Make Time for the Important Things
We’re busy at our county fair this week, so I thought I’d share my post that was featured over on T-Tapp Moms. Not necessarily about T-Tapp, but it is about being a busy mama trying to make time for the most important things!
And just a reminder–the Summer Sizzle in Sturgis, MI clinic is just one week away! Click HERE for more details and registration. I hope you can join us!
Feature Friday–Sweep Away the Inches with T-Tapp Broom!
Did I ever mention that I love options?!
That is one of the reasons MORE is one of my favorite T-Tapp workouts!
Well, Broom is right up there with MORE for me! Broom is a great workout, filmed at the Safety Harbor 2007 Retreat. And boy, does it have options!
First is a Master Class level version of MORE–34 minutes for just 3 key moves! The sweat will pour and you will never again refer to MORE as an “easy” workout! 😉
Then there is a Broom Warm-Up, just under 20 minutes. It’s really closer to 15 minutes, but they had the excitement of a real, live fire drill right in the middle of it all! So they included a few fun clips from that! You can fast forward through it–but it is fun to watch the first time!
Following the warm-up there is a short, 7 minute walking instructional for those who might not already have Step Away the Inches. It’s a great off-day or need-to-pump-some-lymph mini-workout!
Then there is the workout section. Broom Workout #1 is 15 minutes long, and Broom Workout #2 is almost 29 minutes long.
I suggest taking the time to watch the whole thing first. You can do it in segments, of course, but it helps to be able to hear the many tips Teresa gives throughout this workout.
By using a broom in this workout you will really engage those lats more–and that is great as activating the lats helps burn glucose as well as boost the metabolism! This will transfer into your other workouts and even your daily routine as you become more aware of when you let your ribs collapse.
You can use a broomstick or even a dowel rod that is about the same thickness.
The whole workout (warm up plus both Broom Workouts) is just over an hour–not something you’d want to do all the time! But there are options for breaking it down. Did I mention I love options?! 😉
You can do:
MORE (34 minutes)
Broom Warm-Up plus Broom Workout #1 (35 minutes)
Broom Warm-Up plus Broom Workout #2 (50 minutes)
Short walking instructional (7 minutes)
MORE plus short walking instructional (41 minutes)
MORE plus Broom Workout #1 (49 minutes)
MORE plus Broom Workout #2 ( 63 minutes)
Broom Warm-Up plus both Broom Workouts (1 hour 5 minutes)
There are other possibilities, such as doing the three core moves she features in MORE (PBS, Reach Scoops and T-Tapp Twist) to warm up and then do one or both of the Broom Workouts.
I love Broom! It is one of my top three favorite T-Tapp workouts, and I actually like it better than Step Away the Inches! I’ve had issues with trap dominance (I think all women do) and Broom really helped me–by engaging those lats. I’ve since learned to transfer that activation to SATI and even like it better now!
If you’re looking to find your lats, want something new for a walking workout, want to ramp up muscle activation or learn a sweat-pouring version of MORE–Broom is for you!
Click on the image below to find it in the T-Tapp store! And get ready to sweep away the inches with T-Tapp Broom! 🙂
And don’t forget– July 17 I’ll be in Sturgis, MI, so if you live near there and want to come find out how to keep your workouts sizzling through the summer, please come join us! Info HERE!
From Fitness to Freedom!
This is actually part 3 of It’s NOT All About Willpower (and you can read Part 2 here).
I truly believe that as we “hang onto” things, our bodies may well “hang onto” inflammation or fat as well. Now, had you told me that a few years ago, I probably wouldn’t have believed you! But having experienced it, I now recognize that we cannot just deal with the physical and ignore the emotional or spiritual. Nor can we deal with only the emotional and forget the physical. Often we start out “to lose weight” or maybe we decide to deal with the emotional side of things through counseling–but I’m learning we need to slowly, with baby steps, add in elements from the other two “legs” for wholeness.
I have heard that our bodies store stress, especially from a trauma, to deal with it when the stress passes. The problem in our modern age is–we never stop! From scary movies to scary news from the doctor, from inconsiderate drivers nearly causing you an accident to rude sales clerks, stress seems to fill our lives. If we don’t process it and let it go, it can literally eat at us–or cause our bodies to store toxins along with toxic thoughts and fat along with fear!
I just experienced this again, but in a different way a few weeks ago. I decided to mentor for Hit the Floor so I could certify (hopefully!) this fall. But it seemed like things kept coming up for me to keep me from getting my first video done for my mentor. Sometimes it was legitimate things, but other times I just found myself too busy or wasting time…. Then one Sunday our pastor preached on fear, and later that day my husband found a fact about people bitten by snakes, who didn’t have enough venom to kill them, yet they died—from the fear!
Fear lowers our immunity, paralyzes us, raises blood pressure and heartrate–yes, I could believe that it would lower the immunity enough to cause a less “dangerous” infection to actually cause death or at least do more damage than it “should”. As I pondered this information, I suddenly realized that I had fear–fear was paralyzing me and keeping me from getting my video done!
The fear stemmed from my prior miscarriage history, and although I knew perfectly well that none of my miscarriages were caused by doing anything strenuous (mine were hormonally related), that “fear” of doing too much was there. And it was paralyzing me, even though I was not even pregnant!
It was truly amazing to face this head on, and now I am excited to get that video done! In fact, I was so disappointed because I lost my voice a few weeks ago and it’s taken me this long to get it back enough to do the video! I am ready and looking forward to tackle this! YEAH!
It’s time to face the fear head on–and not let past hurts, frightening events, difficult situations (or people) paralyze you from what you were created to be.
For me, fitness has become more than just physical fitness–more wholeness–body, soul and spirit!
Have you found that fear has kept you from reaching a goal, paralyzed you from starting or maintaining good habits? You’re not alone! Let’s focus on wholeness and watch the fears–and eventually, the fat!–melt away so the real you inside can be FREE!
It’s NOT All About Willpower! Part 2
This is a continuation of last week’s post, It’s NOT All About Willpower!
I had been pretty consistent with T-Tapp from the start in January 2007 to May of 2010. Then my mom unexpectedly passed away. Of course the weeks following were hectic, and I knew from past experience not to push too much for my adrenals’ sake, but I still was able to maintain 2 short workouts per week.
Then I hit a 7 week period of time that I didn’t even do one Primary Back Stretch!
Then I got sick.
I decided to do an online T-Tapp class, which greatly helped me….for that month.
Then the holidays hit!
I decided to do the schedule from the online course again after the holidays, but…
I. just.couldn’t.seem.to.keep.it.going.
During this time I had decided to become a trainer. Which meant I should probably be doing the workouts, right?!
Also during this time I was really arguing with God about His timing in taking my mom Home. Nine months later, I finally decided to just accept it and let it go. I couldn’t change anything about it, but as Amy Carmichael has said, “In acceptance lieth peace.”
Amazingly, I started being consistent again! No amount of “willpower” or “self-determination” or “discipline” was working. I was self-sabotaging from an internal war that affected my emotions and my ability to “just do it”.
During my time of mentoring to become a trainer, I had another interesting issue crop up. I have had 13 miscarriages–some have been really hard physically, some hard emotionally, and a few were hard in both areas.
Almost a year ago, in August, I felt the Lord prompt my heart about a miscarriage that had happened nearly 22 years prior. It was not a hard one physically, but it came at Christmas time, which is also around my oldest daughter’s birthday. She was about 3 at the time. I remember telling my husband then, “My heart feels dead.”
That is exactly what I realized had happened–I had “walled off” a part of my heart. Now, I was healthy, no heart issues, nothing apparently “physical”. And I consider myself a pretty outgoing person! But when I dealt with that issue, it was like I was even more alive! I joke that the grass was greener, the sky was bluer! 🙂 It was great to be FREE and feel ALIVE!
The interesting thing that happened physically? I could later look back to that time and see that from then on my midsection started reshaping! I had gotten into size 6s, my 9th size lost. But I was still “fluffy”. Just a few months later I was the smallest I have been in probably 20+ years!
I’ll be finishing up this theme on Thursday, sharing one more a-ha on this journey to freedom! (Very fitting with 4th of July tomorrow, yes?! 🙂 )
It’s NOT All About Willpower!
I want to address something that we all struggle with to some degree.
What is that?
It’s when you get all excited about a workout plan, get things ready, and just….can’t….seem…to….get….it….going.
Or when you do get things moving in the right direction (whether workouts, way of eating, skin brushing) and start seeing results, and “for some unknown reason”, you quit.
It is usually accompanied by beating yourself up. “I’m so inconsistent!” “I’ve always struggled with eating!” “I just have no willpower!”
Well, it’s not all about willpower!
I really cringe when I read or hear someone say, “You just need to eat less and exercise more.”
Or “You need more willpower! You’re just not disciplined enough!”
What is “disciplined enough“?! Who gets to decide what enough is?
There are so many things that can contribute to weight gain and the inability to lose it. Yes, of course what we eat and whether or not we move our bodies can affect it. But I am not a believer in deprivation dieting nor in exercising for hours a day just to lose or even maintain a certain size.
In fact, I have found, through my own weight/inch/size loss journey, that it goes much deeper than the physical. For example, if we have had any kind of trauma or abuse, even verbal, in our past, we can “hide” behind our poor eating/exercise choices because losing sizes and reshaping our bodies triggers something deep inside that we might not even be able to verbalize or be aware of.
Next week I’ll give a few examples from my own life.
Tips on Getting (Re)Started With T-Tapp
These are my personal beginner recommendations, not necessarily T-Tapp’s, although on the forums many trainers have encouraged more focus on Instructionals vs. bootcamps.
Whether you are brand new to T-Tapp or coming back after a break (planned or unplanned!), it’s important to not skimp on laying a good foundation.
Since I am healing from adrenal fatigue, I have a special place in my heart for those with health challenges. These recommendations come from my experience—sometimes learning lessons the hard way!
Please learn to listen to your body! Sometimes we need a “kick in the pants”, and other times we need to rest. I think that is one of the greatest gifts T-Tapp has given me—the ability to listen to and heed the body’s signals! You are laying a good foundation with the Instructionals, and that will yield great results. I know of one lady whose motto was “focus and intention” on just 5 moves for several weeks. She went on to do the 60 Day Challenge and her body really responded well and reshaped! So do not skimp on your foundation!
When Teresa is talking away and seems to have forgotten you are standing there in position, you are supposed to stay there! This time is helping build or rebuild neurokinetic (mind-to-muscle) connections. If you need to kick out, do so, but then get right back into position! 😉
Write this down and put it in a prominent place:
The Pause Button Is Your FRIEND!
Feel free to use it to kick out more, get another water break, etc. There are no prizes for gritting your teeth and getting all the way through it–especially when your form suffers so badly you get little progress from it! I personally kick out after each and every move, between sets of plies, and between sides on most moves. Also, if you feel you can only do 4 repetitions instead of 8, that’s great! You are going to your max ability. And if half-way through you are “done”, then be done!
Here are a few steps:
- Watch the Instructional dvd for your workout. If you are doing Total Workout, I would first start with Instructional 1. I know we like to jump right in, but if you are new to T-Tapp, getting a feel for how Teresa cues and teaches will help you when you actually do it with her.
- DO the Instructional! You can certainly break if up if you need to for stamina or time’s sake, but always warm up with Primary Back Stretch (PBS) before starting again. For the adrenal challenged, I often advise only doing 2-3 moves per day, sometimes every other day. As I said above, cutting reps is totally fine!
- My favorite “bootcamp” is 4 days of Instructionals (or moves or parts of it if you can’t handle all of it in one day), then 2 days off. I have done maybe 8 bootcamps over 5 years, and the shorter ones yielded better progress overall than the longer ones I did in the beginning!
- Start with an every other day (EOD) routine. If you are pretty fit already with no health issues, MORE and Basic Workout Plus (BWO+) are safe to do daily. But always take 1 day off per week except for Primary Back Stretch. As your muscles build strength you can mix up your routine a bit and find what works for your stamina and your schedule.
- Revisit the Instructionals! It’s easy to feel we don’t need them, but you will be surprised at what will “pop out” to you when you come back to them! I would at least revisit them every 2 months or so, especially if you’re just beginning T-Tapp.
- DO measure and take pictures before! I know we hate pictures. But I would not have the amazing testimony I do now if I had not done so. No one has to see them but you. Often there are things that will show up in pictures that don’t even show up on the tape measure!
- Keep a journal of things that you can’t measure. Better sleep. Balanced hormones. Less pain. Often those become more motivating than inch loss!
- Finally, ENJOY THE JOURNEY! It is a journey, and sometimes there are detours, delays, and rearranging of plans. Just focus on better health and the next size down. Consistency is key!
These tips will help you lay a good foundation as you start your T-Tapp journey. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or contact me!
Happy Tappin’!
Summer Sizzle in Sturgis, MI!
This is a ladies only clinic in Sturgis, MI on Tuesday, July 17!
If you’re in the area and can join us, I’d love to meet and tweak you! 😉
Feature Friday–Let’s Hit the Floor!
This week’s Deep Discount “Wednesday” was a great deal on Hit the Floor–and I had already decided to feature HTF in my Feature Friday this week!
I confess I’ve not enjoyed floorwork for most of my T-Tapp journey. The first few years of T-Tapp, I did a little bit, but most of it was limited to Organs in Place (OIP), Half Frogs (HFs) and Elevators (E). When I realized I had a diastasis recti (separated muscles that allow for a growing baby in women–but sometimes doesn’t come back together completely) I stopped all floorwork except OIP.
A few years ago I took an online class and there were a few things I took away from it:
Stay in the muscle (don’t use the back, neck, arms or legs to do the work)
You don’t have to go as far/high as Teresa
Fewer reps with activated abs are better than doing them all without full activation
As I started to include HTF again, I made myself promise that as soon as I lost activation, that move was done. Reset for the next move. Some moves I only got ONE repetition in! 🙂
But eventually I worked up to all ten reps, with no more separating of the ab muscles!
When I went through my 9 months of inconsistency after my mom’s passing, what few workouts I did were generally BWO+, Basic Tempo and MORE. No floorwork.
Then last year I was mentoring for TWO and MORE certifications, so…no floorwork.
This year I decided to go for the HTF certification. It’s been a challenge on many fronts, but after getting started, I think I’m actually starting to like floorwork!
Hit the Floor Combo has 2 workouts: Hit the Floor Softer (HTFS) is 37 minutes and was originally developed to use with weighted shoes. I often will joke that my Skechers are weighted enough, thankyouverymuch! The pace is a bit slower and most moves have 8 reps, so it is a good starting point. Hit the Floor (HTF) is 30 minutes, picks up the pace a bit and most moves have 10 reps.
If you wondering whether you’re ready for floorwork, you can start with OIP/HFs/Elevators. These moves are on the dvd that comes with the book, Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes, or OIP and Half Frogs are on the Try Before You Buy section of the website as a printout. Start with these–can you feel that you have ab activation? Can you Curl Your Core on the floor and keep that lower back pressing for at least 2 reps on Half Frogs?
Sometimes it helps to put a small rolled towel (such as a hand towel or tea towel rolled lengthwise) placed just below the tailbone to form a “wedge”. This will help you tremendously to curl the core by using the abs vs. arching your back. It is very, very important to be sure you have ab activation or you might just build a round, hard tummy instead of making it flatter!
I didn’t think I needed the towel, but once I tried it–I found it sooo helpful! I can keep activation without it now, but I still will use it–especially if I am shooting for all 10 reps!
So the “rules” of starting floorwork, in my experience are:
1. If you can’t tell if your abs are activated or not, do not pass go, do not do HTF until you are consistently doing the OIP/Half Frog sequence, using a towel for HFs and staying in the muscle (vs. using momentum to bring the knees in–remember, it’s not how far you go!)
2. Once you feel you have some activation, promise yourself that you are not going to try to do all the reps. Start with 4, even just 2 of some moves. You can increase as your abs get more connected with your brain!
3. The Pause Button Is Your Friend–on the floor as well! 😉
4. Do NOT try to go as far as, nor as high as Teresa if it means you quit using your abs and start using your back/neck/legs/arms/anything else!
I got rid of my muffin a few years ago doing HTF–and yes, just doing 1 rep of some moves! Staying in the muscle is the goal, not doing all the reps!
My muffin has returned a bit due to some metabolic and emotional healing recently. So I am excited to see what mentoring for HTF is going to do for me now!
If you want to check it out in the T-Tapp store, you’ll see the HTF Combo when you click HERE!
And if you are already doing HTF or HTFS, please leave a comment and tell me how you’re doing, and how you like it!
Deep Discount WEDNESDAY!
Due to the office staff being gone yesterday, Deep Discount Tuesday was moved to today. It’s a GREAT deal!
50% off Hit the Floor Combo and/or Hit the Floor Harder!
This is funny because I was going to review HTF for this week’s Feature Friday! 😉 I am currently working with my mentor, Michelle Barbuto, on HTF! I’m actually enjoying it and–dare I say it? After not liking floorwork I look forward to it now!!!
Click HERE to go to the page with the HTF series, and use the discount code DDT06202012 to grab your HTF choice at half-off!
Then check back Friday as I share my success and tips for Hit the Floor!
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall–I’m Sure I’m the Ugliest of Them All!
Have you ever looked into the mirror and thought negative thoughts about yourself?
“Look at that double chin!”
“My skin is always so sallow.”
“I can never do anything with my hair!”
“Great! I’m 35 and I still have teenage acne!”
“Why can’t I lose that muffin?”
“My arms are huge!”
Whether it’s our hair, our skin, our facial features or our body, it seems when we look at a mirror we never see good things–only the bad. Is that mirror’s fault? Or our way of looking at ourselves?
There isn’t anyone who has perfect anything. We all know the stories of photoshopped models. But somehow, in our minds, we are still not “perfect” enough or “good” enough in some area. The problem isn’t that we have imperfections–because we all do. The problem is we let those grow to such huge proportions that we can’t see the things that are good and beautiful about ourselves!
I’ve often asked, “Would you tell that to your very best friend?
Would you constantly point out how her hair has no body, or her eyebrows fade into her face, or her eyelashes aren’t long enough or… or… or…”? Of course you wouldn’t!
Yet….we think nothing of doing it to ourselves.
I’ve spent more time than I care to admit scrutinizing some part of myself in a mirror, as if that mirror could show all that I am. As if all that sums me up is in the reflection of a piece of glass backed by silver.
Is that the real me?
No more than a posed, made up, perfectly-dressed-to-suit-her-body model who is then photoshopped to further look perfect is really her. Do you know what she is passionate about just because you see her picture? Do you know what kind of food she adores? Do you know how she feels about her family? Can you really get to know someone just by looking at their picture?
Of course not!
Yet every day, some of us stand in front of a mirror and think the world can judge us and assume what we are like by what we see in that mirror and how it measures up to images–images of people we don’t even know. Sometimes it’s a totally unreal montage of images we put together in our minds of THE consummate super-beautiful woman.
Who doesn’t even exist.
I think it’s time we put that monster to rest and quit comparing ourselves outwardly to a standard of perfection that even the most beautiful women can’t live up to!
Perhaps there are things you are working on outwardly, such as losing inches/weight, taking better care of your skin, or styling your hair differently. Instead of coming to the mirror for another session of “let’s-see-if I-can-find-all-my-faults”, what if we came looking for improvements? What if we looked for the good in ourselves just as we try to look for in other people?
Do you know that if you are constantly putting yourself down in any area, you will be insecure and unable to fully relate to people, especially those you perceive as “having it all together”? A negative self-image will rob you of precious relationships and what you could learn from others because you are on the defensive, wondering if they are noticing that new crop of pimples that popped up, or that your hair was not behaving that morning, or that your dress seems to fit less attractively than you’d like.
Years ago, when I was a young teen-aged girl, I had a horrible problem with acne. I was very self-conscious about it, and when all the “conventional wisdom” of the day didn’t work, it was disheartening to have such bad skin when many of my friends didn’t seem to have this problem. One day it occurred to me that if I stayed focused on it, others would, too. So I tried an experiment. I decided to be more outgoing and focused on other things than what my face looked like, hoping that others would not notice so much.
Interesting thing for a 15 or so old girl to come up with! 😉
Did it work?
I clearly remember one time saying something about my acne to a friend, and she said, “Oh, I guess I really didn’t notice.”
What if you quit being your own worst enemy, and decided to focus on others, focus on your strengths, focus on being your best in spite of imperfections, focus on how far you’ve come in the journey instead of where you still have to go?
Perhaps, like me at 15, you may find that you feel better about yourself, that you feel better about others, and that you will become FREE from the shackles that only serve to make you miserable and keep you from all you can be!
There is more to you than what is seen on the outside. But what goes on inside affects the outside. A warm, genuine “I’m interested in you” smile and caring attitude will leave a better impression than a “I wonder what they’re thinking about me” or “I wonder if they notice my nose is crooked” attitude.
One way is focusing on yourself, trying to get affirmation and acceptance from others based on how you look.
The other way is focusing on others and how you can benefit them by your gifts, receiving affirmation and acceptance by giving it away.
Focusing on your weaknesses and imperfections creates a barrier to giving–it dams up the flow.
Focusing on what is good about yourself frees up that flow and helps you to help others.
So, let’s change that to:
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall–I’ve Lots of Good Things I Can Share with Them All!”