Step Into a GREAT Deal!
We just finished up our 4-H fair where our family of 11 partook of a total of 137 thick milkshakes from a local Lions’ Club Dairy Bar! It’s time to get back into the T-Tapp groove!
And what a better way than today’s Deep Discount Tuesday! Step Away the Inches or the Combo with Step It to the Max at a deep, deep discount!
SATI is normally $19.95 but it is $11.25 today only!
Or you can get the Combo, usually $30, for $20! That’s getting BOTH for the price of SATI alone!
The Step Away series are great for a bit of cardio and there are upper body moves as well. A total body workout! Step It to the Death Max bumps the cardio even more! SATI is the equivalent of a 2 mile walk, SITTM more like a 5 mile walk. GREAT workouts for those who like more cardio!
Ready to work off those 4th of July treats? (Or, in my case, County Fair milkshakes?!)
Click HERE!
Deep Discount Tuesday–Time to Stock Up!
Today’s Deep Discount Tuesday special is a BOGO deal on Premium Blended Alfalfa! Woo-HOO!
T-Tapp’s Premium Blended Alfalfa is non-GMO and organic. It is high quality alfalfa leaves only–no stems or seeds. I’ve used it for 7 years now and credit the Premium Blended Alfalfa for improved skin tone, helping me tighten skin everywhere while losing 8 sizes, helping with hormonal issues and gut issues as well! Limit of 3 sets or 6 bottles total–click HERE to take advantage of this great deal and stock up! DDT special starts June 17 and goes until midnight!
Are You Camping Out?!
No, I’m not asking if you are planning a family camping trip this weekend! 🙂
I’m talking about whether you should be camping out where you are in your workout journey.
You’re tooling along, doing great with your workouts; consistency is going well. Then you hit–
Just as in a road trip, detours can be frustrating. Taking longer to get to your destination, driving slowly through construction, going waaayyyyy off the beaten path, perhaps not as scenic…even GoogleMaps or Mapquest might not be of much help! (We recently found this out when we needed a quick detour around a reservoir when a main road bridge was out. There are no quick detours around reservoirs!)
Lots of little jogs left, then right, then oops! Just passed my turn on that almost-hidden country road. Okay, back up…turn left again…..you know how it goes!
The same thing happens in our journey to our “destination” or goal in losing inches/weight/sizes. It’s even more maddening to run into a detour when you have a time crunch! (Like our recent find-an-alternative-way-around-the-reservoir—we were heading to an orthodontist appointment.)
You wanted to lose 2 sizes for your wedding. Or you wanted to tone up a bit so you could wear short sleeves without feeling too self-conscious this summer. Perhaps you were hoping to lose 4 sizes in 6 months to fit into a dream outfit for a special occasion.
Then comes the detour….
It could be any kind of crisis that interrupts your workout routine or caused you to pig out after a time of doing so well with your eating plan. Whether it’s a bump in the road of health, moving across the country, starting a new job, loss of a loved one, or even happy stresses such as a wedding or new baby–all have one thing in common:
They tend to derail our nicely laid plans to our destination!
The problem comes when we forget this is a detour. A detour, not a camping spot! Worse yet, we forget it’s not a place to buy real estate and build a house!
Just like twists and turns, bumpy roads and frustrations in a road trip detour, we can have a bumpy ride with inch loss. Our bodies are not static and stationary but very much a living, breathing organism that ebbs and flows and can’t just be forced into submission to your plans.
So what do you do? You might need to follow the detour, which sometimes takes you way out of the way but will get you back on the road eventually. Or you might need to forge a new way, yet constantly check that you are heading in the right direction–especially with many twists and turns and hidden road signs! You might actually get back on track quicker even though at first it seemed it might take longer.
We don’t really know, sometimes, where exactly this journey to The Land of Smaller Sizes will take us. But I know from experience that if you regroup and don’t set up camp at the detour, and keep moving, you will get back on track. Yes, even if you have to back up because you missed a turn or two! 😉
And before long, you will breathe a sigh of relief because you will see…..
Remember–it’s only a detour, not your destination! So don’t set up camp there and don’t buy a house, because you are just passing through!
Let’s Hit the Floor!
Are you ready to do some serious core focus with floorwork?!
June’s registration is up for Beautiful YOU: Core Concentration which focuses on the Hit the Floor Combo! I have 6 schedules so far–everything from doing the workouts daily to just 10 minutes a day.
You’ll learn how to get results by focusing on the core, staying in the muscle, and yes, even in just 10 minutes a day!
Hope you can join me!
So Just What IS Beautiful YOU?!
(Back to Basics for) Beautiful YOU–Core Concentration is an online class that I started last August. It’s been a fun journey this past (almost) year!
I’ve been asked just what IS an online class and how does it work?
Glad you asked! 🙂
This isn’t a class where you have to show up at a certain time–I have had international T-Tappers be a part of the class, so no matter where you live in the world, you can “attend”!
Each month I pick a different workout to focus on, and I focus specifically on the core throughout that workout. The core IS the “core” of T-Tapp! This lays a great foundation for any workout that you do. So far we’ve done MORE 2, LadyBug, Healthy Hormones Menopause Management, Total Workout Super Slow, SATI and TappCore, Warm-Up Workout #1 along with Debulk Sequences, Senior Fit, the Critter Crunch Series, Broom and this month we are tackling Tempo Arms!
To participate, you need to own and be at least somewhat familiar with one of the following: Basic Workout Plus, Total Workout, MORE, Healthy Hormones Menopause Management, or have attended a clinic within the last 6 months.
After registration I send out a Welcome Letter which also tells about the month’s schedules. There are usually 4-6 schedules, everything from full workouts every other day to just 10 minutes a day. You also get the schedules and a document with core tips.
I have a private forum where the party starts–and it is really private–no one gets in except whom I personally add! 🙂
Each week I share a core focus to help you get extra core activation, a bonus focus which is a bonus move with extra tips (especially core tips), daily tips (non-Tapp related but everything from skin care to health tips to inspirational quotes), and of course a check-in thread to see how you are doing. You can ask questions, share a-ha’s and successes, too!
Once a month we have a teleconference call where I am actually doing and talking through some of the moves from the month’s workout–you can either take notes or do them along with me. You are able to download the mp3 so you can go over it at your convenience. The second half of the call I have talked about adrenal fatigue, skin care, sneaking fitness in, how we talk to ourselves–and more!
Along with the physical core focus, I also focus on core thoughts and what we believe as that also affects us–to the very core!
And discounts! Yes, you can get a discount on T-Tapp products and dvds while participating in Beautiful YOU!
There is a Skype option but you do not have to Skype to receive benefits from the class! We have a lot of fun–some months we’re more quiet and others there are lots of questions and sharing! If you do choose the Skype option, you are getting an hour session at a 25% savings off the regular price!
June’s focus will be Hit the Floor Combo. If you’ve wanted to tackle floorwork, this is the class for you! And yes, there will be a schedule focusing on short segments daily! 🙂 (Having a fast forward button handy is nice!).
In July we will do one of my favorites–MORE! MORE has made up about half of my workouts over the past 7 years! I’ve even taught a weekly MORE class for almost 2 years since becoming a trainer. MORE is great whether you need training wheels or a racing bike! I’m excited to focus on the core with–MORE! 🙂
And August will find us returning to the basics–Basic Workout Plus! BWO+ is a full body workout all by itself–in just 15 minutes! We’ll break it down even more, though, so you will be able to really focus on that core!
Due to a small glitch on my part, June’s class won’t be in the T-Tapp store until Tuesday (let’s just say some simple technological things get by me sometimes! 🙂 ) If you want to take your core concentration up a notch, then Beautiful YOU is for–well–YOU!
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or contact me via the Talk to Trisch tab at the top of the page! And if you have suggestions to which workouts you’d like to see me focus on in future classes, please share!
I hope to see you soon in a Beautiful YOU class!
Photo Credit: The Rose Cottage
Deep Discount Tuesday!
I’ve been pretty quiet here on the blog–processing the loss of my mother-in-law and getting back to the “new normal” was a bit tougher than I anticipated. We’re grateful she is no longer suffering but we miss her!
But I feel I’m ready to get back to sharing tips and products and T-Tapp life with you! So let’s kick it off with May’s Deep Discount Tuesday!
Today’s DDT is Tempo Lower Body and a bottle of T-Tapp’s B-12 Plus. Tempo Lower Body is probably my favorite Tempo! (Notice I did NOT say I thought it was the easiest?!) It does move faster–it is a Tempo, after all! It has a standing and a floor portion, both with moves to target the lower body. Floor has the famous three moves Awesome Legs, Pretzel Twist and Diva Derriere!
The pause button can be your friend on this dvd! You could watch a few reps, pause and do them to your speed, then try to finish up with Teresa. We’re doing Tempo Arms this month in my online class, Beautiful YOU, and we have one schedule that is 10 minutes a day! I’m planning to tackle Tempo Lower Body in Beautiful YOU this fall–and yes, there will be a schedule for just 10 minutes a day for this one, too! 🙂
I would not be without T-Tapp’s B-12 Plus! I noticed a difference when I switched to the old formula B-12, but I felt even more improvement in my energy levels when the formulation changed to methycobalamin vs. cyanocobalamin! B-12 is right up there with Premium Blended Alfalfa and Digest Plus–I will sacrifice other supplements but not these!
By the way, if you are pregnant or nursing and can’t use the PG spray, T-Tapp’s B-12 Plus is a GREAT substitute! No, you won’t get the “fat burning” benefits of PG, but I can attest that B-12 Plus does help with energy and stamina during your workouts!
GREAT price for both–just $30! That’s less than the price of Tempo Lower Body alone! Click HERE to take advantage of this great deal!
Deep Discount Tuesday–A Dynamic Duo!
TWO great workouts for less than the price of one–now THAT is a deal!
I call Total Workout Super Slow the ULTIMATE Instructional! It covers through the Airplane move and its slow pace with explanation and form tips will take your muscle activation up several notches! It’s a great workout to have and return to for extra form focus!
(And heads up–May’s Sensational Schedules will feature 3 schedules from Total Workout Super Slow! From 60 minutes every other day to one move daily–taking 15-20 minutes–there’s a way to conquer this workout little by little!)
Broom workout is a stepping workout using a common ordinary broom–but you will find the extra lat activation and focus on form while stepping will also take muscle activation up a few notches! There are options–I love options! There is a master class version of MORE (35 minutes for 3 moves!), a short walking instructional (GREAT for off days–just 7 minutes), a fantastic Broom Warm-Up and two walking Broom workouts.
We are currently doing Broom in Beautiful YOU and I am loving revisiting this favorite with a new level of muscle awareness!
If you want to experience the higher level of muscle activation from a Retreat series workout, Total Workout Super Slow and Broom are two of the best!
Click HERE to take advantage of this offer! Good through midnight April 15!
Also don’t forget to check out the updated Training with Trisch page for upcoming clinics, classes and a Skype sale!
Clinics, Classes and More–Oh My!
Spring is here –finally! For some of you farther north than me, you might still be seeing white stuff but hopefully soon we’ll all be seeing more white as in the picture above!
And with spring comes–clinics! Classes! Skype sales! Schedules! Oh MY!
I’ve updated my Training with Trisch page, but I’ll share here the new online class, Skype Sale, clinics and more!
April Beautiful YOU Core Concentration just started–but you can still join! We’re using the fabulous Broom workout which has several options. I love options! I have created 5 schedules to suit every time and stamina need and still explore our core with this great workout!
Sensational Schedules for April feature Step Away the Inches and Step It to the Max (if you don’t have both, the Step Away Super Set is the best deal!).
If you are in the Chapin, Connecticut area I will be there April 26 for a clinic! Core Connections for Total Transformation in New England will feature Senior Fit and new Core Floor/Brain Body floor tweaks and moves shared at the T-Tapp Retreat last fall!
Closer to home–Intentional Inch Loss in Indianapolis on May 17! THREE sessions–Basic Workout, MORE and a Fitness Fusion adding in tweaks from Healthy Hormones Menopause Management and Senior Fit in the morning. Then in the afternoon there will be two sessions–one focusing on LadyBug and the second one will be Core Floor/Brain Body Floor.
I have interest in western Michigan–just need help finding a place! I’m looking at the Cadillac MI area, so if you’re a western Michigander in that general vicinity that can help me locate the right spot, please let me know!
But what if you’re not in the area or can’t make a clinic? Virtual training via Skype! Total Transformation Skype Sale is a good way to grab a Skype session (or two or three) to train in the convenience of your own home!
Whether you are seeing the white of blossoms in your neighborhood or still the white of winter snow, you can still take advantage of shaping up for spring with an online class, a clinic, a schedule or a Skype session!
Because YOU are WORTH it!
Happy Spring!
Photo credit: Yannick Bammert
Warming Up with Deep Discount Tuesday!
The past few weeks have been a roller coaster ride of emotions with my mother-in-law going into the hospital, then passing away last Monday. It was good to catch up with family and friends, yet sad to lose our last parent/grandparent. She was a great lady with a big personality that will be sorely missed!
Today’s Deep Discount Tuesday is an often overlooked GEM! We did Warm-Up Workout #1 for January’s Beautiful YOU program and we all loved it! If you are wanting some extra muscle activation tips, especially for floor, the Warm-Up Workouts are where to get them! We had many “a-ha’s” during January! I’m excited to explore Warm-Up Workouts #2 and #3 in future months for Beautiful YOU!
For DDT you can get any one for 30% off or all three for 50% off! That is a GREAT deal!
Click HERE to take advantage of this great deal and get started on some new muscle activation!
The Numbers Game
The Numbers Game….whether it’s the scales, the tape measure, the clothing sizes, all involve numbers….and all seem to have immense power over us!
When those numbers go down–we’re HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! 🙂
When those numbers go up–WE go down down down! 🙁
Isn’t amazing that something so simple can play such havoc with our emotions?!
This is going to be hard to imagine, but— you don’t have to be a slave to numbers! I know it’s great to see the weight go down, measurements change for the better and get into a smaller size in clothing, BUT–
That does not tell the whole story of what’s going on inside. A number on a scale or tape measure doesn’t tell you if the loss or gain is fat or muscle (and I honestly don’t put much stock in the body fat percentage scales, either). Those numbers don’t measure overall health improvements. And numbers don’t measure how you truly feel–the feeling of accomplishment of getting through a workout you could only dream about 2 years ago, for example!
Our society is so obsessed with quantification that sometimes it denies our accomplishments all because a number we’re watching isn’t where we want it to be!
As we start down the homestretch of the 60 Day Challenge, many of us will measure (and some of you will weigh, although I don’t recommend it!). There’s a bit of anticipation that the hard work of the past 30+ days will show, maybe just a little bit, how we’re doing.
Nothing wrong with a “sneak peek”! That is, unless you are going to let it defeat you and drag you down if it’s not showing what you want.
Some will have less inch loss than they had hoped for.
Some will have no inch loss.
Some will have gains!
What is your reaction? Will you feel all your hard work has been vain? Will you beat yourself up for enjoying a life event (birthdays, for example) or that you missed some workouts due to sick kids?
If the Numbers Game brings frustration and despair of ever succeeding at your goals, maybe it’s best to leave the scales, the tape measure and even trying on of clothes for now, and focus on what you can’t measure.
Better health.
Better sleep.
Less PMS.
Feeling more confident in who you are right now.
You see, the “measuring” devices don’t measure the most important thing–who you are as a person. A number on the scales does not tell me if you are a good listener or the life of the party.
A number on a measuring tape doesn’t tell me if you have a dimple when you smile or gorgeous eyes.
A tag on a piece of clothing doesn’t tell me what a great mom or friend you are.
I know we all want to do our best for the 60 Day Challenge. And of course it would be great to win, right?!
But if you lose a good amount of inches only to berate yourself because it wasn’t more….if you get into that next cute outfit that’s a size smaller but you still fuss about some other body part that isn’t fitting the way you want….if you see the scales go down but you crash your adrenals and end up in bed on March 26 because you overdid it—what will it matter?
As someone who saw a size and weight I hadn’t seen in over 20 years at one point, but had stressed adrenals, please listen when I say–it doesn’t matter if you get to your goal size but you aren’t healthy enough to enjoy it.
And, if I may also say…if you can’t pat yourself on the back for what you’ve been able to do so far in your consistency, whether you see immediate results or not–and if you can’t enjoy the little benefits along the way–
You won’t be happy when you get “there”, either.
Numbers can help us track progress, but they don’t tell who we really are. Remember that T-Tapp’s 60 Day Challenge is NOT “whoever loses the most inches wins”. It is about a life change, how it impacts your whole life.
Want to know the best way to “win” at the Numbers Game?
Be content with who you are. Then whether you have a huge success in inch loss today, or whether you are counting the things that aren’t measured in numbers–you can smile and say to yourself, “I am a winner!”
Photo credit: anomalous4