Deep Discount Tuesday–a Basic Deal!
This month’s Deep Discount Tuesday is a GREAT deal on Basic Workout Plus! HALF off, and it includes Basic Tempo (my favorite version of Basic!) and Barefoot Basic as well!
I haven’t seen this great of a deal on the Basic Package–if you have been wanting to try T-Tapp or get something for a friend, this is a fantastic buy!
Click HERE for the special price on Basic Workout Plus!
One More Day!
Just one more day until the FABULOUS Fitness Fusion in Ft. Wayne! I have a great day planned–core work in the morning, some pampering over lunch, then getting down to business and applying that core in the afternoon! We’ll finish up with some chair moves, sneaky fit and a muffin-blaster on the floor that will only take you about 10 minutes once you learn it!
More details HERE! As of right now there is still room so you can show up at the door, but keep my contact info handy if you come only to the afternoon sessions as we might not hear you at the door! (The doors of the facility need to stay locked but someone can let you in from the inside.)
I’m excited to help you learn to activate your core to the max and ramp up muscle activation– and sweat! 😉
Hope to see you there!
(And INDIANAPOLIS! Are you interested in a clinic? Just getting started on the possibility, so if you are interested, please let me know!)
Faster and More or Slower and Core?!
I’ve been sharing about my new online program, (Back to Basics for) Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration. But, perhaps you’re still wondering, “Why is that so important?”
In the exercise world, more and faster seem to be the keywords. In my experience, as well as of those I’ve worked with, less and slower are the real keywords!
By slowing Total Workout down and splitting it up to learn it when I was training to become a trainer, I watched my body reshape in ways I never thought possible–and that with only 2 classes per week! I couldn’t do more due to my adrenals being stressed. But I could do those 2 classes with focus and intention on every move, not stress my adrenals, and still see results!
I’ve done bootcamps. I’ve done a model blitz (and blitzed myself into a mini-adrenal crash!). I’ve done Tempo workouts. NONE of those yielded the results that I saw when I slowed things down.
When I did Critter Crunch Floor–split over 3 days–my brain and abs connected in a whole new way!
When I used Total Workout Super Slow to help a friend learn the moves, she felt well prepared and I shed 3 inches in one week!
My best results from bootcamps came from 4 days of MORE Instructional, with extra kickouts and water breaks!
When I teach classes and when I work out now, I always kick out between each and every move, and sometimes between sides–and I still lose or maintain!
I gained a few sizes back the last year–partly due to more emotional healing that took priority over exercise and eating focus, partly due to hormones. I was slowly losing until this spring. In spite of more focus on healthy eating since mid-March and gaining in consistency as well, I was stuck. For almost 5 months!
But I have learned enough about the metabolism to know that sometimes these healing phases mean more is happening on the inside than the outside.
I wasn’t expecting huge losses last month as I started the first Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration class. I knew it would help, but I wasn’t expecting to lose a little over FIVE inches from the lower body, where I needed it the most! (And the other almost-inch was from my arms–which also needed it!)
After months of nothing, this was truly exciting! Not only for the inch loss (and reshaping that doesn’t always show on a tape measure), but also to know my body was responding and burning fat again! And this was not killing myself with workouts–I average one class and 2-3 short workouts per week!
So what’s the big deal about the core? Don’t we need longer workouts or more cardio?
Not in my experience! Nor in that of many of my friends and clients!
We need a slow, controlled focus with intentional form on every move. Even if “all” you do is a few moves a day with this intentional focus, you WILL see results!
T-Tapp isn’t so much about doing more and faster as it is body alignment and muscle activation–and the more you do that, the better your results will be!
Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration registration for September will be up until Monday the 9th. This month’s workout is Healthy Hormones Menopause Management—which is a phenomenal workout for anyone with hormonal issues, young and old!
If you want to take your workouts to a new level of muscle activation, if you want to get the most out of Healthy Hormones Menopause Management, and if you want to see how less is more with core activation, please join me this month with Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration!
From my experience and those who participated last month–you’ll be glad you did! 🙂
(If you can’t join me this month, but want some help with the core, here are trainer Michelle Barbuto’s Curl the Core tips–-practice those daily for a week, then once a week, especially before workouts and you will see improvement in your core!)
I Can’t Decide What to Do!
Just finished 2 schedules for Foundations for Fall Fitness participants!
I have always enjoyed making schedules–following them, not so much! LOL! I realize now that I was trying to put more in a schedule than one person could humanly do in a day!
Now I can use that “gift” and joy to create schedules for others–and spread it out so no one has more than they can possibly do! Who would ever have thought?! 😉
If you have a struggle coming up with a doable schedule for your T-Tapp workouts, with Foundations for Fitness levels 2 & 3 you get an individualized schedule! With Beautiful YOU! the schedules aren’t individualized, but you get 4 choices to choose from. Still easier than trying to decide WHAT to do–and then just doing nothing!
Overwhelmed by too many choices, we often procrastinate and don’t do our workout at all. We know consistency yields results, but we don’t know which workouts will be the best fit, or struggle to make the workouts fit the time we have available. Or your adrenal fatigue makes decision-making difficult. That’s where I can use my strength and joy in creating schedules to help you reach your goals!
Normally a personalized one-month schedule is $25. If you want once a week accountability with the schedule, that is $45. Foundations for Fall Fitness level 3 is $69–you get the schedule PLUS a private Facebook group to interact with others and ask questions (and yes, I’ll ask you how you’re doing!) PLUS help with self-sabotage PLUS form tips shared there! PLUS you get that support for 6 weeks instead of 4!
Beautiful YOU! is $45 for the month, and you get 4 schedules to choose from (everyone doing the same workout) PLUS the private forum to interact and ask questions PLUS help with self-sabotage PLUS daily tips on everything from eating to skin care PLUS a teleconference call PLUS breaking down the core focus on several moves of the workout for the month!
The benefit of having the personalized schedule with accountability, apart from one of these programs, is more flexibility–if life happens and you need to take a few weeks off, we can do that.
But if you can commit to a month or 6 weeks, Foundations for Fall Fitness or Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration is really a better value!
If making decisions about how to structure your workouts is keeping you from feeling any cohesiveness, or worse, is sabotaging you from even getting the workouts done, please let me help you! I’d love to help you make progress on your journey!
Click below on the option that interests you for more information:
Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration
One month Personalized Schedule (Scroll down about halfway to “Services”)
If you’re still not sure whether Foundations or Core would suit your needs, here is a short synopsis of both to compare: Foundations or Core
Photo credit: Anna Christina Marie Photography
(Love having an “in-house” photographer!)
Which One Is Best For Me?!
Have a hard time making decisions? Not sure which online program is the best fit for you?
I have received a few e-mails asking which I felt would be better, and I thought you might benefit from some of the questions that I asked in my replies:
1. Do you want to work with what you have? Do you like variety? (Foundations for Fall Fitness) Or do you want to focus on one workout with a group? (Beautiful YOU!)
2. Do you prefer to interact on Facebook? (Foundations has a private Facebook page) Or is a private forum better? (Beautiful YOU! has a private forum–only those registered and added by me even can see that it exists! I can help streamline finding it and you can even susbscribe to get updates via e-mail).
3. Does breaking moves down for more core focus and a teleconference call appeal more? (Beautiful YOU!) Or do you want form tips for several areas (not as in depth)? (Foundations)
4. Finances– Foundations Level 2 is $39, Level 3 is $69 and Beautiful YOU is $45, so the cost is not a lot different, but you do get 6 weeks for Foundations and Beautiful YOU! is 30 days for the month of September. However, you do get a bit more of a discount on products through Beautiful YOU!, plus the teleconference call (you can download the recording to keep), and I e-mail a weekly recap of the daily tips.
5. Do you want an individualized schedule? (Foundations) Or do you like the idea of a group of ladies all working on the same workout with different schedule options to choose from? (Beautiful YOU! has four schedule options–including one that is seated!)
These are just a few questions to ask yourself to find which program would be a better fit. On both programs we interact, encourage each other, I answer questions, we share “a-ha’s” and on both you will get form tips. Beautiful YOU! will concentrate more on the core while Foundations will have form tips for several areas. In Beautiful YOU! we will be breaking it down much more for more detailed focus on the core as the foundation of every move to get the most out of your workouts.
I hope that helps you narrow the choice down! If you have further questions you would like to ask, feel free to leave a comment or contact me!
Looking forward to helping you, whichever program you choose!
Lay a Great Foundation–or Focus on the Core!
As fall quickly approaches, school starts, canning peaks and winds down, summer vacations and barbecues fade into memory, it’s natural for us to think of getting back into a routine. If you’re like me, summer workout consistency just doesn’t happen as easily. Often we have a more active lifestyle and life beckons to break out of the rut and enjoy the long, summer days!
This past month I’ve been really focusing on my core with my new online program, Beautiful YOU! Core Concentration program. After a plateau of 4+ months, I’ve lost almost 5 inches this month! And I’ve noticed reshaping in the mid-section where I needed it most! The ladies who joined with me are noticing more mind-to-body connections at the core and find this focus is taking their workouts up a notch! Many are feeling those core muscles in a whole new way!
We will be doing Healthy Hormones Menopause Management as our workout focus for September, and I’m really excited to see what new a-ha’s we find!
I will also be offering my other online program that has been going for a year now, Foundations for Fitness. Foundations is a 6 week program and you can use whatever workouts you’d like. There is a support only level plus two other levels where you get a personalized workout schedule.
I share tips in both programs, but the core focus will be more detailed in Beautiful YOU. I share form tips in Foundations for Fall Fitness as well.
Here is a page that tells a bit about both with links to registration, if you are interested.
If you have any questions, or need help deciding which program better suits your needs, feel free to contact me!
And if you are in the Ft. Wayne, Indiana area, on September 7 there is going to be a Fitness Fusion! Lots of good tips on the core and how to take that into your workouts, everything from floor to sneaking it in! Registration is HERE!
Photo credit: Ross Berteig and Roger Karlsson
Ft. Wayne Fabulous Fitness Fusion!
It’s a fusion of fitness and fun!
THREE sessions to choose from, even mix and match to suit your needs! A special deal for all day and a SUPER FANTASTIC special if you bring a friend!
Saturday, September 7–let’s have some fitness fun as we focus on our core to optimize results! Click below to read more and register!
Ft. Wayne Fabulous Fitness Fusion!
See you there!
Photo credit: cutepictures301
But I Don’t WANT To!
Ever feel like that?!
You know you should work out. You know you should eat clean. You know you should….
But you just don’t wanna do it!
And that makes us feel guilty, which doesn’t help our bodies out at all. We resolve to do better, yet something in us just isn’t “into it”, and we either never get with it or we half-heartedly try, only to feel like like our stubborn inner child is throwing a tantrum.
Sometimes there may be adrenal issues or other health issues going on. Or perhaps your life’s plate is just super full right now. It’s okay to back off a bit.
But when you know you need to get back into it, and you just can’t make yourself, what’s the answer?
If you know for sure that you don’t have any health/adrenal issues, and it’s just a matter of giving yourself a little push, here are three simple tips to get back in the saddle–whether life derailed you, the after-vacation blahs hit, or you just have a case of the “I-don’t-wannas”!
1. Baby Steps!
Simple, yet profound! Can’t get yourself into doing a workout? Then start with 2-3 moves! Yes, seriously!
Often we underestimate the power of T-Tapp–it’s not in doing more and faster, or longer workouts with lots of target moves, but core concentration and focus and intention on muscle activation that optimize results. A few short moves, done slowly, can yield more than a workout slogged through–or worse–not done at all because it overwhelmed you!
I often advise clients to do Primary Back Stretch and pick 2 moves from Basic Workout Plus. Or you could choose 2 moves from MORE. Or any workout. If you have MORE or SunRay TappCore 2, you can do a chair workout in just 10-12 minutes–and still sweat! 😉
This tip is for eating clean, too–instead of dreading the thought of giving up that frappe or mid-afternoon pastry, why not think of adding one good choice instead?
2. Make a “date” with yourself.
I think women are notorious for putting themselves last. We somehow convince ourselves that everybody and everything else need to come first, and then we can take care of ourselves. Except everybody and everything else seem to keep coming first!
Make a “date” with yourself–put it on the calendar, in your day planner, on your phone, whatever you have to do. Just as you would keep an important doctor appointment, a lunch date with a friend or a meeting with a business client, you need to keep this appointment with yourself.
Because YOU are WORTH it!
3. Be Flexible!
When I started T-Tapp, it had to come first thing. I was homeschooling several children, overseeing chores, nursing a baby and keeping an eye on my toddler and pre-schoolers! I nursed the baby first thing in the morning and then donned my Skechers and pushed play.
Later the best time was afternoons, and for a short season, it was evenings. Now it’s back to first thing in the morning!
Don’t get hung up on all the studies that say the best time to exercise is morning or evening or whenever. The best time is when you will do it!
And if you need to change that due to your circumstances or family dynamics changing–I hereby give you permission! 😉
Bonus Tip– Watch Those Thoughts!
Okay, one more tip! It is important to not sabotage yourself before you get started! Be sure you aren’t rehearsing to yourself all your past failures in this department, or why it won’t last, how you just can’t make the time, that you have to do more than just 3 moves to see results, yada yada yada.
You look yourself in the mirror and say–
Photo credit: BenedictFrancis
Sweep Away Those Inches!
Deep Discount Tuesday this month is a new favorite–Broom 2!
A power-packed workout in just 13 minutes?!
You got it!
First, a few minutes of stepping instruction, then a few of working with the broom– then Teresa puts it all together!
Can I just say I am sweating buckets after 8 minutes of stepping with the broom?! Positioning the broom while walking will help you optimize the shoulders-in-alignment-with-the-hips form to supercharge this workout by engaging those lats to the max!
Already reasonably priced at $19.95 it’s 30% off for DDT! Just $13.97 for a little workhouse that you can fit even into the busiest day!
I have had several clients and friends tell me they LOVE Broom 2 for its shorter length but also that it also delivers a powerful PUNCH in a short time!
Click HERE to take advantage of this great deal and SWEEP those inches away! 😉
Be Mighty–with B12!
Dark circles under the eyes, pale skin, tiredness, light-headedness, easy bruising, tummy issues….what do these all have in common?
Vitamin B12 deficiency–between sitting in front of computer screens, fluorescent lighting, poor eating and stress, we all struggle to keep our levels optimal.
When I started T-Tapp, I couldn’t use the PG spray for endurance since I was exclusively breastfeeding my then 3 month old son. I had read that B12 could help, so I got more consistent using a sublingual B12 I had bought from the health food store. When it was gone, I decided to try T-Tapp’s B12–wow! I could honestly tell a difference in my endurance as well as helping with the fatigue!
As we often do, I quit being consistent with it (why do we do that, anyway?!). I started using it again this spring to help again with healing from gut issues and adrenal fatigue. Then I saw that Teresa’s B12 changed from cyanocobalamin to the better methylcobalamin! I was about out of the bottle I had so I bought the new, improved version. I was curious to see if I could tell any difference.
Wow! Was I impressed! I honestly could tell a difference between the “old” T-Tapp B12 (which was already better than what I used before) and the “new” one! And when I stay…ahem…consistent 😉 , I really can tell it’s helping!
I ran out of PG spray and am using the B12 during workouts–and it helps my endurance almost as much as PG does!
Spraying three sprays at 10am and three at 2pm can help if you are fading at those times. You can also spray any time you need a boost of energy.
There is more information at the T-Tapp store (and you can order it) HERE!
So Be Calm, Be Strong, Be Less Stressed–Be MIGHTY with T-Tapp/Better Body Basics B12!
Photo credit: Ryan