Last Day for Giveaway!
I realize that I had neglected to post when the giveaway would close! 😉 You have until midnight tonight and then I will have the HARD job of picking a winner! You all are great! It’s a nice problem to have!
I just approved all the comments awaiting moderation–didn’t get on much while on my get-away! 😉 Got everyone’s entry here recorded and now need to head over to Facebook and get those, too!
Thank you everyone that entered/is entering and I’ll announce sometime tomorrow who the winner is! Wish I could pick several!
A “Pamper Me” Anniversary Giveaway!
Today I celebrate a blessed 30 years of marriage to a wonderful guy!
In honor of our anniversary, I’m having a “Pamper Me” giveaway!
Body brushing, Dead Sea mineral salt baths and Teresa’s alfalfa have been key in tightening my skin, exfoliating and keeping my skin healthy as I lost my sizes. For this giveaway, you will receive:
T-Tapp Body Brush
Bass Face Brush
CRT Brushing Sequence dvd
1 lb. bag of Skin Saver Dead Sea Mineral Salt
1 bottle Better Body Basics Premium Blended Alfalfa
That is a value of $74.50! Everything you need to pamper yourself!
In addition I will include a jar of my homemade salt scrub, made from Redmond RealSalt, Teresa’s Dead Sea mineral salts, a blend of yummy skin-saving oils and Teresa’s Bulgarian Lavender essential oil. You will love how this makes your skin feel!
I will also share my tweaked version of a recipe for a salt mask for your skin for extra pampering!
Here’s how to enter:
1. Wish me a Happy Anniversary in the comment section as well as on my Facebook page, Be Youthful ‘n Fit! And if you haven’t “liked” my page yet, please do! (The comment here counts as one entry, and the comment on my FB page counts as another!)
2. Tell your friends via Facebook, Twitter or other social media (even e-mails and a phone call can count!) and let me know you did.
3. What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?
4. What will you do to pamper yourself this week? It doesn’t have to be something big–can be going for a quiet walk, spritzing some lovely scent on your pillowcase before bed, light a candle while doing dishes, picking up some flowers to grace your table….
5. If you haven’t opted in (the green box under my picture on the sidebar) and received your 7 Tips to Get You on Your Way to Being Youthful and Fit…at ANY Age, please do! If you already have opted in, just note that in the comments and I will still count it!
6. Tell me about a special anniversary you have had. If you’re not married, perhaps a special birthday, or maybe you helped make your parents’ anniversary special one year!
7. Do you have a special anniversary coming up? What is a special “goal” you have to reach by that time?
I’m excited to get away with my Sweetie for a few days with no computer ;), so I might not respond right away–but I’ll be looking forward to reading all your comments when I get back!
(A year ago I was able to get into my wedding dress but not quite zip it up–due to my ribs having expanded from 10 term pregnancies! I was pretty tickled that I could almost fit into it, though! 😉 Thank you, T-Tapp! )
Deep Discount Tuesday–Digest Plus!
This month’s Deep Discount Tuesday special is a new product in the T-Tapp store–Digest Plus!
Digest Plus is a proprietary blend of digestive enzymes that really works!
I had been using another brand of plant enzymes prior to using Digest Plus. Although I definitely noticed benefits with the other brand, I noticed a difference within a week when I started Digest Plus! I only need to use half the amount–usually 1-2 per meal is sufficient, and to be honest, I usually forget my lunchtime dose! By using half the amount it really is more cost effective to use Digest Plus!
Having lost my gall bladder 15 years ago, I have noticed more problems in the past few years. I know my liver was not “happy” and have tried different means of supporting liver and digestive function. Most noticeably in the past year, I have noticed that around the time of my monthly cycle I would tend to become very ill, just like I used to with gall bladder attacks. 🙁 I especially would become ill when eating less-than-optimal foods.
I noticed a slight improvement with the other enzymes, but what really stood out to me is how in the past few months I had NO problems, even during “hormonal” times! I really didn’t connect the dots until I ran out of the Digest Plus and a week ago started having similar issues! I took extra of the other enzymes that I happened to have left, and it helped, but I’ve noticed that when I take just one extra Digest Plus, the “ick” feeling quickly goes away!
Now, I’m not saying go ahead and eat fast food and just take extra enzymes! 😉 But let’s face it–there are times you are traveling or other things might upset your digestive equilibrium that you just can’t help. I take 1 Digest Plus with breakfast and 1-2 at suppertime, depending on what we are having and where I am in my hormonal cycle. I take extra if eating out.
I’m truly impressed with this product! And for Deep Discount Tuesday tomorrow, it is 20% off! Click below and when you order use the code DDT021913
Deep Discount Tuesday–Digest Plus!
If you are looking for some great digestive enzymes, give Digest Plus a try–and with the DDT discount, it’s a sweet deal!
Your gut will thank you! 😉
What Are Your Goals?

How are you doing with your goals? Whether you officially entered the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge or not, you probably have some goals. Things like….
Lose 20 lbs.
Get into the next size jeans
Look good in short sleeves by spring
Be able to fit back into that favorite dress in the back of my closet
All good goals! Or maybe you have some short term goals that look like this…
Work out 4 days each week
3 key moves on off days
Up my water intake
Eat fewer carbs
Those are great goals as well!
But what IS the ultimate goal? Weight loss, inch loss, size loss?
WAIT! Didn’t I just say those were good goals?
Yes, they are, but there are a few goals that are even better. Once you set these goals and change your mindset, you can withstand the fluctuations that happen along the way to weight/inch/size loss goals. You are not so hard on yourself, and rather than seeing slip-ups as failures, you know they are simply a part of the journey and won’t derail you–if you keep your eyes fixed on these ultimate goals.
And what are those?
Fitness. Toning. Wellness. WHOLEness!
Fitness: in good physical condition; in good health
Toning: gaining or to cause to gain in strength
Wellness: the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort
Wholeness: not wounded, injured, or impaired; sound or unhurt; having been restored; healed
And wholeness, the last one, would encompass physical, mental and spiritual components–well, the whole! 🙂
When you make inch or weight loss your goal, it is easy to give up when you are not seeing results. Even making one aspect of your health a goal, say, lowering blood pressure, can lead to disappointment when the desired result is not readily appearing.
But when you make fitness, toning, wellness and wholeness your goal–you know you’re in it for the long haul! Of course you will have short term goals to get there, but they won’t be based on a certain number by a certain date. Rather, they will be little steps and decisions that will help propel you forward to the ultimate goal of good health, fitness and wholeness–mind, body and soul.
Once you set your sights on something beyond the sometimes frustrating roller coaster ride of numbers, it helps you enjoy the journey more. And by keeping your attitude positive, you will give a boost to your health as well.
Over my 6 year journey (so far) in T-Tapp, I have had many times of re-evaluating my goals. At first, I thought I would be at goal size by 2 years–and I guessed a size 10/12 would be close. Weelll….that didn’t quite happen! How about inch loss? Would you believe there was a 6 month period of time I lost 40+ inches and not one size?! Then the weight loss…um….lost 25 lbs. my first year, then gained 10 back and stayed there for another year or so. Kept losing sizes though, so I finally quit worrying about the scales!
About halfway through my journey I realized I wanted more than just a certain size–I wanted wholeness—to be well enough to enjoy a smaller size!
My attitude has changed greatly–right now I am up 2 1/2 sizes from where I was last year. I reached that smallest-size-in-23-years point, but was not as healthy as I would have liked. Now, I’m not planning on staying where I am, but I am committed to losing a size or two while continuing to heal my adrenals. I often say, “What’s the good of getting to your goal size if you aren’t healthy enough to enjoy it?!”
As we keep the ultimate goals of fitness, toning, and wellness before us, it helps us smoothe over the bumpy parts of the ride, not letting detours or rough roads throw us totally off course!
Nothing wrong with setting a realistic goal and smaller goals to reach that goal–but let’s not leave out the ultimate goal of wholeness–and not getting so caught up in numbers that we can’t enjoy the journey!
Picture credit: jayneandd
Another Winner!
Wow! This giveaway ended up being very popular!!!
And picking a winner was hard! I used Random.org, but then was so torn as I really wish I could have given it away 5 times over!
So just kind of for fun and out of curiosity, I asked my oldest to pick an number between 1 and 70 (yes, there were seventy entries!).
Would you believe she picked the EXACT same number Random.org picked?! How cool is that?!
So, our winner is—-
Elizabeth Ours!
Congratulations Elizabeth! I know you will make very good use of this set and I’m sure share with those around you! Now, the only catch is–you need to report back after starting it to let us know what you think! 🙂
If you’re sad that you didn’t win–don’t despair! I will have another giveaway starting next Monday, the 18th!
Thank you ALL who have entered and shared and signed up to receive blog updates!
Hormone Management–The T-Tapp Way!
This is another workout dvd that I want to say, “Don’t let the name fool ya!” 🙂
The Menopause Thyroid Solution is a great book written by thyroid patient advocate Mary Shomon. Teresa created a series of moves for the book, and last summer she came out with a new workout dvd based on those moves. They are variations of moves from Basic Workout Plus, but oh! What a powerful hormonal punch they pack!
Thyroid issues? This is your workout!
Adrenal issue? This is your workout!
Menopausal, perimenopausal? This is your workout!
PMS? PCOS? Any other hormonal issue? Yep! This is your workout!
Everyone has hormones (including males!) and this workout will help you find your lats and bring muscle activation to a whole new level. Did you know that when you activate your lats you can boost your metabolism by 15%?!
I know of a 17 year old girl with PCOS that loves this workout, as well as a young lady in her early 20s that has had great improvement in what used to be debilitating cycles that put her in bed for a day or two. Amazing!
As hypothyroid and adrenal challenged myself, I find this is a great workout that I feel good after and not tired. I do split it up over two days (which is easy with the chaptered moves).
Healthy Hormones Menopause Management has a great instructional as well as the straight through workout. Both are chaptered by moves, which is wonderful! There are the built-in “not free kickouts”, clap-outs and water breaks. So if you have a hard time using the pause button on your remote, this dvd is for you! 😉
I am again hosting a giveaway of the SET of the book by Mary Shomon, The Menopause Thyroid Solution, the Healthy Hormones Menopause Management dvd and the PBS Behind the Scenes Documentary, which is full of interviews done for the PBS special, with about 19 minutes of Brain/Body Fitness moves at the end. It is a GREAT intro to T-Tapp you can loan out (and the tweaks on the moves included are great, too!) Oh, and you will see my famous cameo appearance on there! 😀
Ready to enter?!
1. Again–if you haven’t already liked my Facebook page, Be Youthful ‘n Fit, please do! If you have already liked it, please post a comment letting me know your favorite move and why you like it!
2. Share! Blog, share on Facebook, Tweet, e-mail and all other social media, and leave me a comment here or on my Facebook page that you did! (And each time you do, it counts! 😉 ) You can tag me either through my Be Youthful ‘n Fit Facebook page or by my name, Trisch Richardson. If you’re not on Facebook, just leave me a comment here at the blog that you told someone, somehow about the giveaway!
3. Tell me why you’d like to win this package, and what you’ll do with it (use it all for yourself, share part of it, use some of it as a “loaner”, etc.)
4. Have you found T-Tapp has already helped your hormones in some way? Please share!
5. What is your biggest hormonal challenge? (Menopause, perimenopause, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroid, etc.)
6. If you haven’t signed up with the opt-in form on the sidebar, please do! You will get a free 7 page guide with tips to keep you youthful and fit! If you are already signed up, just let me know that and it will still count. I e-mail blog updates and plan to also e-mail other interesting and helpful tips, links or just reminders to take care of YOU! I can’t e-mail those who subscribed via the Feedburner, so there is an advantage to the opt-in! 🙂
You can unsubscribe at any time.
7. Post on my Be Youthful ‘n Fit Facebook page what workout or moves you did each day. Even if “all” you did was Primary Back Stretch, that counts! I will count one entry for each day you post!
The giveaway runs from now until midnight, EST, on Sunday, February 10. The winner will be announced on Monday, February 11. International readers may enter, but I ask you to split shipping with me–and remember, my daughter who works for the post office will help us figure the least expensive way to go!
Ready to tame those hormones and find balance, the T-Tapp way?!
(Note: The PBS dvd in the picture at the top of the post is another seminar, but trust me, the one in the giveaway is equally good! 🙂 )
And the Winner Is…..
I used Random.org to pick the winner of the Senior Fit dvd–and it is–
A big thank you to ALL who entered the giveaway!
(And check back tomorrow night–there will be another giveaway! 😉 )
Last Day of the Skype Sale!
Just a reminder–today is the last day of my New Year New You Skype Special! If you’ve been wanting to purchase a Skype session (or a package!), this is a great deal!
If your budget just won’t allow it right now, start saving your change! 🙂 There will be a Spring Shape-Up Skype Special coming soon!
What to Do When You Can’t Work Out?
This past week has been a painful one! :p I have had an issue with my neck that I saw the chiropractor for, and it was better–until Tuesday morning. I awoke with horrible spasms if I turned my head the wrong way, sneezed, or even blew my nose! Yikes!
After another visit to the chiropractor last night, I am doing better, but still am very limited in how much I can tilt or turn my head. Therefore–no T-Tapp! 🙁
So what do you do when you’re handicapped right out of the chute for the 60 Day Challenge? Should you just throw in the towel and drown your misery in some chocolate?!
Well, I’m all for eating chocolate! 😉 But never fear–you can still do something T-Tapp, even if you can’t do T-Tapp! Confused?
I give my good friend Mary Ellen K. credit for this idea–I have done it but never really vocalized it this way. She put it into words and it is an excellent idea! Thank you, Mary Ellen!
Whether it’s struggling to take off days truly “off” or having to put aside your well-planned schedule due to circumstances beyond your control, you can still do something to help you feel like you are still progressing toward your goals. Let’s say you set aside 15 minutes a day to “do T-Tapp”. But due to schedule, stamina or interruptions, you can’t always don your workout gear and push play. You can still “do” T-Tapp!
*Take Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes with you to appointments and read (reread) chapters 4 and 5, paying close attention to the form tips. There is a wealth of info there! Also reread the testimonials–they will inspire and encourage you!
*If you have a laptop/smartphone/ipad/computer handy, go to the T-Tapp forums and read there. Again, there is a wealth of info! If it is overwhelming, start with the Must Read Threads or the New to T-Tapp forum.
*If you have time to watch a dvd but not the stamina to do it, or if it’s a day “off” and you feel like you are “cheating”, then “read” a dvd! Watch it, pause it, take notes–you will be able to assimilate things you can’t focus on while doing the dvd. Here is a great post by trainer Dan Wiley on how to “read” a dvd: T-Tapp Learning Tools
and another: Still Doing Instructionals
and yet another! Still Doing Instructionals-2
These are just a few ideas of how you can be “doing” T-Tapp without overtraining, or when life happens and you can’t do your planned workouts. No time wasted or lost!
For me, this neck issue has been a lesson in taking more breaks and doing a few more mindful moves during those breaks, as well as getting my computer screen up a few inches to help my neck! Hard way to learn a lesson–but at least it was learned! 🙂
One more idea: you can go through the moves in your mind. When I was mentoring for Total Workout, I hit an adrenal snag and couldn’t do more than my 2 classes per week. I was a bit stressed, worrying how I could practice part of TWO without overtraining. My mentor, trainer Michelle Barbuto, told me to visualize myself doing and teaching the moves. I did that–and passed my TWO certification with flying colors! Don’t underestimate the power of just thinking through the moves and seeing yourself doing them!
There! Now we have NO excuses to not keep on, even if the path takes an unplanned detour!
Have you found ways to stay motivated and not lose momentum when life happens? Please share!
And don’t forget about my giveaway going on now through midnight Sunday! (To add another “entry”–if you haven’t opted in to receive e-mail updates, please do! The new opt-in form is on the sidebar–plus you’ll receive some tips on staying youthful at any age! If you already have opted in, just let me know in a comment and that will count as your entry!)
From size 22W to a size 6–took 5 years but it was worth it!
First picture taken 1/27/07–second taken 2/08/12
This past weekend marked an anniversary–my 6th anniversary since doing my very first T-Tapp workout!
It was quite a feat, really! I had the book from the library, propped it open and attempted to do the 15 minute workout. It only took 1 1/2 hours at first! :p
But after 3 months of not losing anything and making myself more tired with what I had been doing before T-Tapp, the inches started to move off and I felt better!
I could never have imagined, 6 years ago, that I would now be a trainer, lose 9 sizes, and regain my health. And feeling better at 50 than I did at 44!
I’ve gained a few sizes back since a year ago, when I reached the smallest I had been in 23+ years–but I am feeling even better with all my adrenal challenges. I know the extra sizes will start to melt off over the next 60 Days!
Teresa introduced Senior Fit at the T-Tapp Retreat in 2010. I remember Teresa talking about it even in 2009, and I told my mom about it. She was sooo excited for it to come out! She passed away in May of 2010, and I decided then and there that when Senior Fit came out, I would do a giveaway in her honor.
You see, my mom believed in me. Whether it was making good grades, learning a foreign language or something on the flute, she believed in me. She encouraged me. My dad was into fitness the last 20 years of his life before a neurodegenerative disease silently stole his ability to move. I think he would have really liked Senior Fit, too!
I have to express my gratitude first of all, to my parents, for making me who I am!
Secondly, to Teresa Tapp for creating the T-Tapp workout, continuing to tweak it and add new moves, new variations, new workouts! Most of all, for her generous heart that provides so much information at the T-Tapp forums–as well as providing those forums free and without any annoying ads in your face!
Thirdly, to the trainers and veteran T-Tappers who have shared their wealth of knowledge. I really credit the forums and those who shared there as being a HUGE key to my success!
If you don’t know my “story”, you can click on the Trisch’s Transformation tab at the top of the page. It’s been an amazing journey and I still feel like it’s only the beginning!
So I want YOU to help me celebrate! In honor of my mom, Dorothy McGriff Smith, I’m having a giveaway of the newly released and highly acclaimed Senior Fit dvd!
Retails for $69.95 but you can win it FREE!
Here are the ways you can enter!
1. If you haven’t liked my Facebook page, Be Youthful ‘n Fit, please do! And please post a comment–maybe about your favorite post, or if you just liked the page, what you’d like to have me write about in the future.
2. Tell others about the giveaway! Tweet, blog, e-mail, Facebook, and whatever other social media you use! Leave me a comment here or on my Be Youthful ‘n Fit Facebook page that you did (and tag me if you do it on Facebook! Just use my name, Trisch Richardson)
3. Tell me why you want to win Senior Fit!
4. What is your biggest challenge in T-Tapp? Share that in the comments or on my Facebook page.
5. If you are doing the 60 Day Challenge, whether officially or unofficially, let me know that and what category if you entered.
6. If you have a “less is more” story, please share that in the comments!
7. What did your mother invest in your life? What one thing she did or said can you especially point to which made you who you are today?
The giveaway will run from today through midnight Sunday night (EST). I will choose a winner and announce who it is next Monday, February 3.
International readers may enter, but I may ask for you to split shipping with me. My 21 year old daughter works at the post office, so she can help me figure the best deal! 😀
So–who wants to CELEBRATE with me?!
Photo Credit: Jewels Globe