Deep Discount Tuesday!
Tomorrow’s Deep Discount Tuesday is a BOGO deal on PG Spray!
Pyruvyl Glycine is proven to increase fat burning and offset simple carbs even without exercise. Just think how much more effective it is when combined with the benefits of T-Tapp!
I can attest to PG Spray helping with my endurance during workouts. There is no way I can teach a long day of 2-3 sessions for all day clinics without it! I also have used it to help me stay awake on long trips! And I’ve used it successfully to help reduce carb cravings. I know of some T-Tappers who have used it to help them quit smoking, too!
It isn’t the greatest tasting (although I’ve tasted much worse!) but if you spray it under your tongue, that helps. 😉 I use 6-12 sprays during a workout and 2-3 for curbing carb cravings (or staying awake on trips!). A bottle will last me 2-3 months if I only use it during workouts (and I don’t always use it) and 1-2 months if I use it for workouts and craving control.
Check out the BOGO deal HERE. And if you’re joining Teresa and me in Louisville, KY on March 12, you’ll need that PG Spray! 😉
Louisville LOVES T-Tapp!
I’m so excited that my first co-clinic will be with Teresa herself! We’re coming to Louisville, KY on Saturday, March 12 for THREE sessions to take your muscle activation to the MAX!
Teresa hasn’t been to the Midwest area for 4 years so this will be a welcome treat. Come join in as she teaches the latest fascia fitness techniques to take your workouts to a new level! Be sure to register as soon as possible to reserve your spot!
Hope to see you there!
Time Management for Challenge Success!
T-Tapp’s 60 Day Challenge starts on February 20 this year. Such a fun and exciting time! There are winners for each category and those winners get to attend the 2016 T-Tapp Retreat for free!
We all want to do our very best during the Challenge, but we need to make a plan and be realistic as most of us do not have the luxury of taking 60 days to only focus on our health and inch loss. Here are tips to make the most of your time for max results!
1. Track It
As you get ready to create your plan for the 60 Day Challenge, you need a way to track your workouts, eating, water, supplements and whatever else you want to do to improve your health and consistency. Whether it’s a paper calendar, an app on your phone or a spreadsheet on your computer, find the tracking modality that best suits you–one you will actually use!
2. Watch Out for These!
Time wasters are everywhere. We can spend so much time selecting our workout clothes (or finding them), shoes laced just so, look at our dvd stash and spend all of our allotted workout time deciding what to do! Having a plan laid out is helpful, and so is having a go-to workout for those days you might fritter away your time trying to talk yourself into (our out of!) a workout.
Hint: Don’t choose your workout(s) by what you think you need to do to lose inches and see results. If it’s not a workout you like doing, let’s face it–you will find reasons to not do it!
3. Create a Realistic Schedule
Often we create the “ideal” schedule but it’s not really feasible. Let’s say you work full time. Planning a 14 day bootcamp with Total Workout, then doing Total every other day with 6 target moves on off days while working is not.a.good.idea.at.all. Think through what you know is going on with your schedule, consider your stamina levels (and health issues if you have any), and be realistic about the time and energy you can devote to your workouts. Better a short bootcamp of 4 days with short daily workouts 4-5 days per week when you can handle that than planning an elaborate schedule that will leave you tired, frustrated and wanting to give up!
When I speak about scheduling, I will often tell those attending to create their ideal schedule–then cut it in half. That often raises some eyebrows! Why do I say that? Because if you can consistently do half of your “ideal” schedule, that successful accomplishment will build and you will feel great vs feeling “behind” because you couldn’t get your “ideal” in. If you can do your ideal schedule from time to time–great! But your expectation is half so that anything more is an added bonus!
4. Make (and Keep) an Important Appointment!
It’s easy to put ourselves on the back burner while we do this, take care of that, meet that need, fulfill those responsibilities, etc., etc., etc…..and somehow we never quite get around to taking care of ourselves! That needs to STOP! Make an appointment and KEEP it with yourself. You can put “appointment with trainer” on your calendar during the time you’ve blocked off to work out or even put “Appointment with Teresa Tapp” on your calendar. And you don’t want to disappoint Teresa, right?! 🙂
5. Plan for Interruptions
Does that seem like an oxymoron?! Plan for interruptions?! But we know it’s going to happen! This is another reason to cut your “ideal” schedule in half. But beyond that, having a contingency plan for when you’re extra busy at work or with your children, or when sickness hits–obviously you won’t be working out but as you’re feeling a bit better but not up to par–what’s your plan? Sometimes doing Senior Fit Floor Warm-Up, while not a workout, is still getting some movement in and stretching the fascia to help pump the lymph and get you feeling better sooner! This is also why I believe every T-Tapper should have at least one seated workout in his/her stash–MORE, MORE 2 and TappCore 2 all have or are seated workouts. And TappCore 2 is just $10–a very affordable option to have on hand for those “blah” days. I often could talk myself into a 10-12 minute seated workout on those days when doing a standing workout was too overwhelming!
6. Plan Your Week
At the beginning of your workout week, take a few moments to plan your “realistic-based-on-this-week’s-events” schedule. Obviously some things stay the same every week, but there are also other things that might necessitate adjusting your schedule for max possibility of follow-through.
7. Estimate Clearly
While you might think this is a no-brainer, do estimate the time it will take to do your workout. Yes, I know the dvd says it is a 15 minute workout. But do you need extra kicking out? Water breaks? Allowing 5-10 extra minutes to your workout “time” will also make it more likely you will get it done vs think “I don’t have time” if your schedule gets too tight.
8. Minimize Distractions
This can fall under the category of interruptions, but it is actually a bit different. If you know there are interruptions you can actually anticipate, try to head them off at the pass. For example, if you have young children, making sure they have their snack, or are in a safe place and maybe playing happily before you start is a great idea. (Of course, as we all know, they can quickly be playing not so happily and the snack can start the chain of events as if you are a living version of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie!) Other distractions you can head off–getting your water bottle/glass/jug filled up ahead of time; adjusting the temperature in the room you are exercising in; shutting off devices that will tempt you to go check your notifications; putting up a gate to keep pets from coming in (they do like to help us work out, don’t they?!); moving toys (especially Legos!) out of the way so you don’t step on one and lose your groove.
9. Evaluate and Adjust
Take time when you get ready to plan the week’s workouts to evaluate the previous week–what worked well? What didn’t? Is there anything you can take away from evaluating your past workout week to help you make the coming week more successful? Tweaking as you go is a very important part of consistency success!
10. Celebrate Now!
Now this is the fun part! You don’t have to wait until you lose X amount inches or until the end of the 60 Day Challenge to celebrate your accomplishments. Each week that you meet your goals–even if you had a few off days but overall met them–give yourself a pat on the back! Some T-Tappers talk about putting money in a “workout jar” and then buying themselves a treat. Of course don’t undo your hard-won accomplishments by sabotaging yourself with food that will work against you! Your reward can be as simple as colorful stickers on a chart (hey, we’re all kids at heart!), or maybe buying yourself a FitBit to make record-keeping more appealing, purchasing your favorite fragrance in bath salts and having a pamper-me evening–the sky’s the limit! It doesn’t have to cost a thing or you could reward yourself with a cute workout outfit after so many weeks of consistency–or even just call a friend who will share your excitement with you! Whatever motivates you–make sure you make time to celebrate your accomplishments of staying consistent!
I hope these tips encourage you to make time for yourself during the 60 Day Challenge and beyond. Also, please share what tips you find helpful in minimizing distractions and staying the course for consistency!
You can check out the Challenge rules and categories here: 2016 60 Day Challenge Info
Post inspired by iBloom’s 10 Time Management Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs
Just What IS Consistency?
(This is part 2 on consistency. Part 1 is here.)
So, just how would YOU describe consistency, Trisch?
I’m SO glad you asked! 😉
Let’s start with what consistency is NOT:
- It is NOT full workouts every day
- It is NOT doing a lot of cardio every day
- It is NOT even doing a workout every day!
- It is NOT doing workouts every day for 2 weeks, then hit and miss for the next 2 months
You get the idea, right?! You don’t need to kill yourself with workouts but you DO need to show up–make an appointment with yourself and KEEP it! If you have a hard time putting yourself on your calendar, put Teresa’s name there and when someone “needs” you for that time slot (moms with young children hang in there–I’ve got a few tips for you, too!), you say, “I’m sorry, but I have an appointment right then, could we try for a later time or another day?” Of course there are exceptions, but when you are always putting YOU on the back burner, it’s time to get tough with your calendar!
Okay, so we said what it’s not, so what is it? And when I have 4 children 6 and under, how in the world can I be consistent? (Or substitute your particular hard situation!)
First focus on just a move or two. I have been known to put the baby in the high chair with some wooden spoons and plastic containers to amuse himself so I could do standing moves without fear of kicking him. 🙂 Of course, that was when there were no older girls available and yes, there were times, even in this household with lots of willing hands, that there was no one available to keep him out of harm’s way while I worked out. If you are a caretaker of small children or elderly parents, sneaky fit is going to be your best friend–but do something! Don’t let the fact that you can’t do it “perfectly” or “all of it” (whether “it” is a move or a workout) keep you from doing anything. One set of Hoedowns is better than none.
And sneaky fit is easy to do anytime, anywhere–even while shopping for groceries! Teresa just wrote a great article that has a short video clip from a seminar with several ideas for “sneaking in” The Power of Push, Press and Pull!
Doing 3 moves daily should keep the aches and pains at bay and should help you feel more refreshed and clear the brain. After a short period of time–I would say even 2 weeks–you should start noticing that you are sitting and standing with better posture almost without thinking about it. Or at least you’re catching yourself when you aren’t!
Three moves can take as little as 5 minutes, and yes, if necessary you can cut the reps.
Ten to twelve minutes daily is enough to banish the aches, stand taller, clear the brain AND start seeing some outward results, although those may take longer to “show up”. I’ve had some fluff creep on due to hormonal fluctuations– and eating too many treats over the holidays. I’m not focusing on my eating other than backing off on the sugar (treats are gone–whew!) and not eating as many grains (but not grain free). Ten minutes of consistency, 4- 5 times per week (with a few moves on the off days) is starting to show results in just three weeks! Yes, I’m a trainer so I’m going to activate a bit more, perhaps, but you CAN do it, too! What if it takes 6 weeks for it to show on the outside for you? That’s more than you’ll see than if you do 2 weeks of consistency, then go on that sporadic “work out once in awhile” kick!
If you’ve been discouraged by lack of results, whether in inch loss or pain relief, and you know you haven’t been consistent, could I gently challenge you to “get back to consistency”? Start with just a few moves a day from the workout that clicks with you for right now. Get solid on that, then you can try getting 10 minutes daily in (one day can be off, although 10 minutes or less on an off day is okay). After you are consistently getting 10 minutes daily in you can start doing short workouts every other day or whatever is “doable” for you. Do you see how consistency breeds consistency?
And the more successful you feel, the more determined you will be to continue doing what makes you FEEL good and LOOK great!
Why Consistency Feels (and Looks) So Good!
We know we should focus on it. We know it’s important. But it’s so hard!
Consistency gathers momentum that continues to build until it’s so natural that not doing your workout feels strange!
I want to share some observations to help motivate you to stay the course for the long haul and get the results you’re looking for–inside and out!
Pain is often a motivator!
One of the benefits of T-Tapp that I love is the pain relief. I used to see the chiropractor every other week with lower back and hip issues–and occasionally neck issues, too. Like anyone else, I go through spurts of time where getting workouts in is hard due to my schedule or I go through the blahs and have to talk to myself about why I should work out. (Yes, even trainers go through that!)
However, if I go too long without doing anything or only doing a sporadic Primary Back Stretch, I acquire a new motivation–pain! Whether it’s a dull ache or something hurts enough I’m uncomfortable, my body is telling me I need to get back to consistency!
Just recently over the holidays I wasn’t able to be as consistent as I had planned to be. Then I got sloppy about even doing the Jazz Stretch sequence from Brain-Body Fitness Floor, which usually helps keep my tight piriformis and IT band issues at bay. By the week after Christmas, I had constant, nagging pain on my right hip area and I knew exactly why!
In trying to get some new routines going after the first of the year, I wasn’t always getting a workout in, but I’ve committed to doing at least 10 minutes of a workout, daily if possible but definitely 4 times each week.
Surprise, surprise! Hip pain is practically gone (if I’d quit sitting cross-legged at the computer that might help!) and not only that, I feel stronger in my lower back and even my knee feels better. I hurt my knee 3 years ago and while it is healed, it WILL let me know when I let my core go or don’t do my moves on a regular basis! Between the knee and the hip, I have two “personal trainers” who won’t let me get by with anything!
I stand a little taller….
Another way consistency “feels” so good is posture. When I am more consistent, even doing 3 moves each day, I am more “body aware” and tend to catch myself when I slouch or totally let my core go in my daily activities. I find myself sitting and standing a bit taller, stretching rib to hip, thinking about that belly button to spine and standing or walking with my weight in my heels. However, when I am not consistent with even doing a few moves each day, I start to lose that “brain-to-body” connection and soon will be slouching around, standing with all my weight on one leg and not in alignment, and wonder why my back/knee/feet/shoulder/whatever hurts!
I often tell my clients that doing workouts/moves consistently helps in their everyday life, and by being more activated in their daily activities, that carries back into their workouts to help them get even more out of them. Body awareness is a really great benefit of consistency!
WOW! I look GREAT!
Not only does it FEEL good it LOOKS great! Better posture automatically makes you look more youthful and energetic–not stooped or hunched over in pain. We typically don’t shuffle along when our core is activated and ribs are up–instead we have a spring in our step! No matter your age, you can look AND feel vibrant and youthful simply by staying consistent with doing 10 minutes of T-Tapp daily to keep your brain and body connected, help the lymphatic system pump and drain more efficiently as well as activate muscles to stay strong for better health and better appearance–that youthful glow from improved cardiovascular function!
I feel SO much better about myself, too!
Isn’t it amazing? Success breeds success! Once you start being consistent–whether that is a short workout daily, full workouts every other day, doing 3 moves each day or trying to walk daily with T-Tapp techniques, you start feeling better (less aches and pains), your brain is more clear, you stand a bit taller AND you look better. But best of all? You feel better about yourself because you are taking steps to improve your health and each day of consistency adds more zip to your step. You smile with more confidence that “yes you can” do this consistency thing!
Deep Discount Tuesday–Digest Plus!
This is one supplement I won’t be without! I have had amazing improvement in my gut health using Digest Plus for almost 3 years now!
Digest Plus is a blend of digestive enzymes, promoting optimal digestion and assimilation, and system enzymes which help reduce inflammation. I’ve tried other digestive enzymes, but I came back to Digest Plus because I could tell it was helping me immensely!
Even if you don’t have gut issues, but if you’re going out to eat or indulging in more “treats” during this festive season (or any celebration!), Digest Plus is a must to have on hand!
For Deep Discount Tuesday this month, Digest Plus is a BOGO deal! At this great price, you can stock up and give it a good try for yourself!
Fatigued to FABULOUS!
How does an overweight, overwhelmed and tired, adrenal-fatigued mama become slimmer, more energized, more confident and overcoming?
That’s my story in Fatigued to FABULOUS! I’ve shared from my journey of losing 8 sizes and mixed in tips for everything from skin care to how to approach eating more healthy to self-talk to how to make it through those detours on the journey. I’ve also added a “Toolbox for Transformation” at the end complete with TEN schedules–4 of them are for the adrenal/health challenged!
You can read more about it HERE and take advantage of the special launch price available through the first of the year!
If you need encouragement that “yes you can”, whether your a tired homeschooling mama of many or a CEO of your company, you’ll find it here along with tips to get started and stay motivated on YOUR journey from fatigued to FABULOUS!
Cyber Weekend SALE!
T-Tapp’s HUGE Cyber Weekend sale is HERE! LOTS of great deals to get started or add to your collection!
First Steps Streaming Workout is available again–from now through January 7, 2016 for only $30! You get access to all THREE weeks plus the warm-up from the start!
Teresa shared that each week’s workout is progressive and builds on the previous week’s foundation. You should do Week 1 workout at least 4 times in a row before moving on to Weeks 2 and 3. Then you can mix and match however you wish! You can do the short warm up at the barre anytime. One T-Tapper who was only able to do Primary Back Stretch and a few moves a year ago is thrilled that she could do the whole thing without crashing! Each workout is about an hour total, but that includes clap-aways, kickouts and water breaks. This is truly a foundational workout that you can learn muscle and fascia activation to take into all your other T-Tapp workouts!
If you’re not familiar with a streaming workout, this is recorded, not live, so you can access it at any time via the internet during the time it is available (through January 7). You can access it on any device–computer, phone, iPad or tablet.
You can check out ALL the great deals, from starter systems at 50% off to special sets less than half off HERE!
And if you spend over $150 you get FREE shipping!
Besides all the great specials on T-Tapp dvds and products, I also have specials on my T-Tapp services AND—
My first e-book!
I’m SO excited to tell my T-Tapp story and share encouragement from my journey! It will be ready for download on December 7 but I am doing a pre-sell at HALF PRICE! You can read more about it HERE!
Now for the sale on my services to help you on YOUR journey!
If you want a great deal on Skype training, on Friday ONLY I am having a 2 for 1 sale! And that is at SALE price! Two 1 hour sessions for $57!
Also on Friday ONLY you can purchase the Virtual Beautiful YOU e-course focusing on Brain-Body Fitness Floor at the lowest price ever–$50! But ONLY Friday!
Fitting in Fitness 21 Day e-course can help you get back into consistency, try out T-Tapp before investing in dvds (although at this weekend’s prices, you can’t go wrong!) and can be a great way to fit in T-Tapp while traveling. No dvds required–all the moves are on YouTube or the T-Tapp website and forums! Again, this is ONLY available on FRIDAY for $20!
For the rest of Cyber Weekend:
Skype sessions will be buy 2 get one free! And again–that is at SALE pricing! So you can get 3 sessions for $114! Of course the better value is on Friday but if you miss it, you still are getting 3 one hour Skype sessions for $38 each (instead of regular price of $67 each!)
Focused Fabulocity--a new, two month coaching program to help you with intentional focus on your goals! This program includes a consultation call to help you set doable goals, then TWO 45 minute Skype sessions per MONTH and TWO 20 minute check-in Skype sessions per MONTH! Charts, goodie box, health coaching, encouragement and MORE for $255!
All these trainer specials will be found on the T-Tapp Events Page starting at midnight, November 27!
Finally–if you are looking for some help to get through December but don’t have a lot of time for workouts, join me in December’s Beautiful YOU online class! I’m focusing on TappCore–keeping it doable and SIMPLE! I can maintain on 3 moves per day, and my goal is to help you stay healthy and avoid inch gain through the coming month! SPECIAL price for December’s class of $35 instead of the usual $45. We’re going to keep movement in our routine–and TappCore is perfect whether we are doing 1 move each day or working through several! Hope to see you “in class”!
A Celebration Special!
All T-Tapp stories inspire me. Whether it’s my friend Rhonda Kontos’ amazing story of overcoming a panic disorder and getting her life back or Charlotte Siems’ story of “from couch potato to T-Tapp Trainer” (complete with over 100 lbs lost!), whether it’s health improvements or amazing body transformation, all are wonderful and inspiring!
Diane Stone’s story is no different–but she has had a hard journey. She is featured in Teresa’s book Fit and Fabulous in Fifteen Minutes, but her story goes beyond that. I’ve been privileged to meet Diane in person several times now at the annual T-Tapp retreats and I never tire of hearing her story and its updates! And now my friend is going to be featured on the Today Show on Monday, October 26! I am SO proud of her and SO excited for her!
In honor of Diane’s amazing transformation, inside and out, T-Tapp is having a sale. All Variety Workouts will be 35% off (no starter systems or sets, but any single workout dvd)! It’s a T-Tapp CELEBRATION!
Sale prices are good until 11:59 Eastern time on Monday, October 26. So if you have been waiting for your favorite workout to go on sale, THIS is the sale for YOU! Click on the green link above to go directly to the T-Tapp webstore and get started on YOUR transformation story to inspire others!
Note: Discount on Variety Workouts will be applied in the shopping cart!
Deep Discount Tuesday–Boost Your Health!
Are you a MORE fan? If so, this is the “next step” workout for you!
Are you a seasoned “veteran” T-Tapper? MORE 2 can help you slow things down to take muscle activation to the next level!
MORE 2 picks up where MORE leaves off–adding in variations to moves to get you closer to how they appear in Basic Workout or Total Workout AND adding an arms segment, too. And just like MORE, MORE 2 has the three “mini” workouts: Chair, Step Away and Broom. Oh, and also just like MORE–a fantastic instructional!
The bonus workout is The Workout with Teresa & Berei, a forerunner to Senior Fit with the brain-body tweaks. It’s a great to have all this on ONE dvd!
Immune Boost–does it live up to its name? You bet it does! I recently used it to help keep me from catching a nasty cold/cough some of my children had. I used 2 droppersful twice daily (normally I do 1 dropper full 1-2 times daily) and did NOT catch it! Yippee!
Vitamin C and zinc help with collagen production, which in turn improves skin elasticity for younger looking skin. Better immunity and better skin–TWO great benefits in one!
And for Deep Discount Tuesday you can get both of these for LESS than the regular price for MORE 2!
Check it out HERE–but remember, this great deal is only available until midnight tomorrow night!