Green Savings!
Not sure about the pot of gold, but this is a pretty GREEN savings deal!
Deep Discount Tuesday is 1 bottle Alfalfa, 1 bottle Fibertox and a body brush for $25! That’s deal that can even make the leprechauns envious! 😉
Click HERE to take advantage of this great deal–but only for today until midnight, Eastern Daylight Time!
And don’t forget that you can register for the new First Steps streaming video until midnight tonight, as well. I’ll be offering a special Skype deal for those taking this great class, too!
NEW Streaming T-Tapp Class!
We are all SO excited for the new streaming T-Tapp class!
Registration is up (check it out HERE) and you will be able to register until midnight Tuesday, March 17.
There will be three classes of the workout, each with progressive tweaks. Teresa taught First Steps last August at the annual T-Tapp Retreat. She developed First Steps to help Berei rehab her knee after surgery. The Retreat was 4 1/2 months later and I sure couldn’t tell which knee she had had surgery on! Truly amazing–Berei was 86 when she had the surgery!
First Steps is a fitness fusion of Senior Fit and Turn Back Time–fewer reps and water breaks but more muscle activation with special focus on fascia. I can’t wait to watch it again and take more notes–and I’ll be sharing some of these tweaks in the Saturday morning session at my upcoming Neosho, MO clinic on March 28!
If you register for this streaming class, you will also get a deep discount on the First Steps dvd when it comes out later this year.
What a great way to keep the 60 Day Challenge momentum going!
Also check my Training with Trisch page for updated listings of clinics, retreats and classes!
A Totally Amazing Deep Discount Tuesday!
Deep Discount Tuesday today is an AMAZING deal on Total Workout–$40 plus FREE shipping! That’s HALF off! (Free shipping applies to Total only) In 8 years of T-Tapp I’ve never seen it offered at half price!
Total is the “meat and potatoes” of T-Tapp–the original workout! We are doing Total this month in my Beautiful YOU online class and it’s amazing to go back to it! Total is what I started with 8 years ago–although I did mainly the Basic Workout portion! 🙂 Check out the DDT deal HERE!
Also check out my Training with Trisch page–two Be Beautiful retreats are planned with two more in the works; March’s Beautiful YOU online class is up as are TWO clinics in Missouri next month!
Hope to get to meet you at one of the retreats/clinics!
NEW DVD for Deep Discount Tuesday!
We’ve been patiently waiting for the new Turn Back Time dvd to be available in the store–and HERE it is! A fantastic fusion of Total Workout, MORE level 2, Senior Fit (standing–36 minutes) and Critter Crunch 2, Brain-Body Fitness Floor, Brain-Body Core Floor plus tweaks from Hit the Floor Tempo (floor–25 minutes)–this dvd has it ALL! Max muscle activation (NO path of least resistance), optimal lymphatic function (leverage isometrics in a special sequence), debulking AND fascia fitness–all coming together to turn back time for you!
It is a great full body workout and can be done with standing and floor back to back rotated in with your favorite workout dvds, or it can be done once a week on an off day.
For Deep Discount Tuesday you can purchase Turn Back Time for a special 20% discount!
You can also purchase the amazing Finger and Foot Fitness at HALF price! I love the way this makes my feet feel! Decreasing inflammation and increasing flexibility–helps with bunions, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel and other repetitive injuries–my daughter who works at the post office loves the finger moves!
OR you can get BOTH at 40% off! Check it out HERE!
Ready for the 60 Day Challenge?!
Here we are at the start of 2015! Tomorrow is THE day to take your pictures and measurements and upload them to the Challenge Homepage for the 2015 T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge! The Challenge is a great way to kick off consistency for your New Year fitness goals and there are 12 categories in both the Under 50 and 50 & Over categories! Winners in each category will get to attend the 2015 T-Tapp Retreat, currently planned for August 6-9.
Need support? Schedules? Maybe a Skype session for a quick form check? How about attending a live event if you’re near Zanesville, OH on January 24?! Free help, low cost help and more specialized help is available!
First–How about FREE?!
Free is always nice, right?! I help administrate the T-Tapp Support group on Facebook and you can join completely free! I do approve requests to join, but as long as your Facebook profile picture and cover photo look like a real person it’s not usually a problem! Just click on the name to take you there.
There is also the T-Tapp forum, which is full of great info. There aren’t any Challenge specific threads at this time, but you can certainly start one! There are a lot of us on the 6 Weeks to a New You thread that are joining the Challenge and in between chatting about life we also post how we are doing. You can join that thread anytime–don’t feel you have to wait until the next 6 weeks cycle starts!
There is also the 60 Day Challenge with Jen and Renee Facebook group, headed up by trainers Jennifer Kent and Renee McLaughlin. Looks like they will have weekly calls starting Monday night–and the special guest will be our very own Teresa Tapp!
Trainers Michelle Barbuto and Elizabeth Platt started their Be Well with Liz and Michelle page and will have calls on Tuesdays–and looks like Teresa will be joining them next week, too! Both groups’ calls will be recorded so even if you can’t make the call live, you can still glean from them.
Next–Scheduling Help!
Sometimes the hardest thing is deciding what to do! If you’ve chosen a workout-specific category for the Challenge (meaning you will only do the designated workout or workouts for the entire 60 days) that can help, but you still might need a little push in the right direction.
Sensational Schedules can help! Sensational schedules are pre-made schedules for 8 different workouts with 3 different levels. Level 1, the Works, is typically a full workout type schedule. Level 2, Less Is More, is typically short workouts daily or every other day. Level 3, Yes You Can, typically focuses on just 3 moves or 10 minutes or less each day. The exception would be Senior Fit–due to being a longer workout (and some of that is the extra kicking out, water breaks and clap aways!) level 3 will be closer to 20 minutes.
There are different packages, depending on how many schedules you would like! 🙂 Often having laid out what to do can help you focus more on pushing play!
If you are looking for more individualized help with scheduling, I do offer that service–you can head over to my Training with Trisch page for more info. There are also schedule options with the next item….
How About Some “Fabulocity”?!
WHAT in the world is that?! Well, I made it up! 😀 Foundations for Fitness “Fabulocity” is an online class with 4 levels, from support only (no schedule) to levels with 2 or 4 pre-made schedules (same schedules to choose from that are in Sensational Schedules) to level 4 with a personalized, 2 month schedule. There will be support via the private Facebook group, accountability, and teleconference calls. Something for every budget!
Need a Little Form Help?
Skype training is a wonderful option if you don’t live near a trainer to take advantage of private sessions or group classes! And you have two options–Challenge Champions is a great sale on single sessions, and you save even more when you buy two or more! Or if you just want a quick check that’s even easier on the budget, check out Mighty Minis— a 20 minute Skype session for $25—but during the Challenge you can get second session FREE when you purchase one Mighty Mini! That’s just $12.50 per session!
Got Something I Can Do at My Own Pace?
As a matter of fact, I do! Last September’s Beautiful YOU class, featuring the new Brain-Body Fitness Floor, was my most popular class ever! I realize not everyone could participate in the live class, so I created a 31 day e-course that you can start when you’re ready and then focus on for a month! 30 days of tips and extra core focus and one day is a link to the teleconference call we had. 31 days of focus, encouragement and direction! Check it out–Beautiful YOU E-Course
What Workout Is Beautiful YOU Doing this Month?
January’s Beautiful YOU features Step It to the Max–-core cardio! Registration will be up just a little longer before I close it to put up February’s registration. Next month we will be working on the original Total Workout!
Are You Going to Be in My Area This Year?!
Classes and clinics are so much fun–I love hands on! 🙂 You can keep an eye on my Training with Trisch page for new developments, but here are the definite events in my schedule so far:
January 24, 2015—January Jumpstart in White Cottage, OH TWO sessions and GREAT pricing to get your New Year started off right!
March 27 & 28, 2015–Movement Momentum in Neosho, MO! Two great sessions featuring Basic, sneaky fit and “Mommy Tummy” help on Friday night and Healthy Hormones with Senior Fit on Saturday morning. Keep an eye on my Training with Trisch page for more details!
April 23-26, 2015–Be Beautiful Retreat in Rincon, GA! Finalizing details on this one at New Ebenezer Retreat Center.
May 14-16, 2015—Be Beautiful Retreat in Andover, MA! Looking forward to enjoying the lovely grounds of Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center!
Photo courtesy: Photos Public Domain
Don’t Forget the Cyber Weekend Sale!
You can start shopping NOW–from the comfort of your home!
Or if you’re camping out in a parking lot tonight, from the not-so-comfort of your car! 🙂
Just wanted to post a reminder–don’t forget the FaNtApPiNiStIc Cyber Weekend Sale! So many great deals!
All four of my event sales are up all weekend, too, but the 2 for 1 Black Friday Super Skype Sale (2 sessions for the price of 1) is only on Black Friday. The rest of the weekend it will be 3 sessions for the price of 2 (Small Business Weekend Skype Sale).
Take note that the Sensational Schedules package sale says January to March, but it is actually available just this weekend as well.
If you want concentrated focus and consistency, the Core Consistency Skype Package is for you! You can pick from Basic Workout Plus, Healthy Hormones Menopause Management or MORE to work through weekly or bi-weekly. And you have until next August to get your sessions started!
Interested in exploring the new Brain-Body Fitness Floor, getting the most out core activation? Check out the Beautiful YOU E-Course featuring that very workout! It will be available for purchase after this weekend, but the special price is only for Friday through Monday.
If you would rather join me LIVE for a Beautiful YOU Online Class, I will be sharing schedules and core tips while we focus on Target POP 3 and TappCore 2 in December. Our goal will be to keep things sane and doable and get to January 1 with NO gains–and maybe even some inch loss! 😉
I’ll send one last reminder on Monday so you don’t miss these GREAT deals! And if you’re interested in working with more than one trainer, several are offering great Black Friday weekend deals at the T-Tapp Events page–at prices like these, why not?!
Enjoy your leftovers/camping in the parking lot/armchair shopping this weekend! 🙂
Black Friday Sneak Peek!
How about a sneak peek into the AMAZING and FANTAPPINISTIC T-Tapp Black Friday sale?!
I thought you might like that! 😉
You can peek but you won’t be able to order until 12:00 a.m. on November 28. You can shop through 11:59 p.m. December 1–with no lines, no rushing and fighting to get the last of a coveted item, no camping out in the parking lot–now THIS is my kind of Black Friday shopping!
I’m also having some specials this weekend and there will be sneak peeks of those, too! One is already up–Sensational Schedules Sale has 5 options to get 30 day schedules to help jump start consistency–whether now or after the holidays! Or even to use during the upcoming 60 Day Challenge!
If you need a little help next month to get movement in but don’t want to stress doing too much, I’m keeping December’s Beautiful YOU simple, doable AND at a special price! We’ll be focusing on core while doing Target POP 3 moves and TappCore 2! (If you have another workout with Awesome Legs, Pretzel Twist and Diva Derriere, you may substitute that for Target POP 3). Yes we CAN get to January 1 with some consistency still intact!
Other specials I’ll be having are a Black Friday only Skype sale, then a Skype sale for the rest of the weekend as well as a new 9 session Skype program focused on specific workouts at a GREAT price for this weekend! I’ll share those links as soon as they are up!
Deep Discount Tuesday–BOGO Deal!
Just in time for the holidays!
Premium Blended Alfalfa is a great anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, skin-tightening powerhouse! Added to that, it can help offset the acidity from holiday overindulgence as alfalfa is alkaline producing. I attribute the fact that I have no hanging skin after losing 8 sizes to body brushing and Teresa’s alfalfa!
I also have found it helps greatly in hormonal balance–perhaps that’s the best benefit of all! 🙂
Premium Blended Alfalfa is non-GMO, organic and processed in a way that preserves its nutrients.
Today only, until midnight, you can buy up to 3 sets (that’s 6 bottles). Be sure to use the drop down menu instead of adding quantity as that will not work for this sale. Click HERE to check it out!
Also, if you have any troubles with the webstore (it’s working much better, but, well…you know how technology goes sometimes!), please don’t hesitate to call the office. You can leave a voicemail and they will get back to you and honor the sale as long as you call before midnight!
Their number, if needed, is: 1-877-827-7348
Happy Shopping!
New England Retreat! (And Michigan! And Colorado!)
I’m making plans for spring already! 🙂 Don’t worry, I’m still enjoying the fall-quickly-turning-to-winter weather! We actually had some flurries today!
But I’m looking ahead to spring and planning some T-Tapp mini-retreats!
I’m looking at late April through early June to plan three mini-retreats in western Michigan, Colorado Springs area and Connecticut (or Massachusetts). The one I am trying to schedule first is in New England–and I need your help!
There are three beautiful locations–Madison CT, North Andover MA and Litchfield CT. All three are beautiful!
Date-wise I am looking at the weekends of:
April 24-26
May 1-3
May 15-17
May 29-31
Those are Friday through Sunday dates. The schedule would be checking in Friday morning and staying through breakfast on Sunday. Sessions would start after lunch on Friday and go through Saturday evening.
Or I could look at going Thursday evening through Saturday afternoon, finishing up around 4ish.
If you just want to come to the Saturday sessions, without staying at the retreat center, there will be an option for that as well, as long as I have enough participants to hold it there.
So please “vote” and let me know your preferences on dates and locations, and I’ll see what I can do! 🙂
And if you’re more local, there is still room this Saturday at the South Bend all day clinic! (It’s actually in Mishawaka–5215 Holy Cross Pkwy, Mishawaka, IN 46545) Click HERE for more details!
Fabulous Floor!
Before I get into today’s post, I wanted to be sure to let northern Indiana and southern Michigan T-Tappers know that the South Bend clinic details have been worked out! Registration will be in the store soon, but you can read more about it HERE!
And heads up–the T-Tapp store will undergo some more “construction” this weekend trying to fix some glitches–your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated!
Ready to work that core with Brain-Body Fitness Floor?!
If you haven’t explored Brain-Body Fitness Floor, you’re in for a treat! It doesn’t have an instructional—if you have done any of the T-Tapp floor workouts, there are many moves you will be familiar with, but they will have new “brain-body” tweaks for optimal fascial stretching and taking muscle activation to a new level. There are also some new moves as well as fanTAPPinistic stretches (that are worth the price of the dvd just for those stretches!).
Since there isn’t an instructional, I suggest you watch it first. Yes, yes, I know! You want to pop that dvd in and let’s DO it, right?! BUT, if an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, a half hour watching your new dvd is worth several months of frustration!
You’ll notice that Sequence 1 is the longest–and the hardest! Sequence 2 is a lot of stretching, but Teresa sneaks in LadyBug and Crab Claws, along with some of the pilates moves–so Teresa’s idea of a nice stretching sequence and mine are veerrrrryyyy different! 🙂 Sequence 3 consists of stretches and two side-lying moves, Pretzel Twist (wait ’til you see what’s she done to THAT one!) and a new move that has no official name yet, but I call it the Flip Point move.
Some Tips
*Brain-Body Fitness Floor (as well as Core Floor) have a neutral spine on the beginning stretches. The focus is a lot of cross-stretching that really works the fascia in amazing ways! That plus being on the floor can help align your spine and work on balancing muscle imbalances–as Teresa was teaching Core Floor 2 at the Retreat last August, I went from not being able to fully press my right pinky finger to the rest of my fingers for “mitten hands” at the beginning of the day to effortlessly being able to do it, almost without even thinking about it after we stood up to do final kickouts at the end of Core Floor!
So do keep in mind that as you are doing the jazz stretches, you won’t be trying to press the lower back to the floor.
*On moves where legs are in the air then lowering, including pilates style moves at the end of Sequences 1 and 2, be very sure you are pressing that lower back! It is easy to start using the back, glutes and legs to do these moves if you have a weak core. Using a hand towel rolled lengthwise and placed just below your tailbone can be helpful to alert you when you start to lose that core focus–you will feel your tailbone start to roll up on the wedge that the rolled towel forms! It is better to not lower your legs too far than to lose your core.
*This is more of a technological tip–if you are working out using a laptop, placing it on a small step stool vs the floor can be easier on the neck. Also, switch which side you put it on so you are not always looking to the same side as you watch Teresa.
Alternately, you could watch a move, hit rewind, then do it by her verbal cues so your head can be more neutral vs turned to one side. Unless, of course, you have something to project your video onto the ceiling. Maybe a ceiling mounted unit like the dentist office uses?! 😉
*One of the best pieces of advice I ever learned, especially for floorwork, was to “stay in the muscle”. The goal is to use the abs, not go as far/as fast as Teresa. Sometimes that meant (and sometimes still does!) that my shoulders might not get all the way off the floor in Cross-Over Sit-Ups, or that my leg might not go as high for Crab Claws, or as far out for the half-pilates moves. But I can tell I am working my core, blasting my muffin, and that’s what I want!
How to Start
After watching the dvd or the sequence first. I personally would start with Sequence 2. It is very deceptive though! I think of it as you’re getting a nice little stretch only to find out Teresa just got you to work your abs and core! Sneaky!
After doing Sequence 2 a few days, you could move to Sequence 3 or 1, depending if you want to do something different (Pretzel Twist and Flip Point on Sequence 3) or do something similar to Sequence 2 but taking muscle activation up a notch (Sequence 1). Still watch it first so you will have an idea of what is coming.
Teresa told me I could do one of these sequences each day and it would not make me crash. Of course, as always, she is right! I would even feel comfortable doing Sequence 2 plus a shorter workout (such as MORE, half of Healthy Hormones Menopause Management or Basic Tempo) on the same day. That said, always listen to your body and do what is best for your situation!
A sample schedule focusing just on the Brain-Body Fitness Floor might be (after watching the sequences first):
M-Sequence 2
T-Sequence 2
W-Sequence 3
Th-Sequence 2
F-Sequence 3
S-Sequence 1
Sun-Off or just the beginning stretches (Sequence 2, beginning to about 7:05)
You could then start the next week alternating between the 3 sequences, one per day.
Another sample schedule, this one incorporating Brain-Body Fitness Floor with other short workouts, such as Basic Workout Plus and Step Away the Inches, might be (again, after watching the sequences first):
M-Sequence 2, BWO+
T-Sequence 2, SATI
W-Sequence 1
Th-Sequence 3, BWO+
F-Sequence 3, SATI
S-Sequence 1
Sun-Off or just the beginning stretches
Those are just a few ideas of how to get started using the Brain-Body Fitness Floor with or without other workouts.
Have you already done Brain-Body Fitness Floor? What has been your favorite way to use this fabulous new workout?