Ready for the 60 Day Challenge?
It’s 60 Day Challenge time! Are you ready?
It’s so easy to make our fitness and wellness goals, get a plan and be a bit overambitious and fizzle out, or even with what seems like a “doable” plan, life can get in the way of our best intentions!
Here are options for support during the 60 Day Challenge–whether you are “officially” doing the Challenge or not!
T-Tapp Forums–lots of great information there!
T-Tapp Support on Facebook– truly lots of encouragement and support! Great place to learn as well
In addition to the Forums and Facebook groups, I am offering the following programs and services to help you with your form and consistency:
Consistency Challenge— 21 day jumpstart into your Challenge goals! Focusing especially on 5 key areas to build momentum that will keep going through the Challenge
Fabulous Form Tips–yes, they’re BACK! Same tips that I offered for Cyber Weekend and I’ve added tips for Turn Back Time! There are 7 individual tips and then sets of 4 Bonus Focus tips for each of 6 workouts–Basic Tempo, MORE, Healthy Hormones, Senior Fit, LadyBug and Turn Back Time. Bonus Focus tips are what I share each week in my online program, Beautiful YOU. I take one move each week and really break it down into 3-5 tips (7 for T-Tapp Twist on Turn Back Time!). This is like a master class on one move! Each set will have tips for 4 moves (LadyBug has 5). There are lots of options, including the mp3 of the teleconference call I do for the workout with my class. I talk you through several moves of the workout (different moves than the Bonus Focus moves), and again, this is master class level. WARNING! You WILL sweat! 🙂 If you want to take form up a notch for better muscle activation–and better results–this is the option for you!
Small Steps to Success— Gentle encouragement and small steps from a foundation of workouts and then layering other good habits, one at a time, to create solid patterns of consistency in 5 key areas as well, but adding in one at a time to reduce overwhelm. This program will go 2 weeks beyond the end of the Challenge to help you keep your consistency going even after the Challenge!
If you want to really work on your core, or if you have a diastasis recti gap you’d like to close, I am opening registration for The ladies in the first launch had some amazing results! You can read more about them at the Defeating Diastasis website. Want a sneak peek preview? Now you can access the first 3 lessons FREE HERE!
Do you like to have a little visual for encouragement? Yes You CAN Mudlove bands are on special for $9 for the rest of February!
Finally, through February 28 you can purchase my e-book, Fatigued to FABULOUS for HALF PRICE! You get 10 schedules to help you with consistency and lots of helpful tips and encouragement as I share my journey.
LOTS of options to choose from to help you on your journey to consistency–for the 60 Day Challenge and beyond!
Deep Discount Tuesday–and a Tappiversary Giveaway!
Five years ago today I certified to be a T-Tapp Trainer! The years have just flown!
And it was one of the best decisions I have ever made–not only for the physical benefits, but for the friendships I’ve made. And to help others on their journeys to wellness and fitness. My special joy is watching women blossom whether they lose their sizes and get to goal or not–their view of themselves is better and they stand more confident and secure in who they were created to be.
THAT is what REALLY gives me such JOY!
In celebration, I am going to have a giveaway! But first, I want to share about Deep Discount Tuesday–
Total Workout Super Slow is what I call “The ULTIMATE Instructional”! It is a master level workout, really fine tuning points of perfection in form. It’s a great foundation for any workout!
LadyBug workout was created for women going through perimenopause and menopause–but it is great for anyone with hormones–even men! 😉 After doing Healthy Hormones and going back to LadyBug–wow! I consider Healthy Hormones workout to be “Basic” and LadyBug to be “Total Workout” if we are comparing them! You should be familiar with Total Workout since LadyBug is an advanced workout–but guess what? For Deep Discount Tuesday tomorrow these two great workouts are being offered as a set! YES!
LadyBug does have a floor workout, as well. It would be good to be familiar with Hit the Floor or Hit the Floor Softer, or even better, Critter Crunch Floor. But if you are patient and willing to watch it first and work through it, you could learn the moves and learn the workout. Just remember–if you lose ab activation, you need to refocus or put the floorwork on hold for a bit! 🙂
The LadyBug Super Set is normally $64.90–but for January 17 ONLY it is less than half price at $30!!! That’s a GREAT deal!
Also on sale is the streaming seminar, More Than a Workout!
Both are available at the discounted prices until 11:59 p.m. EST on January 17!
And now for the giveaway!
I’ll be giving away two great prizes for my Trainer Tappiversary!
1. Two winners will get their choice of mp3 of any call from my Beautiful YOU online class! On these calls I talk you through several moves from that month’s workout. You can actually work out with me, sit and take notes, or do a mixture of both! I share form tips to take the workout to the next level! You can choose from Basic Tempo, LadyBug, MORE, Senior Fit and Total Workout!
2. One winner will get a spot in next month’s class for Beautiful YOU! I focus on a different workout each month, bringing a new level of form awareness to each workout through Bonus Focus Tips, Core Focus Tips and the teleconference call. This is all done in a private forum (except the call) where you can access the info any time that is convenient for you!
And NEW next month–I will be having a weekly class where I go over the Bonus Focus tip of each week, and I will record the class so you can access it at your convenience if you can’t attend live! The recordings will be available until March 1 so you have time to go over each tip to its fullest!
To enter the giveaway:
- Sign up for the newsletter! If you are already signed up, then e-mail me with topics you want to see covered here.
- If you haven’t liked my Facebook page, please do so here: Be Youthful ‘n Fit If you already have “liked” my page, message me through my Business page to let me know and tell me what you would enjoy seeing more of there!
Giveaway is until midnight EST on January 18. I’ll announce the winners on Friday, January 20!
Thank you for celebrating with me! ♥
Last Deep Discount Tuesday of the Year!
Can you believe it’s the last Deep Discount Tuesday of the year?!
And T-Tapp is closing out 2016 in style! TWO great BOGO offers! Buy one Digest Plus, get one free! Or (and?!) buy one White Brite get one free!
I’ve already spoken of how much I love Digest Plus–it is an amazing enzyme! Not just digestive but also systemic enzymes to help the body reduce inflammation. This is one supplement I won’t be without! If you have gut issues or inflammation issues–or both!–this is a must have. And a GREAT price, too!
I’ve personally used White Brite as have a few of my daughters. It does whiten the teeth–without harming the enamel. It also keeps the gums healthy. I’ve noticed my gums seem tighter when I regularly use it. Regularly can mean 2-3 times per week for me!
In addition to those great deals, you can purchase one item with a $10 off coupon code! GREAT way to finish 2016 strong and healthy with quality products–and get your favorite T-Tapp wishlist item at $10!
Check it out HERE!
You could even use the extra bottles of Digest Plus and White Brite as stocking stuffers! 😉
Cyber Monday–Last Day for GREAT Specials!
I’ve had several questions about my FABULOUS Form Tips offering so I thought I’d explain it in more detail. If you’ve never taken my Beautiful YOU online course, then it can be quite confusing!
Every month in Beautiful YOU, I give form tips for 4 moves from the workout we are focusing on. I’ll use MORE as an example. Each week is a Core Focus that applies to any workout and can be done at any time apart from a workout. There is also a Bonus Focus each week, where I take 4 moves from the workout–for MORE it went like this:
Week 1: I gave in-depth tips on Primary Back Stretch
Week 2: Tips on the short mini-workout MORE Step Away
Week 3: I did tips for MORE Broom (another mini-workout)
Week 4: Tips for MORE Chair (another mini-workout)
There are typically 4 in-depth tips that build upon each other for each move–or in this case, mini-workout. Sometimes there are 3 and sometimes there are 5 tips but 95% of the time there are 4. I spread these over 4 days so you can really “get” the increased muscle activation and connection to get more out of the move. Think of this as an intense form focus for the workout/move!
For Cyber Weekend I am making these sets of tips available for 5 workouts that I have done in Beautiful YOU. So there are sets of tips for 4 moves each for MORE, Basic Tempo (can be used for Basic Workout as well), Healthy Hormones Menopause Management, Senior Fit and a set of tips for 5 moves of LadyBug workout.
In addition to that, I am offering individual move tips–still 4 tips but for just that move vs a set tips for 4 moves. I picked 7 moves that I have heard T-Tappers say they would like to understand more about.
If you purchased the set for MORE, in our example, you would receive 16 tips–4 for each move/mini-workout. You would pace yourself to do these over 4 weeks just like we do in class! Of course you could do one per month if you like and REALLY dig in by focusing 1 week on each tip!
If you picked the individual moves, let’s say T-Tapp Twist, you would receive 4 in-depth tips on that move alone that you could incorporate into your routine as above–over the course of a week or spend a month on it.
This is similar to what I did when I first started T-Tapp. I read in the Must Read Threads about different moves and I would apply those tips to that move in my workout over 1-2 weeks. I really feel that gave me a great foundation!
Okay, I think I’m getting it! But what’s with all the options?!
Option 1 is the individual moves. So if you only want to purchase T-Tapp Twist and Eye of the Tiger, this is what you would select. You would put quantity at 2 and then e-mail me your confirmation and then tell me “I’d like to get T-Tapp Twist and Eye of the Tiger, please!” (Or however you would like to tell me! 😉 )
Option 2 is the set of tips for each workout. If you wanted to get sets for Senior Fit this is what you would select. And as in Option 1, if you wanted 2 sets, you select quantity as 2 then tell me in your e-mail what workouts you want your sets for.
Option 3 is JUST the mp3 of the call that I did for that workout. If you don’t want the written tips but would love to hear the call and work out with it (yes you can and yes many have!) this is your choice. Calls are 1 hour in length plus Q&A if there was any and I dive into several moves from the workout, different moves from the Bonus Focus tips.
Option 4 is if you want the call AND the Bonus Focus tips. I recommend this because it will round out your form focus for the chosen workout.
Option 5 adds a transcript to the call. This is great if you want to follow along with the call, especially if I am describing what I’m doing and it’s not quite clicking. You can read through the transcript and get clarity.
Option 6 is the Bonus Focus tip, the call AND the transcript at a discount from the already discounted price!
Option 7 keeps adding from there 🙂 by adding the schedules to Option 6 (tips, call & transcript) that we used for that workout. With this option you are getting most of the Beautiful YOU class. Of course you’re not getting the interaction nor all the questions that were asked, but you are getting the elemental components of the course with this option. GREAT for a focus on that workout for a month at your convenience!
Option 8 is for you die-hard T-Tappers that want it ALL! 🙂 You can purchase THREE sets of option 7 (tips, call, transcript and schedules) for three different workouts and get an even deeper discount! If you want ALL 5 workouts, you would want to purchase one Option 8 and then the remaining 2 workouts as option 6, quantity 2. If you purchase all 5 I will give you the 7 individual move tips for FREE!
If you were to work out with me in person, it would be $75 for 1 1/2 hours, and you’d have to take your own notes! 🙂 Skype/virtual sessions usually run $55-$67 per hour session, depending upon the sale I’m having. And again, you’d have to take your own notes! These prices enable you to have parts of my brain on FIVE workouts and SEVEN moves, notes already done for you and a recording of what I taught so you can go over it as often as you like! If you LOVE a particular workout, you could do this as a form intensive 2-3 times per year to get even more out of that workout. If you have a workout you’d like to dive into more but don’t quite understand, this will help! If you know you aren’t “getting it” on several moves, these options are for you!
To help you decide:
- Which workout (moves)–what one(s) do you like? Or which one gives you trouble?
- Are Bonus Focus Tips alone enough to get you going? (Options 1 & 2)
- Do you want to work out “live” via a call that you can revisit? (Option 3)
- Do you want the call plus the tips so you can have all the moves I covered? (Option 4)
- Would a transcript of the call increase your understanding? (Option 5)
- Does having all three, tips, call and transcript sound like it would be the most helpful to have ? (Option 6)
- Is the thought of figuring out what to do when overwhelming? Would schedules help? (Option 7)
- Are you a die-hard T-Tapp groupie?! 🙂 Would you like this for three workouts? (Option 8)
That will help you decide which option might be best for you!
If you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to help you find the right fit for YOU!
Cyber Weekend Sales Start TODAY!
NO waiting, NO lines, NO crowds, NO wondering where you’ll park, NO camping out the night before–
It’s the T-Tapp Cyber Weekend Sale!
- 30% of ALL nutritionals!
- 35% off ALL variety dvds
- 30% off Skin Saver Face, Skin Saver Body, Skin Saver Solution, Bulgarian Lavender, In the Sun sunscreen and Blow Your Buns Oil!
- BOGO on B12, Digest Plus, Immune Boost and White Brite!
- 50% off set of 1 Alfalfa and 1 Fibertox!
- 15% off Digital workouts! (And there’s a NEW Fascia Fitness workout!)
- Bonuses with purchase of starter systems!
- DEEP discount on T-Tapp sweatshirts and t-shirts!
You can start shopping right NOW! Get your wishlist out and turn it into a “DONE” list! 😉
In addition, I’m offering THREE specials for Cyber Weekend as well!
- T-Tapp Twist
- Hoedowns
- Thread the Needle
- Mitten Chop Box
- Pretzel Twist
- Bun Blasters (I Dream of Jeannie Squats)
- Eye of the Tiger
Variety Sale!
Have a long wish list of T-Tapp workouts? Well, today’s your day! Deep Discount Tuesday is 40% off ALL Variety Workouts!
And that’s not all!
FREE shipping for orders over $100!
Will it be Broom 2 for a little cardio in a short amount of time–along with better posture and alignment? Or maybe some core activating Brain-Body Fitness Floor or Core Floor? Healthy Hormones is in on this sale too–great for anyone with hormones, young and old alike!
How about the Warm-Up Workouts? They are the forerunners of the Brain-Body Fitness Floor and Core Floor workouts!
Get that wish list out–it’s time to make your wishes come true!
It’s a PARTY!
Woo-HOO! It’s a party!
If you’re on Facebook, head over tonight at 8 p.m. EDT to my business page where I’ll be having a Facebook Party. You don’t even have to dress up for this party–unless you want to! 😉
What’s a Facebook Party? I will post and ask questions, share tips, freebies, specials–it’s an hour of FUN! Here is the Event Page for tonight– Be Youthful ‘n Fit Facebook Party
Tonight you’ll click on “Discussion” to join the fun! Be sure to hit Refresh or F5 often to keep up with the conversations!
Hope you can join me for an hour of fun tonight! If you’re sleeping during this time because you’re halfway around the world 😉 you can still scroll through and see the conversations AND take advantage of the freebies and specials–but only until 10 p.m. EDT October 7! So you can still join in! I’ll come back tomorrow to catch any comments!
Let’s PARTY!
Defeating Diastasis–Close the Gap with T-Tapp!
Do you have a diastasis recti or “Mommy Tummy Gap”? Did you know your “baby” can be 20 (or 30 or 40!) and you can still have a diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti is when the two rectus abdominus muscles (think “6 pack abs” muscles) separate, creating a “tent-like” effect when you do crunches and sit-ups. Some gaps aren’t as wide but still create problems for doing floorwork or getting the ab measurements down due to a weaker core, resulting in less muscle activation.
I receive e-mails and messages asking if it’s safe to do T-Tapp or if there are certain moves to avoid, and most importantly, is there a way to “close the gap”. I had a few ladies test some lessons as I was developing this program, and Mary, one of my testers closed her 4 finger gap to a 1! She was ecstatic and so was I! Krystalle noticed a difference right away and more than one lady mentioned how important learning the tips was to protect their core and the progress they were making.
So just what IS Defeating Diastasis? It’s a 13 week program consisting of 36 lessons with 20 videos demonstrating the techniques and moves–all from T-Tapp workouts as well as encouragement to keep the momentum going. The program takes you from discovering if you have “the gap” and how wide it is to strengthening your core to tips easing you into floorwork. Even if you don’t have diastasis recti, you can use these same tips and moves to strengthen your core for an excellent foundation for better results!
I’ve had two courses of Defeating Diastasis and the restuls are amazing! 8 finger gaps down to 1 finger, 6 finger gaps to 1 finger, improved pelvic floor function (NO leakage!) and MORE!
Registration for the Defeating Diastasis course is now up and we’ll be getting started September 19. I have a private Facebook group for support and questions. I’m excited to be your coach and your cheerleader!
I can’t promise you’ll close your gap completely in 13 weeks, but I CAN promise that if you do the foundational work you WILL strengthen your core and make gap-closing progress!
Ready to close the gap and gain core strength?!
Let’s do it! Let’s close the gap–with T-Tapp!
Double Deal for Deep Discount Tuesday!
What’s better than one BOGO deal?
What’s better than two BOGO deals?
FREE SHIPPING! (Even international!)
I shared about Digest Plus last weekend–and I’ll repeat it–it is THE one supplement I will never go without! It really does the job both for digestive support and anti-inflammatory!
B12 Plus–I started using Teresa’s B12 9 1/2 years ago. I noticed right away improvement over the brand I used before. Improved stamina, less brain fog, more energy–I was impressed!
Then Teresa changed to methycobalamin and I noticed even more improvement! I use a few sprays around 10 a.m. and a few more around 2 p.m. for help with the “afternoon slump”.
This is a GREAT deal! You can get either BOGO deal or BOTH and FREE SHIPPING all around!
Now THAT’S a great Deep Discount Tuesday!
(Sale good until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, September 20!)