Vivace! Add Some VIBRANT to Your Life!
Have you ever wanted a bit more “zip” in your step? More “lively” in your life?!
While I can’t promise you’ll get an extra boost of energy just from receiving Vivace :), you can get some great tips to stay consistent, start a new habit (like body brushing), be inspired and encouraged!
Vivace is my new monthly e-zine that will be rolling out tomorrow, October 9! If you are already subscribed to the newsletter, you will automatically get this. But if you are only getting blog updates (no e-mails about Deep Discount Tuesdays or upcoming classes) you’ll need to subscribe to receive Vivace.
I know everyone is busy–living LIFE! At the most, you’ll get 3-4 other e-mails per month from me. I should say, “usually”! Obviously if there is BIG NEWS or a great sale other than Deep Discount Tuesday, I’ll be letting you know! 🙂 Those on my newsletter list get a heads up on Deep Discount Tuesday and other sales (like Black Friday!) as well as current schedule of my events (I try to keep my events page here at the website updated but sometimes it gets a bit dusty).
My goal with Vivace is to combine several short articles and/or links to encourage you in your T-Tapp journey to a better body and better health!
If you’re not already subscribed, click HERE to sign up!
And life LIFE to its fullest–VIVACE!
Alfalfa–Time to Stock Up!
Deep Discount Tuesday this month is a BOGO sale on Premium Blended Alfalfa! That’s right–buy one, get one FREE! (Up to 3 sets or 6 bottles)
I love Better Body Basics Alfalfa and won’t be without it! It has helped me tighten my skin as I lost my 8 sizes (and gives me glowing skin–it has helped heal long-seated acne scars from my teens and 20s!), helped with hormonal balance and gut issues, too. I have a friend who has ulceritive colitis who won’t be without Alfalfa, either, because it has been the ONE thing that really helps!
This is a GREAT time to stock up! Click HERE to take advantage of this great deal!
Happy shopping!
Which T-Tapp Workout Should I Buy?!
If you’re wondering where to start or what to buy next, here are a few ideas to help you decide:
Are you just getting started in T-Tapp?
MORE is my favorite hands down! Healthy Hormones Menopause Management (for all ages and anyone with hormones–male and female!) is another great starter. Of course the original Basic Workout and Total are great, too, but I personally like the slower pace of MORE and the newer tweaks in Healthy Hormones. That said, you will still get great benefits from Total or Basic Plus!
Got started with Basic Workout but want some variety?
We’ll narrow that down further:
Walking workouts: Step Away the Inches, Broom 2, Broom or, if you’re brave, Step it to the Max! (Or get the Super Set with both Step Away the Inches and Step It to the Death–er–Max!)
Floor workouts: If you’re totally new to floorwork, I really like Critter Crunch Floor. It is long (filmed at a Retreat) but very thorough and slow enough to get the muscle activation. I split it up when I first tackled it! There is also Critter Crunch 2, which is more straight through but still with instruction. My new love is Brain Body Fitness Floor with 3 sequences of 20-30 minutes. No instructional, but if you will take the time to watch it first then do it, you can learn it and have the newest tweaks! Also Hit the Floor Tempo–no instruction but newer tweaks added to the “old favorite” Hit the Floor.
Taking my form and muscle activation to the max: Senior Fit!
Do you have anything like Senior Fit to tempo? Turn Back Time is the closest thing right now! 🙂 And it has a floor workout which is similar to Brain Body Fitness Floor but without LadyBugs or Crab Claws (still a good floor workout, though!)
Something to help me “get” Brain-Body Fitness Floor better? Warm-Up Workouts! Any or all! These are the hidden gems of T-Tapp and after you do them and then go to Brain-Body Fitness Floor or Core Floor, you will “get” what’s happening better!
How about taking Total up a notch? Total Workout Super Slow!
I’m so hormonal! Healthy Hormones Menopause Management or LadyBug 🙂
I’m adrenal challenged/hormones are out of whack/have thyroid issues. Healthy Hormones Menopause Management. And Broom 2!
Something different? TappCore 2 (12 minutes seated) or DeBulk Sequences (great workout at a barre–be sure it can hold your weight or use your kitchen sink!)
What would you get if you were just starting again? Oooh! I’m so glad you asked! 🙂 I’d definitely start with MORE because its pace lays a great foundation. And if I happen to hit a great Deep Discount Tuesday sale, I’d spring for Healthy Hormones, too, since the newer tweaks would greatly benefit my hypothyroid/adrenal challenged body. Then I would stick in Broom 2 since its shorter duration would be just enough cardio without crashing me. Finally, I’d get Brain Body Fitness Floor because sequences 2 and 3 would be good for me and not crash my adrenals, while sequence 1 would bump things up just enough for me but again–not crash me.
There are a few ideas to help you decide what you’d like to tackle next!
Click HERE to see the Starter Systems, and HERE for the Variety Workouts. If you have more questions about which workout to buy, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll help you narrow down to the best choices for you!
Happy shopping!
What Story Are You Telling?
Stories can be fun! They can continue a family tradition, entertain little ones (and older ones!), and get a point or principle across in a fun way. They can be scary (who can tell the scariest story at a late night bonfire?!), funny, sad, inspiring or a mix of everything.
But stories can also be….well….not so good. Or fun. Especially when they are stories we tell ourselves that are not true.
The stories we tell ourselves are what motivate us–or defeat us. I was reading a post about “dangerous business expenses”, and this paragraph caught my attention:
We all have stories in our lives. Stories that play through our mind about why we can’t do something. Why someone else can’t do something. And why it won’t work for us. I know you have them, because I hear them from you on a regular basis. If you are one of my clients, I call you out on them on a regular basis.
I thought of the “stories” I have told myself, talking myself out of the very things that contribute to my success in improving my health, stamina, and losing inches. I also thought of the “stories” I have told myself when I was training to become a trainer, or when I mentored for another workout certification.
Stories that were not true.
Thankfully I’ve had wonderful mentors, friends and family that believed in me even when I didn’t always believe in myself, and I am very grateful for their input into my life!
We really are our own worst critic–but we can change that and become our own best friend! We need to ditch the negative stories, the limiting stories that hinder us from reaching our goals.
Some “stories” you might need to get rid of:
This won’t work for me.
I don’t have time to work out.
I’m waiting until ______ to get started.
I can’t afford a dvd right now.
I need to see results quickly or I won’t be motivated.
There’s not a trainer near me.
It’s too hard!
All of these statements are “stories” we tell ourselves that will sabotage our best efforts, because at the core, we are afraid it won’t work and we don’t believe we can do it.
But yes we CAN! Here are TRUE stories:
I am going to give this my best efforts and I’m giving it time–I know it will work!
I do have time–I can sneak a few moves in each day!
There is no “perfect” time–I am starting TODAY!
There are many free clips on YouTube and the Try Before You Buy page–I can get started there and save my change until I have enough for a dvd.
I know it takes time to see results and I am committed to set realistic goals and celebrate all successes, however small.
There are many trainer options online–I can get my form checked without ever leaving my house!
I can do it–even a few moves at a time!
The wrong stories will cost you. They cost you your health and your success because they will keep you from even trying to reach your goals. (Or to set idealistic goals that are not realistic and truly attainable).
The right stories will support you. They will help you reach attainable goals, however small, and they will build a momentum that will be the foundation for sweet success!
The post I read summed it up well–although talking about business, it is all the more applicable to making lifestyle changes, including T-Tapp, to improve quality of life inside and out!
The stories in your mind will write your future. If you are struggling in your business, I suggest you look hard to find your limiting stories, and the limiting stories of others. Cancel your subscription and start creating a new future. Remember, the wrong stories are expensive and you can’t afford to buy them!
“The stories in your mind will write your future”….
what’s your story?
Inspired by Amy Walker, “Do you know about this dangerous business expense?”
Deep Discount Tuesday–Move the Lymph and Boost Your Energy!
MORE has been one of my favorite workouts for the 8 1/2 years I’ve been T-Tapping. MORE 2 came out 3 years ago, and I love the tweaks and how MORE 2 bumps things up a notch, getting you ready for Basic Workout!
MORE 2 adds an arms segment and also adds to Lunges and Balance, as well as gently working you into the Basic Workout’s Primary Back Stretch and T-Tapp Twist variations. Still a slower, more gentler pace with plenty of kickouts and instruction, MORE 2 is the next step to improve form and stamina. And just like MORE, you get three mini-workouts: Step Away, Broom and Chair–just right for time-crunched days!
Then there is the Workout with Teresa and Berei, a kind of prototype for Senior Fit–like getting two great workouts on one dvd! I have said that if you did MORE, then MORE 2, you would have the BEST foundation for Basic Workout and Total Workout!
B12 Plus truly helps my energy levels! I was using another brand of B12 before I started using T-Tapp’s. I could tell a difference immediately! Then when Teresa changed the formulation from cyanocobalamin to methycobalamin in B12 Plus I felt the difference then, too! GREAT stuff! 🙂
For Deep Discount Tuesday you can get BOTH for less than HALF OFF! Check it out HERE!
Prescription for Results
It happens to all of us at different times–no results in spite of consistency. For some, though, it happens at the beginning of their T-Tapp journey, making it tough to keep going. We all like to see some progress, however small!
There are many reasons for not seeing inch loss. Adrenal and thyroid issues are common ones, as are other health issues. Overtraining is also a common cause. The problem comes, though, in deciding what exactly is overtraining for you.
Overtraining could be from…
Too many target moves
Losing focus and/or focusing more on getting a workout done than focusing on form
Working out too many days in a row without taking a day off or light day
A “short” workout actually being more like a “full” workout due to your own challenges (extra stress, adrenal or thyroid issues)
If you are coming from a more intense type of workout, it can really be hard to embrace the “less is more” principle in T-Tapp. But if you’re not seeing inch loss or any other improvements (remember, there are many Results of T-Tapp You Can’t Measure!), then it may be time to get serious about doing less.
The Prescription
1. First, do not pass GO and do not collect $200, but go right to the Curl the Core tips and practice them! I would do the floor one twice a day–first thing in the morning and before bed. You could add Organs in Place after you do the core focus, if you wish.
2. Before you do a standing workout, I would do the tips that are against a wall. Really think to bring your belly button UP and back to spine, then tighten the buns. You want to initiate the “tuck” with your tummy.
3. Now this will be the hardest part–only do three moves! Yes, I said three moves, and Primary Back Stretch will be one of them! If you are doing Basic Workout Plus, I would count each set of Plies as one move, too. Do Primary Back Stretch, then pick two more moves to do. You are not going to just slog through them, though. You are going to do 2 reps, hit pause and do 2-4 on your own, more slowly and mindfully of curling your core and getting ribs up. Follow some of the tips in this blogpost–Some Basic Tips. This will take at least 10 minutes, depending upon how slow you want to go!
4. Don’t forget to do dry body brushing! Believe it or not, it really helps move the lymph and can help the body tighten and tone–and some people have lost inches with body brushing alone!
5. Say nice things to yourself! This should really be #1–too often, especially when we are hitting a plateau or not seeing the results we want, it’s stressful and we start getting frustrated with ourselves, and especially with the body parts that are not responding to our efforts! Please choose to say kind things about yourself and about your body. YOU are beautiful, inside and out!
There are many other variables in the “no inch loss” diagnosis, but these steps should help get things going in the right direction, if you don’t have serious health, adrenal or thyroid issues. I would try this schedule for at least 3 weeks before you return to your former or a new routine with workouts. I have one client who lost 4 sizes in 6 months doing “just” three moves a day and focusing on curling her core whenever she could. Another client did just 3-5 moves a day for several months, laying a great foundation, then went on to lose 13 inches in ALL the right places during the 60 Day Challenge that year–and that’s wonderful for a combo body type who is a turtle loser!
Give this prescription 3 weeks, then go back to a short workout routine for 3 weeks–I’ll use Basic Workout and Step Away the Inches as examples:
W- light day (Primary Back Stretch and 2 moves)
S- your choice or a light day
Sun- Off (Primary Back Stretch okay)
Basically it is short workouts daily with one day off and one light day midweek. This will help guard against overtraining!
If you are “taking” this prescription, please let me know in the comments, and keep me posted on how it’s working for you! I’d especially love to hear after 6 weeks how you are doing!
Deep Discount Tuesday–Trim Your Torso!
Deep Discount Tuesday today is a GREAT deal! You get Brain-Body Core Floor and a bottle of Digest Plus for $40—that’s like getting Digest Plus for FREE!
Core Floor is a great workout for trimming waist to knees—I lost a pants size in a month doing most of these moves three times a week! And that was using my notes from the 2013 T-Tapp Retreat before the dvd came out!
And I won’t be without Digest Plus! I did take another digestive enzymes after a year of taking Digest Plus and I could tell a difference. I know Digest Plus is helping with my gut issues. It has both digestive and systemic enzymes (which help with inflammation) so it’s a double punch for effectiveness!
Check it out HERE!
I’m also getting back to a routine and planning more regular blog posts–more later this week!
Trim Your Torso!
Hello from beautiful Colorado Springs!
I have really enjoyed my time here and with the ladies at the Be Beautiful Retreat. It’s so amazing to me to be in the mountains and able to see Pike’s Peak in the distance! A real treat for this flatlander gal!
June’s Beautiful YOU class features Tempo Torso–yes, we’re going to tame the Eye of the Tiger! I have 4 schedules with full workouts every other day, short workouts daily, short workouts every other day and even one with 10 minutes a day–yes we can!
You can read more details and register HERE! I will be leaving registration up another week since I got it into the store so late. If you do register this weekend, please e-mail me to let me know as I won’t be able to find out who signed up until later Monday.
I’m looking forward to focusing on this workout! Hope you can join me!
All Time Favorite Deep Discount Tuesday!
Today’s Deep Discount Tuesday is an all-time favorite–35% off ALL things T-Tapp!
This applies to dvds, Better Body Basics products (PG Spray, B12 Spray, Premium Blended Alfalfa, FiberTox, Digest Plus), brushes and Skin Saver Series, but not apparel, books or other products sold by T-Tapp (Gaia Herbs, Nerium, Cellular PSP, etc.).
Just use the code MAY19 when you check out! Start shopping HERE!
I also wanted to share we had so much fun we had last weekend at the New England Be Beautiful Retreat in North Andover, Massachusetts! Rolling Ridge Retreat Center exceeded my expectations and I hope to return next year!
You can still join me in Colorado Springs, CO for the Be Beautiful Retreat on May 28-31, but please register today and e-mail me to let me know so I can add you to the report to the retreat center.
Enjoy your Deep Discount Tuesday shopping! 🙂
Deep Discount Tuesday Duo!
Choices–we ALL like choices!
And this month for Deep Discount Tuesday you have choices!
Option #1: A great BOGO deal for Digest Plus!
Digest Plus is a proprietary blend of digestive and systemic enzymes for optimal digestion and assimilation as well as helping with inflammation. I have been taking Digest Plus for 2 years and I won’t be without it! I can definitely tell it helps–especially when I am traveling and not able to eat home cooked food all the time! 🙂
Option #2: Step It to the Max and Warm-Up Workout #3–-for $25
That’s almost HALF off! AND–if you are thinking of joining me in May’s Beautiful YOU online class, I am focusing on Warm-Up Workout #3 and Broom 2!
If you have been wanting a slower version of the newer Brain-Body Fitness floor workouts (Brain-Body Fitness Floor, Core Floor, Turn Back Time floor), THIS is it! The 3 Warm-Up Workouts were filmed a few years ago at the Safety Harbor Retreats and have the fascia stretching and muscle activation basics that the newer Brain-Body floor workouts do. And they just plain feel gooooood!