and want help breaking down your goals into steps, or even help setting goals, there are several options on my Training with Trisch page–including a great special on Skype sessions going on now through the end of January!
Photo credits:
Exciting News!
Christmas and New Year’s surprises!
I was so excited yesterday to find out Senior Fit is coming!!!! You can order NOW and have it ship on January 2!
That is just in time for the 2013 T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge that starts January 20, 2013!!! There is even a Senior Fit category this year!
My site was down yesterday so I couldn’t let you know right away, but you can order Senior Fit HERE, and read about the 60 Day Challenge HERE!
And my New Year New You Skype Sale would be a great tool to help you with form advice and encouragement!
What better way to start the new year and this time keep those resolutions to better health, better body, a better you?!
Ready for the New Year?
After weeks of shopping ’til you drop, planning, plotting, cooking (and eating!), traveling, looking for that “just right gift”–have you put yourself last on the list again? Is it time to take care of YOU?
How about a special on Skype sessions to help you solidify those New Year resolutions to take care of yourself in 2013?
New Year New You Skype Special!
Photo credit: StuartMoreton
Deep Discount Tuesday!
What a great deal! 20% off everything except events!
Click here to go to the T-Tapp store. Use code DDT121812 at the checkout!
Happy shopping! 🙂
Technological Trouble–Parts 2 and 3!
After literally 10 hours of trying to fix our old hard drive, it came down to needing a new one installed. And that took my brother several hours this past weekend! It’s all done…but I am still getting information back on my main computer as my dear techie brother wasn’t able to transfer the data. I’m just glad I got everything backed up! Whew!
I’m still have some quirks like you usually do when you get a new computer or, in this case, a new hard drive, so I am being sucked into the vortex of technology, like it or not!
I apologize for not posting much these last few weeks. I am hoping to get things in order and back to the “new” normal as soon as possible!
Did I mention that both our desktop computers needed new hard drives? And that the laptop is acting up, too?! T’is the season! :p
Thanks for your patience and I hope to have more product reviews coming up as well as some tips on getting through the Holidays without totally losing ground!
Oh, and I’m finding the positive in all this!
*Everything is backed up that I kept intending to get to!
*All the pictures are doubly backed up–another one of those intended to get to items!
*I went through my massive amount of e-mails and hit the delete button–a lot!
*I got to see my brother and his family all Sunday afternoon!
We can always find the positives if we look for them, right?! 🙂
Liposomal C–A Powerful Punch!

The annual T-Tapp Retreat at Safety Harbor, Florida is always packed full of great information, speakers and new products. This year was no exception! I want to share one of the products that was introduced.
Liposomal Vitamin C is different than regular vitamin C. Vitamin C is water soluble, meaning your body doesn’t store it. Most animals make their own vitamin C, but we do not. Vitamin C is important for so many body functions–just a few are circulation, skin tone, adrenals and other hormones, and of course, boosting the immune system.
Vitamin C doesn’t “cure” anything, but it helps the body optimize the immune system to help the body work at its best.
The problem lies in absorption–how much really gets through the stomach to be absorbed in the small intestine? Buffered vitamin C might reach 18% absorption–which would be really good.
But Liposomal C can reach an absorption rate of up to 90%!
How does it work?
The lecithin in the mixture puts a coating around the vitamin C particle, helping it to get through the hostile stomach acids, then releases it in the intestinal area where it is quickly absorbed. It can be purchases from Livon Labs (where you’ll also be able to research liposomal C even more).
At the Retreat, trainer Jane Babcock and her sister shared this information with us, but they also shared how they were making it at home. You will need:
2 TBs rosehips powder
3 TBs non-GMO soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin
1 1/2 cups warm water
ultrasonic jewelry cleaner
First dissolve the 2 TBs rosehips powder in 1/2 cup very warm but not boiling water. I put mine into a bowl, whisk it to blend then pour into a quart jar.
I then dissolve the lecithin in the 1 cup warm but not boiling water. I put this in another quart jar (don’t mix the two mixtures yet).
You should let them dissolve at least 2 hours. I’ve often left them overnight. Then you will blend both together in your blender. I start blending the lecithin mixture and then add the rosehips mixture. After it is initially blended, I bump the blender speed up to medium and let it blend for 5 minutes. I then pour it in to the quart jars and refrigerate it. I actually double the amounts as we go through it pretty quickly!
The ultrasonic jewelry cleaner is a second step that improves bioavailablilty. I don’t have one yet, but I will share the instructions. After the blending step above, you will pour some or all of the mixture (depending upon the size of the ultrasonic jewelry cleaner you have), into the cleaner. Then it varies as to how many cycles to process it. Some have said 4 cycles, others as many as 12 or more. The idea is for it to be folded together and be thick like pudding and a caramel color. This “folding” helps break down and coat the vitamin C particles more. Even without this step, Jane and her sister shared that you would be getting around 70% bioavailablilty–which is still better than 18%!
When taking the liposomal C, it is best taken on an empty stomach, and you can eat after 15 minutes. You can take thyroid medication with it, according to Mary Shomon, thyroid patient advocate. She said it would optimize your medication, so you may need to keep an eye on things in case you get to the point of needing less because your body is metabolizing more!
There are many anecdotal experiences shared on this thread at the T-Tapp forums:
If you click on the Livon Labs link earlier in this post, you will find there are some studies and resources there as well.
For a moving video, you can watch the story of Alan Smith.
You can also read here, at Livon’s site, Les Nachman’s story.
While I am no doctor, I found it very interesting that liposomal vitamin C is considered by many to be the next best thing to intravenous vitamin C. I have even read of some doctors saying this is actually better than intravenous vitamin C therapy!
I’m not claiming to cure anything–I’m a mom and interested in good health for my family just like any other mom! But I also am learning so much about the body and how it functions, and I wanted to share this new way of taking vitamin C that could enhance your absorption so you get more out of it. I have heard stories of fewer colds, improved liver health, adrenals healing, beautiful skin 🙂 ….just a few among many!
I hope this is helpful to your journey of health! There are many, many links out there–this will get you started!
Here’s to a New Year of Better Health!
Photo credit: heatheronhertravels
Technological Trouble
I am so grateful for one client who contacted me after purchasing her Skype session on the sale I was running. If she hadn’t, I would have just thought no one was buying! Apparently I didn’t save some changes and the PayPal button code reverted back to the example e-mail–which isn’t a real e-mail!
I have no way of knowing who purchased anything since it didn’t come to my e-mail. If you purchased any services this past weekend (Friday through Monday), you probably got a confirmation e-mail that said you sent a payment to your @ paypal-email (dot) com. Obviously this isn’t me! 🙂 You can cancel that transaction, then you can go to the Fantastic Friday page and purchase it with the corrected buttons! I will be leaving the sale page up for a little longer due to this glitch. If you would prefer to contact me personally about it, feel free to use the contact form and put “PayPal Glitch” in the subject line and I’ll put a high priority on getting back to you!
I’m so sorry for all this trouble–but I sure have learned a lot!
Also, to further put your mind at ease, if after 30 days the money is not claimed by me (which it can’t be, since it’s not my e-mail), it will automatically revert back to you. Whew!
I won’t bore you with all the other technological issues I had last week….